Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 451: Cosmic dinosaur

Was hung up, just when it was about to dial out again

The whole Yin Yang Society shakes the mountain for a while

"What's the matter?!" Jiang Chuan Shun also quickly got up from the chair and asked loudly.

"Commander, our attack can't be stopped at all!"

A man hurriedly pushed open the door and came to him.

Jiang Chuan Shun also turned his head, looking at the huge figure in the picture with a gloomy expression.

At this moment, the island nation is facing an unprecedented crisis.

A huge, 70-meter-high monster suddenly fell from the sky, without any words, directly and indiscriminately began to destroy the land of the island nation.

Like the hands of giant tongs, the building was cut into pieces as easily as tofu in front of it. .

A whole street is destroyed with a kick.

"Inverse scales of the sky!"

A clear shout from the sky

A huge sword of ten meters long descended from the sky.

The target is exactly the monster that is destroying the city.

The island nation is facing an unprecedented crisis

at this moment

As an island nation mobile organization, the war girl certainly needs to go to the battlefield.


The huge long sword hit the monster.

Not only did it cause no damage to it, but the giant sword was twisted, layered on top of each other, and finally scrapped.

Feng Mingyi saw that a move was unsuccessful, so he jumped and jumped to the distant building.

"This monster!"

Xueyin Kris gritted her teeth.

She fought very frustrated in this battle.

The missile she is proud of is like tickling the opponent.

It's the same even when it is opened.

Can't make a little effect!

"Don't give up, our goal is to stop it, so that more people can flee." Fengmingyi said solemnly.

This monster came so suddenly that the entire island nation was caught off guard.

As a result, the island nation’s combat power can only be forced to defend.

Following Fengmingyi's words fell.

Colorful lights lit up from all around, and finally Huawei rushed towards the monster.

There are metals, ice, flames, etc. in these lights.

But without exception, it has no effect except for more sparks.

Not even the monster's skin was breached.

"What kind of monster is this particular? The full blow of the sixth-order transcendent did not even leave a scratch?!" Jiang Chuan Shun, who was sitting in the command room, also looked dignified, his face gloomy and terribly gloomy.

Not only that, just now

The island nation mobilized its strongest military force, and dozens of rows of intercontinental missiles hit it.

Except for a little spark, nothing happened at all. Instead, the surrounding buildings destroyed one piece after another.

"Damn it!" Looking at the intact monster in the screen, Jiang Chuan Shun also hammered the table with a heavy punch.

Looking at the secretary next to him with red eyes: "When will Longguo's support arrive?"

The secretary was taken aback, but also quickly answered: "It will take 30 minutes at the fastest."

"Thirty minutes?"

"Huh! Open the eight-foot mirror, absolutely can't let other cities on the runway." After speaking, Jiang Chuan Shun disappeared in place.

Compared with this, the battlefield needs him to take a seat.

The secretary opened his mouth and then sighed.

In fact, it usually doesn't take thirty minutes, and even one minute can be rushed over by teleportation.

But after the monster descended on the land of the island country, some white floating spheres resembling energy spread from the body to the surroundings.

The speed of these spheres is so fast that there is no room for reaction at all.

After the reaction, these things have flown to the territories of all countries in the world.

Then a scene of horror appeared.

These spheres seem to have life, and they turned into powerful monsters by adsorbing the ore on the ground!

Without exception, countries all over the world have been caught off guard and are defending against this unknown creature.

Although these monsters born through the white spheres are not strong, they cannot stand the huge numbers.

It is only a matter of time before the strength of countries is eliminated.

But his island country can't wait!

When other countries come to destroy the monsters, the island nation may have already sunk.

at this time

The destroyed monster in the city suddenly stopped.

It turned around, and the direction was surprisingly the direction from which the intercontinental missile was launched.

It seemed that humans angered him.

The hands that are like giant pliers gather on the chest.

The yellow crystal on his body was still shining, and the flames from **** condensed in his chest.

Then, it turned into a huge fireball!

"not good!"

On the battlefield, Jiang Chuanjun, who was commanding the layout, also shrank his pupils after feeling the energy that would destroy the world.

There was no time to think, he turned and disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared on a tall building several hundred meters in front of the sea fleet.

A jet-black bow and arrow extended from the void.

The jet black feathers of fire turned into black flames and lay on the bow and arrow, staring at the monster directly in front of him.

"Hurry up and unfold the magical eight-foot mirror!"

Umekawanaiku, who was in charge, shouted loudly.

A group of researchers reacted quickly after a brief stupefaction, and hurriedly manipulated the machine.


In the middle of the ruins, a low voice came from the monster's mouth.

The next moment, the fireball on his chest was pushed forward by him.


The fireball instantly turned into a cannonball and rushed in the direction of the sea fleet.


At this moment, in the void

A yellow light spreads

A protective shield was formed and stood in front of Junya Jiang Chuan.

Let his heart breathe out a little.

The eight-foot mirror is also one of the three great artifacts of the island nation, and the legendary strength also made him a little relieved.

In the base one hundred meters underground in Yin Yang Community of the island country

A simple mirror exudes endless light.

Around it are instruments that transmit energy.

No accident, the fireball from bursting directly hit the shield.


At the moment of touching, a broken sound came, shocking the researcher guarding the eight-foot mirror.

When he looked at it, he was shocked to find that the eight-foot mirror was full of cracks!

"The barrier of the eight-foot mirror...broken?" He stared at the broken light barrier dullly.

Jiang Chuan Shun also looked dumbfounded.

Shocked, shocked, but the movements on his hands are not slow.


The roar sounded.


The arrow shot out and turned into a pitch-black firebird, slamming into the fireball that had just broken through.

But at the moment of contact.

The pitch-black flame seemed to have encountered an enemy, and was directly swallowed by the fireball.

After a stalemate for a second, the fireball continued to blast towards the front.


Jiang Chuan-shun was so shocked that he could speak his mother tongue.

But before he could react, a huge fireball quickly flew over his head.

Finally rushed directly to the aircraft carrier fleet at sea

Bang bang bang!

An earth-shattering explosion sounded.

The sea was directly blown up.

The wreckage of all fleets was swallowed by sea water and flames.

The sea water was evaporated, and a pillar of fire pierced through the sky with a huge mushroom cloud!


The bow and arrow in his hand fell directly to the ground


Jiang Chuansun also turned his head blankly

With pale lips, he looked at the bottomless pit of a kilometer in diameter on the sea.

Sea breeze

With a hint of gunpowder

The high-level officials of the entire island nation looked at the pictures on the screen and were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

The only army in the island nation is wiped out!


The monster seemed to be very satisfied with his masterpiece, nodded humanely, making a pleasant voice.

Around the city

Countless Onmyojis were frightened. U U Reading

The warriors of the cool commander in Umekawa were also stunned.

Staring blankly at the shattered sea.

Except for the "crack" of the flames and the sound of monsters, there was no sound in the entire battlefield.

"It's over! Everything is over! Even the commander-in-chief has been defeated."

"Our island nation is going to be destroyed!"

After a brief silence, the voice of despair spread throughout the island nation.

In the underground refuge room

The adults hugged their children tightly.

Looking at the black and yellow figure standing in the ruins in fear.

Jiang Chuan Shun also had pale lips and a pale face, looking at the monster standing on top of the ruins with a trembling voice.

"Monster! This must be a monster beyond the eighth rank!"

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