Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 457: Ding! The monster card is generated!

   Ling Yun shook hands and felt the Suzu armor on his body.

   Masks can cover Suzuo, why can't he Ultraman?

   "In order to win, come to me! The undead sun, please give me a shining horse. A spiritual horse with glorious feet, bring the light wheel that symbolizes your lord!"

   Raise the Demon Sword in his hand

   Chanting and singing the spirit of words.

   Anytime, let's release a white horse from the sun.

   no matter where you are

   can't lose even if you force the grid!


   After Ling Yun's words fell, the divine power wheel floating behind it began to rotate, and finally pointed to the ancient circle of a horse.


   The next moment, only the sound of a horse is heard.

   Many big guys quickly adjust satellites.

   saw a scene that shocked them

   At the center of the sun in the distance, there is a shining white horse galloping? !

   obeyed Ling Yun's call and drove toward here.

Where    passed, the void turned into flames, leaving a passage of flames.

   At this moment, countless people have reached an absurd conclusion in their hearts.

   Ling Yun can control the sun? !


   without the slightest accident

   The white horse slammed into Hyppajdon.

   A white firework burst out in the universe.


  Hypajdon, who was entangled in the white flame, let out a painful cry.

The heavy armor on    turned into red molten iron at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   but soon

   yellow light shines

   The white flame entwined around him is slowly being absorbed.

   "Do you think it might be possible for you to succeed?" Ling Yun inside Galaxy Victory sneered.

   The long sword in his hand swung fiercely at the void.


   Thunder rang.

   The power of the goat and the energy of the core of the Law of Thunder exploded.

   Two thunders, one yellow and one purple, smashed from the void to the most vulnerable joint of the wings behind Hyppajdon.


   The fall of the wings obviously caused even stronger damage to Hyppajdon.

   Even the sound he made began to growl.

  Qiong silently watched the sound of "great power" in the screen.

   Is this guy really the usual Lingyun who laughs?

   "Big Brother is amazing!" Xia Ran looked admiringly in front of the TV.

   Kang Na tilted her head in dissatisfaction, still muttering in her mouth:'What's the matter, I can do it easily when I grow up. \'

   Xia Yuan, who was washing vegetables and preparing lunch, gave a wry smile.

   I was really lucky to have promised Zhang Yi to test Ling Yun not to be killed.

   Cao Yanbing: " this the power of the owner?!"

   Town Soul Street

   Cao Yanbing, who is taking care of his younger brother while dealing with evil spirits, has longing and envy in his eyes.

so good

  He is still fighting evil spirits on the ground

   The owner of the shop has already beaten monsters in space.

   Mother of Chakra: "..."

   If Kevin was the most idle person in the group, then after Hui Ye joined the group chat, he changed hands completely.

  Hui Ye was in ancient times without any entertainment.

   If she is a man, she can go to some places to play, but she is a woman, but she is still the kind of undesirable and powerful woman.

   is just like an infinite cute dragon.

  The only fun is the water, otherwise it is to wait for the fruit of the sacred tree to mature.

   After eating, then continue to do nothing.

  Kevin: "Hypajdon? Isn't this an overrun catastrophe?"

   Lingyun: "The sky is clear, the rain has stopped, do you think you can do it again?"

  Camilla: "...You can still be distracted by the water?"

   Camilla expressed shock

   In the face of such a powerful enemy, he would return to the water group without regaining his energy.

   Is it worthy to be the most mysterious shopkeeper?

   Ling Yun: "Isn't this a routine operation?"

  Camilla: "......"

   is different, we are really different!

   Qingqingzhu: "@凌云, Lingyun brother, fight hard, I will feel distressed if I am injured."

   Lingyun: "Good!"

   His wife speaks, he naturally has to be more serious.

   He looked at Hyppajdon, whose wings were blocked by the lock of the sky in the distance.

   squinted his eyes and stretched out his left hand to the void.

   The flat voice echoed in the universe:

   "I will show the basket (name) of the lock of heaven here!"

   In the next second, a golden light with a diameter of one thousand meters emerged from Hyppajdon's feet.


  Hapagerton looked at the gold under his feet curiously.

   But in the next second it won't be curious anymore.

   A chain rushed to the sky directly from below

   penetrates directly through Hyppajdon’s hard body!


