Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 416: Cute King Rimuru vs Cute Girl Shatia

"Master Limuru, retreat! This person is not something we can deal with!"

Cang Ying, who was stabbed by the dropper spear to the tree trunk, gritted his teeth and stood up.

At this moment, he was covered in blood, but still did not choose to retreat.

Because in his opinion, this is already his home, and he wants to dedicate everything to it!

"Shion, take Master Limru away." Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Hong Wan stretched out his hand, and a cloud of purgatory flame ignited in his hand.

"Hong Wan, Cang Ying!"

Limru looked at the two people standing in front of him, feeling a little moved.

"Hahaha, are you making me laugh? The three ants want to escape from my hand? Are you looking down on me?!" Xia Tiya smiled and lowered her head.

A scarlet light flashed in his pupils.

Looking at Xia Tiya who was laughing, he took another look at the shattered city around, and Limru let out a deep sigh.


"What?" Shatia was taken aback, and she didn't understand Limru's words.

"Destroying the city that I have spent countless thoughts to build like this is absolutely unforgivable!" Limlu took a deep breath and looked at her with determination and anger.

"...Hahahaha, are you making me laugh? The weak slime!" After a brief astonishment, Xia Tiya seemed to have heard some great joke of the century and burst into laughter.

Even the dropper and spear in his hand almost couldn't hold it for a while.

It can be seen how ridiculous Rimru's remarks are in Shatia's ears.

who is she? The guardian of the first to third floors of the underground tomb of Nazarick, the true ancestor-level vampire, the one-hundred-level boss!

A little slime who didn't even have a level sixty and a few little ghosts of over thirty levels.

Tell her unforgivable? !

Listening to the unabashed ridicule, Limru clenched her fists: "I will make you regret it!"

"Oh? Then use your life to prove it!"

Xia Tiya stopped laughing, her mouth showing a trace of contempt.

The next moment, the figure suddenly disappeared in place.

"Master Rimuru!"

Seeing Shatia disappear suddenly, Hongwan and Cangying's pupils shrank sharply, quickly guarding Limru.

"Idiot, up there!"

The voice of disdain suddenly appeared in the sky.

Looking up, she saw Xia Tiya holding a dropper and a spear penetrating through her belly and below.

Limru took a deep breath and raised his head

"Storm Dragon's wind and moon!"

A golden roar roared out, vaguely with power running through the sky.



Shatia smiled disdainfully at the oncoming attack.

The figure flashed.

Activated the skill: high-level teleport.

At the next moment, the horrified eyes of the two Hongmaru suddenly appeared beside Rimuru.

The dropper spear slammed out.


Limru let out a muffled grunt.

Immediately afterwards, his hands turned into slimes, and he quickly grabbed the red pill and Cang Ying, and exploded back fifty meters.

"It's boring, it's so boring! My blood hasn't fallen at all." Standing in place, Xia Tiya waved the dropper spear in her hand and said boredly.

The dropper spear was shining scarlet.

"The ground of the cave dragon is cracked!"

Limru yelled.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying gravity spread from the ground.

Numerous faults have appeared directly in the surrounding land, which is comparable to a magnitude ten earthquake!

But Shatia's expression did not change the slightest, instead she stomped gently against the ground.

A spread of energy.

In the next moment, the ground was strangely calm again.

"Rimuru, right? Your attack is good, but our level difference is too big." Shatia snorted.

"Your skills are of no use at all."

Lim looked solemnly at the woman in front of him.

It was too buggy, and his attack could not cause any harm at all.

And the other party seems to know that he has the skill of gluttony, and has been on guard, making it difficult for him to shoot at all.

"You are not Demon Lord Milim, who are you?!"

"Oh? Who do you think I should be?" Xia Tiya asked with interest.

"Shatia, Shatia Bradfren!"

Sure enough, Shatia narrowed her pupils after hearing Limru's words.

"How did you know?"

"Because I am the Supreme Slime of Nazarick!" Limru thought of what Ling Yun said in the group.

I copied it and said it, thinking that it should be possible to delay the time.


"what did you say?!"

When Xia Tiya heard these words, she seemed to be stimulated, and her voice suddenly became low.


Limru felt something was wrong.

"A mere slime, dare to insult the Supreme Master?! Unforgivable!"

Xia Tiya looked terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, a white figure suddenly separated from her body and rushed towards Limru.

"Dirty, inferior, and inferior slime, dare to insult the great and supreme Supreme Master, I must make you regret coming to this world!"

Nazarick's supreme, arguably Shatia's most respected person.

But the most sacred and supreme being in my heart was wantonly insulted by a little slime?

Xia Tiya will never allow it!

"Uh, it seems to be messed up!"

Seeing Shatia surrounded by black air, Rimuru expressed panic!

"Master Limuru, you retreat first, we stay and break."

"Today, none of you want to escape!"

The heroic warriors and Xia Tiya stepped on the ground fiercely, and burst out with the sound of breaking the wind.


Suddenly a white figure appeared in front of Limru and others.

"Lao Bai?!" Lim smiled at the moment he saw the figure.

"Old man, get out of me!"

Xia Tiya screamed out of anger, and the artifact dropper spear directly broke the old white sword, and then swept away with a single shot.

Smashed it on a house, turning the house into rubble.

"Old White!"

"The water formation of the Neptune Dragon is round!"

Looking at the old Shirao in the ruins, Limru's pupils shrank and stretched out his hand subconsciously.

Numerous water blades suddenly appeared.

It turned into a tornado and rushed towards Xia Tiya.


With a cold snort, Xia Tiya didn't need to flash at all.

Those water blades hit her armor without leaving a single white cross.

"Is this the legendary armor? Big guys, when are you coming!" Limru looked at Xia Tiya who raised the dropper and spear, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on her forehead.


At this moment, a soft drink sounded.


In the sky, a huge blade of fire suddenly appeared.

Perceiving the energy contained in the blade of fire, Xia Tiya's complexion changed and she quickly retreated.


The blade of fire hit the ground, and in an instant, it drowned everything.

"Damn! Kevin, you bastard!"

Limru looked at the city flooded by fire, her expression changed drastically.

He was desperately protecting, but you burned me up?

"who are you?!"

Xia Tiya looked at the man in front of her warily.

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