Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 435: It’s really troublesome. I married 2 of them.

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Ling Yun: "In Xiu'er, I would like to call you the strongest!"

Kevin: "Because the one that shines is enough? Hahaha! @大古, 笑死爷, do you want to laugh at the lord and then inherit the lord's world snake?"

Dagu: "By the way, I will inherit your wife and all the female subordinates of your World Snake."

Kevin: "!!!"

King Power Hegemony: "Fuck? @大古, I got it!"

Kevin: "Do you understand a hammer, believe it or not that my sack of sap and drug addiction directly makes Dongfang Huaizhu inseparable from me?"

King Power’s Hegemony: "Fuck?! You are a naked threat! Is it possible to achieve that I can't allow me to be exceptionally talented?"

Mi Long: "You have a hammer, yours is to inherit other wives and daughters?"

Ling Yun: "Will you raise your wife?"

Suzuki Satoru: "@凌云, you are not right."

Ling Yun: "As for the whole group, you are not qualified to say me. Why didn't you think about it when you modified Albedo's settings? Are you right about your good brother Cuiyulu?"

Suzuki Satoru: "Ahem!"

The Bone King Natharik began to cough violently.

This is his biggest stain.

Suzuki Satoru: "Don't mention it!"

Suzuki Satoru: "@大古, it's exposed, sure enough, even after 30 million years, your scumbag nature is still difficult to change."

If you want to keep the topic off your body, the best way is to change the topic.

You see, the big ancient brother next to him has been cold for a long time.

He decided to make Dagu the first brother of group chat again.

Dagu: "..."

Others are stupid.

How did it lead to him again?

Dagu: "You asked me to say it."

Camilla: "Haha, Tiga, it turns out that this is your reason."

Ling Yun: "Scumbag, @卡米拉, it's not a pity for this kind of person to die, he even lost the magic rod, but it is a couple with your transfiguration device, do you know? He just lost it, now Every day I borrow power from his father-in-law."

Dagu: "Puff! Lingyun, are you ying me?"

Camilla: "Good good! Diga, don't let me see you again! Otherwise I will..."

Camilla laughed angrily, and even lost the light stick? !

Ling Yun: "You can't see him anymore. After that, Tiga will be dominated by darkness and turned into a stone statue by Gatanjae, and he will be trampled to death, completely dead.

Dagu: "???"

Suzuki Satoru: "..."

Mengxin said that she did not dare to speak.

Kevin: "Isn't it not reported, the time has not come?"

Milong: "Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!"

Ling Yun: "Justice partner? I know you, you are the same as Er Zhuzi's dubbing."

Milong: "???"

Camilla: "@凌云, although I don't know who you are, thank you for telling me the news. After Gatangieu comes out, it will definitely loosen Luluye's ruins, and then we will be able to come out."

King Power Hegemony: "We?"

Suzuki Satoru: "Camilla and Diga’s former brothers Durham and Hitler were sealed in the Luluye Ruins."

The Old Bone King gave everyone a spoiler.

King Power Hegemony: "Fuck? There is something, lonely man... Uh, two men and one woman have been sealed for 30 million years? I don't believe it if there is nothing!"

Camilla: "..."

Dagu: "..."

He felt a little green on his head.

Risa: "Is it so fast?"

Rick: "@大古, strong, brother!"

Dagu: "Am I special!"

His heart was inexplicably irritable, but he couldn't tell.

Ling Yun: "@王权霸业, the brain circuit is clear, I think I need to look at you again."

Wangquan Hegemony: "Why are you looking at me? I just tell you what is most likely to happen, and let Dagu prepare mentally in advance."

Camilla: "I and Durham are just ordinary friends."

Although he knew that these people were joking, Camilla explained it subconsciously.

Limlu: "Actually, I can tell that Sister Camilla still likes Dagu. Should we consider spending time with Sister Camilla again? @大古"

Camilla: "Forget it, I don't deserve it."

Ling Yun: "Let's put it this way, Dagu likes tender ones."


Rimuru's sip of tea just squirted out.

A pair of slimes stared wide.

What do you like tender.

Are you Xiu'er?

Camilla: "Does this mean I am old and yellow?"

Dagu: "@卡米拉, if you want light, I can help you."

Ling Yun: "Physics is overwhelming?"

Camilla: "Bright, haha, I don't need it anymore."

Xiaomeng: "As an Ultra fighter, how can you surrender to the darkness? @卡米拉, if you want to get light, I can help you! Don't fall."

Camilla: "Ulterior Warrior...Are you too?"

Ling Yun: "@小梦, calm, calm child, Camilla is not the evil darkness like Beria, but the purest darkness, understand? It's just like pure light."

Xiaomeng: "??? Not too understanding. But Camilla, do you want to join the Kingdom of Light?"

King Power Hegemony: "@大古, you are watching the show. Your ex-girlfriend is going to be poached!"

Dagu: "What?"

Camilla: "Land of Light...what kind of place is it?"

Ding! Xiao Meng uploaded a video.

Luluye Ruins

Camilla immediately clicked on the video uploaded by Mambius.

The moment he clicked it on, Camilla was attracted by the beautiful planet.

This is the third perspective.

Seen from the outside.

The entire kingdom of light is like a luminous sphere, beautiful and magnificent.

"so beautiful!"

At first glance, Camilla was attracted by this beautiful planet.

The pupils are filled with infinite yearning.


"This is a world that belongs only to light."

Camilla looked at the dark space around and shook her head.


A sigh resounded through Luluye.

Milong: "@大古, you fool, think about it carefully, you will know that Xiao Meng is now single, but now there is another woman who yearns for the bright, Altman, who knows what to do."

Xiao Meng: "??? What are you talking about, I really just want to help her."

Kevin: "It's better to kill by mistake than to let it go! For example, the guy Otto dared to invite Mei to the world snake? I was so angry that I almost dismantled the destiny."

Ling Yun: "It's not that it didn't happen in the end."

Kevin: "That's because Mei stopped me, otherwise I must dismantle it!"

Dagu looked at the information in the group chat with a complicated expression.

Take another look at Lina, who is working next to her.

One is a woman who has never given up loving herself even if she has abandoned her.

One is a woman who she likes but doesn't know whether the other person loves her or not.

It's so hard to choose.

The most important thing is that Camilla is the woman from Diga before.

Although he has the genetic factor of Tiga, he is not the real Tiga after all.

To be precise, He, Dagu, doesn't like second-hand!

Doesn't Pure Little Lina smell good?

The Dragon Maid of Xiao Ling's family: "So, what do you want to do so much, just let Dagu marry both of them directly?"

Dagu: "!!!"

Kevin: "Good guy, when it comes to this, someone who is watching the screen jumped out. @大古, it's really dirty."

Dagu: "I'm qndy, I just expressed shock."

Camilla: "Actually, I always wanted to ask, Lina...who is she? Is she nasty?"

Suzuki Satoru: "No, she is very pure."

Dagu: "..."

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