Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 433: So shiny, so bright, so handsome!

   "Have you noticed? Both of his swords are weapons no lower than the artifact level! No...maybe stronger than the artifact!" After the ice crystal long sword in Yibiruai's hand was shattered.

   The pretty face under the mask was a bit solemn.

   "Ah, but I won't lose!" Rafasi also replied.

   Both hands clenched the magic sword in his hand——Zili Niram!



  The group of floating swords floating behind Lavasi flew out fiercely, and shot towards Lingyun.

   "Is it better than the remote?" Ling Yun laughed after watching.

   "Compared to the remote, I have never been afraid of anyone!"

   The cold voice fell.

   In the next second, six golden halos opened from behind Ling Yun.

   As if the world is only gold left!

  Six treasures including knives, guns, and swords slowly emerged from it.

   "So beautiful..." The little princess' eyes were full of yearning.

"How can it be?!"

   Unlike the little princess, Ibiruai’s pupils were full of shock and horror.

   What did she see? !

   When Ibiruai was shocked, the treasure that burst out and the group of floating swords of Lavasi collided.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   There was an explosion and dust in the air.

   but right after

   A scene of horror for Lavasi appeared.

   The six treasures pierced through the dust at the same time, and shot towards Lavasi.

   "What?!" Lavasi's pupils shrank sharply.

   Although her floating sword group is not a magic weapon, how can it be a high-level weapon? !

   This is the first time she has met in this situation.

   makes this blond girl who is usually sick all stupid.


   Fortunately, Ibiruai responded in time and quickly took Lavasi to escape.

   Then he avoided the attack of six treasures.

   "Hey? Not bad."

   Ling Yun, holding the terminator sword, glanced at the automatically recovered treasure in the pitted ground in the distance, and chuckled at everyone.


   There was a crisp snapping sound.

   Several more halos opened behind Ling Yun.

   More than a dozen treasures slowly emerged from the halo.

   "Bagana! It turned out to be...all of them are legendary artifacts!"

   As Ibiruai's words fell, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

   The little princess trembled.

   You have to know that the secret treasure of the entire kingdom is only a set of artifacts. Not to mention the quality, but the quantity alone. This man who suddenly appeared has the background to rival the entire kingdom? !

   Feeling the severity of the scene, the little guard Klem tightly held the long sword in his hand.

   "Who are you anyway?!" Ibiruai took a deep breath and asked loudly.

   She understood well and thoroughly.

   The man in front of you can never stand up!


   This is the only way!

   "Sa, who knows, I am the one being attacked." Ling Yun chuckled lightly.

   "Run away!"


   According to Biruai's words, Cang Qiangwei and Lana and the little guard were taken aback.

   "This guy is simply a monster! It's unheard of that one person can control so many artifacts at the same time!"

   "Are you going to run?"

   "Don't, let me see how strong the legendary steel-grade adventurer is."

   Ling Yun gave a chuckle.

   The terminating sword in his hand swung forward fiercely.

   The golden sword energy broke through the soil and flew towards everyone.


   Yibiruai shouted, and blocked the rushing sword energy alone.

   "Now, this is blocked, how to block this?" Ling Yun chuckled, stretched out his hand, and waved at the void.

   The golden halo flashed.

   More than a dozen treasures were shot out in an instant.

   Seeing the treasure that burst out, everyone knew how serious things were.

   "Princess, it's rude!"

   Rafasi reacted, said to Lana, and directly hugged him.

   Ge Gran also picked up the little guard and ran towards the distance.

   "Magic resistance breakthrough is the strongest crystal short sword!"


   Quadruple magic appeared in Ibiruai's little hand.

   Immediately afterwards, an ice sword burst towards Ling Yun.


   The ice crystal shattered directly.


   I don't know when, Ling Yun was actually wrapped in a silver-white chain, and the previous crystal sword was offset by the chain end.


   A scream sounded, and a treasure would knock Ibiruai into flight.

   made him roll a few times on the ground in an embarrassing manner.

   "Crystal barrier!"

   After stopping, Ibiruai waved his small hand to the sky.

   The crystal barrier opens.

   It's just a pity that this fragile crystal barrier was bombed into a sieve after only a few seconds after being bombarded by the treasure.

   "Hey, this magic is good." Ling Yun's dark eyes lit up and he fumbled for his chin.

   The Eye of Truth scanned it.

   "Yes, as long as it is strengthened a little, it is very practical." Ling Yun nodded in satisfaction.

   Suddenly, Ling Yun's mind was excited.

   is difficult

   Is this a house-building technique comparable to that of Mudun? !

   "The realm of sand, the whole realm!"

   Ibiruai yelled, and the sand and dust suddenly covered it, directly covering it, thus disturbing Lingyun's sight.

   creates time to escape for Lavasi and others.


   But at this moment, a familiar voice came into Ibirue's ears.

   "Rafasi?! What are you doing when you come back?" Ibiruai turned her head when she heard the voice, looked shocked at the Lafasi who appeared behind her, and immediately called out anxiously.

   Isn't she trying so hard to give them enough time to leave?

   In the end, you did well, and you ran back.

   Ibiruai felt a little vomiting blood.

   But everyone has already returned, and it's useless to talk about it.

   "Why don't you talk about it, you can't handle it alone, right?"

  菈萩si held the magic sword Qilin Niram and shouted: "Super Skill·Dark Blade Super Crossbow Shockwave!"

   The next moment, the magic sword like a starry sky suddenly expanded.

   blasted towards the Lingyun race.

   "Crystal barrier."

   In response, Ling Yun just stretched out his hand lightly and lightly.


   The next moment, the magic sword Qilini Ram slammed into a huge crystal barrier, and could no longer advance any further.


   The Bone King was taken aback when he felt the movement.

   then summoned his own magic mirror and took out the brown scroll.

   The next second, the scroll ignited without wind, and then, a picture appeared on the magic mirror.

   "Ling Yun? How did this guy fight with others?"

   Bone King said curiously.

   "Wait! What kind of trick is this?! Let's go, why don't I have such a pretending skill?" Seeing that the King of Treasure Queen Bone King's pupils protruded, he said enviously.

   So flashing, so bright, so handsome!


   "This is... my magic?!" Ibiruai looked at the crystal wall blocking the magic sword and subconsciously called out.

   "It's very practical, but it's mine in the next second." Ling Yun smiled and nodded.

   "How is it possible! This is my original magic! You can see it once?!" Ibirui's voice rang out in disbelief.

  菈萩si squeezed the magic sword in her hand.

   This man is so weird!

   "Is it difficult?" Ling Yun's flat voice came from the opposite "..."

is it hard?

The three words    pricked Ibiruai's heart like a nail.

   "Okay, the lesson for you is almost the same, remember to keep a low profile next time."

   "I know a lot of monsters stronger than Demon God in this continent."

After    finished speaking, the halo behind Ling Yun slowly sank into the void.

   "Aren't you the enemy?!" Looking at Ling Yun who had put away the treasure of the king, Ibiruai was taken aback.

   "I didn't say that I was an enemy from the beginning? I just happened to pass by, and you rushed up indiscriminately." Ling Yun rolled his eyes.

   Ibiruai was taken aback.

   If you say that, think about it for yourself, it seems that they really did it first.

   Here, Ling Yun briefly taught a few people and then put his hands in his waistband and prepared to leave.

   "Wait, where are you going?"

   "Of course I continued to walk, and then went home for dinner."

   Ibiruai: "......"

   Is this the brain circuit of the strong?


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