   "The break of dawn has broken through the earth, and what is displayed now is the silence of the stars!"


   words are like the fuse to light a bomb

   in an instant

   The light under Hyppajdon’s feet exploded!

  Countless silver chains reproduce the sky

   pierced Hyppajdon’s limbs without any hindrance.


   "Damn! What extraordinary weapon is this?"

   "Does the chain have such a strong ability?"

   "I found it, it is a lock of heaven, an artifact in Mesopotamian mythology!"

   Countless people were shocked by the sky full of golden chains.

   island country

   on a building

   Zhou Rui and others stood here looking up at the sky.

   "No matter how many times I watch it, it's so shocking." Zhou Rui sighed.

   raise his head slightly

   can actually see the chains swimming in the sky from the ground.

   The observing satellites of various countries are all stunned.

what is this?

   Before, I watched all big countries, but this time even some remaining small countries have been observed.

   The Vatican is boiling again


   See you again

   If it weren't for Longguo's blockade, plus the fear of angering Lingyun, they would have gone to look for Lingyun long ago.


   In the sound of Weng in the air

   The huge chain head smashed heavily on Hypargerton's head!

   "Sharp teeth! Kill it with one blow, trample it to pieces!"

  The spirit of words fell, and the huge wild boar stood up in the void.

  Because it is the omnipotence released in the Otter state.

   So this wild boar has expanded ten times more than usual!

   cover the sky and cover the sun

   saw all countries frightened

   "Fuck?! The wild boar went to heaven?!"

   "For decades in my life, I can't be better than a pig?"

   "What kind of ability is this...what? What did I see? I threw it out! A pig's foot treads the void?! I'm reading a novel?"

   "What did you say upstairs, it's obviously not an ordinary pig, it's a sacred pig!"


   Compared with the brainless shock of countries, the Internet is a lot happier.

   The power-derived wild boar roared, stepping on the void and the lock of the sky and bumping into Hyppajdon.

   Ling Yun put away the lock of the sky that imprisoned Hypajton

   Watching Hyppajdon continue to destroy meteorites in the meteorite belt.

   "The power of the world of the godslayer and the world of fate has been demonstrated, and the next thing is to destroy the world."


   The scarlet fictional power began to be constructed in the universe.

   In the end countless tanks, destroyers, and battleships emerged.

   This ability has been used less recently.

   is mainly mysterious and too fragrant.


   a simple sentence

   was accompanied by countless artillery fire.

   Boom boom boom!

   Even a silent universe

   also made a slight whine at this moment.

   "Want to run?" Ling Yun could see through Hypargerton's movements at a glance.


   chain collision

   The lock of the sky re-locked Hyppajdon’s limbs.

  Hapagerton: "???"

   I'm gonna come again?

   But Hypajton, who is locked here, can no longer use teleport, and can only watch the runway in front of him.

   it closed its eyes

   Forget it

   Take it honestly.

   just when it is ready to accept fate


   A purple thunder and lightning suddenly exploded flowers behind with a ‘Peng’ sound.

   The severe pain forced it to open its eyes again.

   found five cores of different colors floating around Lingyun.

  Hypajdon: "#%&*@!"

   "Hey, don't confess my fate so quickly. If I don't finish my moves, other people will think that I am thick and thin."


  Hypajdon hasn't had time to finish

   was annihilated by a bunch of artillery fire.

   "Quick battle and quick decision."

   Ling Yun quickly took out the starkiller of the game life world.

   A laser pierced the universe and directly penetrated the fire produced by artillery.


   put away the crystal chess pieces

   Ling Yun stretched out his hand

   Three thousand-handed fighting ghosts appeared in the void.

   "Canglong breaks!"


   Three thousand thunders hit Below is Hokage. "

   Lingyun pull bow

   "Indra's Arrow!"


   is another perfect hit.

"last blow."

  【Alter Fusion Ray】

   Endless energy gathering

   gathered the power of the eight Ultramans, and finally turned into a burst of light and shot towards Hypajton.


  The light sinks into Hypagdon's body


   Dense cracks appeared in Hyppajdon's body.

   finally turned into a bright galaxy in a humming sound and disappeared into the universe.

   "Ding! Hypageton residual energy detected, absorbing..."

   "Ding! Succeeded in absorbing, Hypageton card is being generated..."


   Galactic Victory body

   A black and yellow card slowly emerged from the void and fell in front of Ling Yun.



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