Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 410: Brain tonic is the deadliest

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Think about what the people in the special disaster group said before.

I thought it was Ling Yun's peculiar weapon, but now, no matter how stupid Zhou Rui was, he knew that Ling Yun hadn't lied to himself.

If it is true that all his treasures are true as Ling Yun said, then the myths in ancient times are likely to be true too? !

Well, Reiki definitely didn't appear three hundred years ago! In the Babylonian era four thousand years ago, it is very likely that there was already aura.

It's just that there is a possibility that things like the great changes in the world and the drying up of spirits in the novel have occurred.

However, the moment this idea came out, it deeply shocked everyone.

They just feel that there is a pair of invisible big hands controlling all this!

Reiki: Actually, I really appeared three hundred years ago, please don't make up your mind!

Just when Zhou Rui and others were thinking about whether human history was being manipulated, Ling Yun had already arrived in front of the women.

After chatting for a few words, he looked at the little fat man who was aside.

When he walked over, he raised his eyebrows at him: "Little fat guy, are you thinking about being my follow-up anchor from today?"

The little fat man trembled and looked at Ling Yun somewhat at a loss: "Big...big guy, what needs to be done?"

"It's nothing, just let you broadcast it for me while I'm fighting."

"...Big brother, I'm actually not suitable for live broadcasting in this industry. Look, can I get off the bus now?" The little fat man glanced at Ling Yun cautiously.

He would only agree if he was stupid, not to mention anything else, just now, if it weren't for Zhou Rui and the others, he would have nothing to do in this beautiful world.

"Is that so? It's a pity, otherwise I can take you with you when I go to other worlds." Ling Yun said disappointedly.


This seems plain and unremarkable, but when it falls into the ears of the little fat man, it means a complete change.

another world? !

What world is it? Another world or an underworld?

And not to mention other things, just Ling Yun's sword that tears the world apart, you let him follow Ling Yun to another world? I'm afraid it's not going to die!

Seeing another person fall into his brain tonic, Ling Yun didn't care about him either.

Back to the dimension shop with a few women on the Vimona

Dimensional shop

Ling Yun, who had returned, lay comfortably on the sofa, while Scarlett sat in his arms.

Now there are Lingyun, Esther, Scarlett and Nursery in the shop.

As for the other people, they all went shopping.

"Dad, is Sister Liya really King Arthur?" Scarlett still didn't believe it.

"Of course, when did I fool my lovely Scarlet sauce."

"But, it's strange, isn't King Arthur dead for more than two thousand years."

"Of course it's because Dad is great."

"King Arthur is dead, but Dad can summon him through special magic." As he said, he raised his head involuntarily protecting himself.

"It turned out to be like this, Dad is amazing!"

Scarlett exclaimed.


Ling Yun was also very happy to be so touted by his cheap daughter.

Ester, who was watching from the side, turned his head silently.

She said nothing.

"By the way, how did you play with Grandpa?"

In fact, he should be called Grandpa, but who made Ling Yun an orphan? The cheap old man belched after he crossed.

And call it grandpa.

Anyway, for Ling Yun, grandpa and grandpa are almost the same.

His daughter is not his own?

"It's fun! Dad, let me tell you that there are several dragons that are bigger than sister Bella!"

"It's just..." Scarlett hesitated slightly.

"Just what?"

"It's just that their wings are so small. I don't know how they flew. Sister Bella's wings spread directly to cover the sky."


Ling Yun froze for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Should he be worthy of being his daughter? What he thought was the same as he thought.


After continuing to chat with Scarlett for a while, Ling Yun walked to the counter alone.

Sat in a chair.


A golden halo appeared in the palm of his hand.

A handful of golden things resembling a small shield emerged.

This is the key to the treasure house of Babylon.

It's just that everything in the Babylonian treasury has been submerged by the flood of destruction of his Ending Sword, and its world is directly shattered by the Deviating Sword.

But no matter what, it's a world.

"Very well, the next step is to take a look at my unique world."

Ling Yun's perspective changed.

Came to a blood-red world.

Looking down at the black mud that is constantly bubbling underneath, Ling Yun's mouth has a smile.

Although this thing is a lot more trash than the black mud of God Tiamat, it is also a good enemy treasure anyway.

The next moment, Ling Yun took out the key to connect to the treasure house of Babylon.

Mind moved

The dense golden halo opened behind.

Countless fragments of the world slowly emerged.

"Isn't it boring for a world to dissipate like this? Let's turn it into a material that stabilizes my inherent barrier."

After speaking, Ling Yun directly threw the ‘key’ in his hand into the black mud.

In the next moment, those world fragments floating in the air also merged into the void.

Stabilize this small world.


Accompanied by a roar.

One by one, the pitch-black noise slowly crawled out of the black mud, and there were even flying species resembling giant dragons.

"Yes, I finally have an enemy world of my own." Ling Yun nodded in satisfaction.

Then his mind moved.

Have a special idea.

If you pull Saber over to pull out her dull hair and let her soak in it, will she get black dumb?

"Fuck! Don't think about it, the more you think, the more your heart will become." Ling Yun shook his head, and quickly threw off the idea.

He was afraid that he really couldn't help but do this.

Heidi is so handsome!

Taking a look at the black mud that kept creating an army of noises, Ling Yun released the magic and returned to the shop again.

"Lingyun Ouni sauce!"

At this moment, a crisp and sweet voice suddenly sounded.

After hearing the familiar voice, Ling Yun's eyes lit up and he quickly looked towards the door of the shop.

A little girl with purple hair and a silver-haired girl of about the same height quickly pushed open the shop door.

When the purple-haired girl saw Ling Yun, her eyes brightened, and the silver-haired girl who was helpless next to her rushed towards Ling Yun.

In the kitchen

Thor, who heard the voice, also came out but after seeing the figure, he showed a gentle smile: "Hello, sister Sakura."

"That, are you?"

Sakura looked at Thor in confusion.

"Ling Yun, you melon skin, give me rough!"

However, at this moment, an abrupt voice sounded.

Zhou Nan rushed into the shop angrily.

Ling Yun raised his brows: "Oh, isn't this our Zhou Daguan? Why? Five-finger girls are not fun anymore? Our shop does not provide incentives for consumption."

Zhou Nan: "..."

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