Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 459: Title mother loves me, I don’t love title mother

Dagu: "@凌云, what the **** did you guy do to Camilla!"

As soon as I entered, someone's questioning sound was like thunder!

Shocked the minds of all members of the group.

Risa: "???"

Milong: "Is there a situation?!"

Kevin: "Something tricky?!"

In an instant, all members of the peeping screen were blown out.

King Power Hegemony: "Oh my God, what happened during the time I was away?! Why did the shopkeeper get together with Camilla?"

Sophie: "No way..."

Sophie's tone was also full of disbelief.

Ling Yun: "??? What? @大古, tell the Lord clearly why I am innocent."

He was a little confused.

Dagu: "What did you do, didn't you count yourself? Camilla was crying!"

Camilla: "....."

Kevin: "Good fellow! I'm a direct good fellow! I didn't expect Ling Yun that you actually like the second*."

Kevin in the world snake couldn't help taking a breath.

Why does a powerful female warrior cry because the battle is not going well? !

Do not! This is absolutely impossible.

So there is only one situation left.

That is Ling Yun took away Camilla's very important thing!

In addition, Camilla's love and hatred for Da Gu's 30 million years of unforgettable love and hatred and Da Gu's words at this moment all show one point.

That is!

Camilla was *crying! ! !

Dimensional shop

Looking at Kevin's news, Ling Yun had a black line on his forehead.

Ling Yun: "Fuck you, I don't like Camilla."

Camilla: "..."

Is it so unwelcome?

Tiga left me, and now even the shopkeeper I just met is responding to her like this.

Is it possible that I am really so bad?

Camilla looked at her hands and fell into self-doubt for a while.

Broken Queen: "@大古, Camilla is crying, you who have broken her heart come to join in the fun, the rest is over?"

Dagu: "!!!"

Ling Yun was moved.

It's good to be my own wife.

Dagu: "Don't talk nonsense. My favorite person must be Lina. The main thing is, Camilla's misfortune made me a punching bag."

Dagu: "How can I be embarrassed by a man to do something with a woman, right?"

Suzuki Satoru: "So, you were beaten?"

Bone King said weirdly.

A head-on blow that spanned 30 million years?

Dagu: "No!"

Dagu: "I am being beaten!"

Suzuki Satoru: "..."

Good guy, your righteous words make me rebuttal? !

Camilla: "Is still in the mood? It seems that I haven't played hard enough."

Dagu: "Huh! You don't have a whip now, what can I do with you?!"

Kevin: "..."

Milong: "..."

Nishinomiya Glass: "..."

Is this something worth showing off?

Ling Yun: "So, I'm inexplicably behind? @凯文@王权霸业"

Kevin: "Haha, what do you say, the owner, you will always be the greatest in my heart."

He grinned bitterly.

There is a little frustration.

King Power Hegemony: "Counseled."

Of course, this is just an episode.

Risa: "@凌云, what about the benefits you said, although I can't get them, I want to take a look."

Ding! The administrator Ling Yun sent four exclusive red envelopes.

Honjo Kaede: "Why are there four? Isn't there only three ordinary people in the group?"

Risa: "It must be for me! The shopkeeper rewarded me for seeing me actively maintaining the order of group chats!"

As he said, Risa poked the red envelope in his mind excitedly.


It's just that she didn't open the red envelope no matter how she poked.

Nishinomiya Glass: "Thank you Lingyun-sama for the red envelope, although I don't know how to use it..."

Face code: "Distressed, did you say it was buckled up?"

Sophie: "It's a bit like a toy. You tie it around your waist, then open the lock and try it out."

Kevin: "??? So, what the **** is it."

Milong: "Curious.jpg"

Risa: "Why, why was the last red envelope not me!"

Ding! Congratulations to the "hardworking gardener" for receiving the exclusive red envelope from the administrator "Ling Yun".

Risa: "..."

Xia Tiya: "If you can't pretend to be compelled, you will be caught?"

Risa: "Woohoo! @本条枫, Feng, hurry up and let me hug!"

Ben Tiao Feng: "Oh, don't cry or cry, touch it."

Hardworking gardener: "Ling Yun, this..."

Ling Yun: "A little toy, hold it and play with it."

Looking at the belt and lock in my hand

Zhang Linyuan squeezed slightly.

Hardworking gardener: "Thank you, @凌云, by the way, tomorrow is the college competition of our school, are you coming?"

Kevin: "An offline party?"

Hardworking gardener: "It can be understood that way."

King Power Hegemony: "Can I bring a female companion?"

Suzuki Satoru: "I suspect you are pretending to be forced, I still have a screenshot to prove it!"

King power hegemony: "There is no small machine upstairs."

Suzuki Satoru: "..."

Limru: "I have been insulted!"

Slime World

Limru's face was red and purple.

Watch it!

He will bring Ziyuan and Zhucai there that day!

Even a slime must be a successful slime!

Ling Yun: "Well, let me take a look. Tomorrow will be Qingzhu's adult time. I will accompany her back to the Nine-Day Taiqing Palace for the coming-of-age ceremony."

Aya Kiyoshi: "Sorry, but coming-of-age ceremony is really important to me."

Hardworking gardener: "Then...just the day after tomorrow."

Ling Yun: "Uh, the day after tomorrow...I'm going to Longchao to participate in the last unfinished freshman competition. I blame Xilin, this stinky girl, or I can lie in the shop."

Broken Queen: "Brother Lingyun, my good brother, is it good for your health to go out and get some sun."

After quitting the group chat, Ling Yun glanced at Xi Lin who was smiling, and said quietly, "But my show is at night."

"Ah this" Xi Lin was stunned.

Somewhat at a loss, he chuckled.

This is the time to pretend to be a fool.

Hardworking gardener: "..."

Zhang Linyuan looked at Ling Yun's text with bitterness.

Why didn't he usually notice that he was still a busy man.

Mother of Chakra: "May I come?"

Hardworking gardener: "Of course you can."

Sophie: "The newcomer has finally spoken. It feels like you speak only a handful of times except for the of Chakra: "Well, because I don't know what to say. "

Ling Yun: "But I have time the day after tomorrow. It's impossible for your college competition to end so soon."

Hardworking gardener: "The third day is the day when parents come to visit."

Limru: "Will there be a lot of big bosses? It is said that the world of the group leader is a world of cultivating immortals. Will there be hidden bosses in those parents?"

Ling Yun: "@利姆露, your brain is really amazing, why didn't you think that the group leader is the real boss."

Ling Yun: "Assemble the power of all dimensions, but it can't shake people, no matter how you look at it, the group leader is a little more hungry."

Suzuki Satoru: "It seems to be right, then I don't know how the highest combat power in the world where the group leader is?"

Hardworking gardener: "The highest combat power is not clear, but I have read in the book that a strong man created a star field with his bare hands."

Suzuki Satoru: "..."

Kevin: "..."

Sophie: "..."

All group members: "..."

King Power Hegemony: "I'm sorry to disturb you!"

There was no accident, everyone was shocked.

Ling Yun groped his chin.

There was a slight stunned pupil in his pupils.

He can do it to destroy a star field.

But it is a bit difficult to make it.

It is not that the ability and energy are not enough, but that the mental power that needs to be consumed is too much.

Even after the manufacturing is successful, Ling Yun's brain will hurt for a while.

This is absolutely unacceptable for Lingyun who likes to play with mobile phones!

Because at that time will always bring into the thoughts of the previous life.

For example, the mobile phone has radiation, and if you watch too much, you have a headache.

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