Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 488: Without knowledge, no network cable

"They seemed to have a good chat."

Seeing the Palace Master and the Supreme Elder who were getting along with the Eight Ancient Masters gradually, Ling Yun gave a chuckle and took a sip of juice.

"Ling Yun, have you seen Conna?"

At this moment, Sophie, who was sitting across from Ling Yun, asked suddenly.

Ling Yun smiled and said, "Kang Na? That kid is playing happily now."


Seeing Ling Yun's smile, Sophie had a very bad premonition subconsciously.

"Ling Yun, you didn't do anything to Conna..." Sophie asked cautiously.

Ling Yun waved back and said, "You still don't trust me": "Oh, Sophie, don't you believe me? Conna is so cute, how can I bear to punish her?"

Sophie: "..."

Good guy, you have been exposed.


After that, she couldn't help but say something.


"What are you talking about, I didn't understand a word completely." Ling Yun replied with a smile.

Sophie: "..."

Sitting back in her chair silently, she looked at the faces and faces next to her, and rushed forward.

"Sister Sophie, what are you doing?" Feeling the strangeness of her back, she asked with a puzzled face.

Hubby tilted his head, looking puzzled.

"It's nothing, let me add nutrition." With her head buried behind her face, Sophie took a deep breath, revealing a slut's aunt smile.


"Excuse me, is this a magic weapon for projection? It's amazing!"

On the other side, Dongfang Huaizhu was sitting next to Mei, exclaiming from time to time.

"This is called a tablet. If my sister likes it, I can give you one." Mei explained gently.

"Really?" Dongfang Huaizhu's pupils brightened, but they quickly recovered: "Well, forget it, it looks like a very valuable magic weapon."


A question mark appeared on Mei's head, but she suddenly smiled when she saw Dongfang Huaizhu's ancient costume.

It turns out that this younger sister is from the ancient world.

"It's okay. This is not something that is hard to find. It can be said that almost every family in our world has it."

Dongfang Huaizhu opened his mouth slightly and his face was full of shock.

"So... all families have it?!"

Her voice was a little loud, which attracted the attention of others.

The kingship hegemony turned red.

He always feels like a countryman here.

"Do you need me to connect a network cable to your home?" Kevin teased.

"It's yours, it's useful to have a network cable? There is no network." Wangquan Hegemony said with a smile.

"What's the problem? Kevin has launched a satellite from me, okay? It only needs everyone to be thoroughly familiar with the computer to get to the Turnpest." Limru said suddenly.

King Power Hegemony: "???"

Ling Yun was also dumbfounded: "When will it happen?"

"It was yesterday, which is great, thanks to the group chat, I can also enjoy the fun of surfing the Internet in another world." Limru laughed idiotically.

"Gan! No, Kevin, you guy also build a satellite for my world!" King Power suddenly refused to accept it.

He also wants to connect to the Internet!

"Get a satellite for you? What do you do? Can you type code? Can you program? Limru was a programmer before he reincarnated, how about you? You can't even memorize the 24 English letters of ABCD, and you want satellites. ?"

"Who gave you the courage?" Kevin didn't mean his contempt at all.

King Power Hegemony: "Fuck!"

He was so angry that he wanted to swear.


This is naked contempt!

He was born in the ancient world, what can he do? !

"I really envy you." Suzuki Satoru looked at the gluttonous Kaede and Rimuru with a look of envy.

It's a pity that his skeleton's body makes it leak out no matter what he eats.

And his tongue disappeared after being reborn as an undead.

He can no longer appreciate the delicious food.

"What's the matter, save enough points, maybe you can get an item from the shop that turns into a human again." Limru said casually.


Before Suzuki Satoru spoke, Albedo hurriedly said.

"How can Ainz-sama become human? Human, human..."


Albedo subconsciously wanted to name the humble species.

But before he could finish speaking, Suzuki Satoru's reprimand sounded.

"This is not the tomb of Naxalek, pay attention to your attitude."


Albedo was startled when he heard Satoru Suzuki's words.

I was shocked that Master Ainz would be so fierce to her.

But when she felt the sight of her, she suddenly woke up.

"My sirs, I was rude, I'm extremely sorry!"

He lowered his head quickly, his forehead was covered with cold sweat!

Only then did she remember that all but a few people sitting were humans!

And there are still a few powerful humans.

She is sure that if her words were not interrupted by Ainz, she would probably not be able to get out of this palace!

Kevin, Milong and others glanced at Albedo plainly.

Kevin picked up his chopsticks again and looked at Suzuki Satoru calmly: "Take care of your subordinates."

"If she can't speak, I don't mind helping you to discipline."

He and Mei dedicated their lives for the future of mankind.

I would never want to see human beings be so degraded in the mouths of others.

Even if it is a human being in another world!

Kevin glanced at Albedo casually.

Albedo was so scared.

A cold sweat broke out from behind the whole person.

"Extremely sorry, Master Kevin!"

Stand up directly and bow.

She should know.

The reason why Albedo would look down on humans is entirely because of human short-lived and weak.

But the appearance of Kevin and others had to make her correct human attitudes again.

"Albedo, don't talk about this kind of thing again in the future, do you know that the 41 Supremes you admire are all humans in previous lives?" Suzuki Satoru was also very unhappy.

In the past, his personality was biased towards the undead because of his skills.

But when he joined the group chat, this skill seemed to be suppressed.

Although he knew that Albedo was unintentional, he also felt very uncomfortable.

Human being humble?

What am I, who was a human before?


Albedo was surprised.

Suzuki Satoru's words resounded in her mind as much as a thunder.

Xia Tiya, who had known it a long time ago, curled her lips on the side.

Gorilla, are you deflated?

The people here are all big guys. Didn't you see that I, who is usually the madest at the Great Tomb of Naxalik, eat quietly?


"Okay, I have eaten the meal, how about we come to have some fun?"

At this moment Milong suddenly proposed.

"Dimensional battlefield?" Xilin raised her brows.

Some are eager to try.

fight? Okay! She is best at it!

"No, I'm tired of fighting with you, I want to fight with them!"

Milong shook his head and looked elsewhere.

Everyone was taken aback.

Following Milong's realization, his body was startled.

"Do you want to fight them?" Ling Yun asked.

"Of course, although it is the first time I have come to this world, I also watched it during the live broadcast of Qin Ming before. I am very interested in the power of those ancestral charms."

Miron smiled noncommittal.

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