Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 527: Colleges from other worlds-collapse!

"Violent loli?"

"King Kong Barbie?"

"This... feels so painful!"

Looking at the dust on the arena, and then at the different-colored Judas that kept falling from the sky, everyone's faces showed a painful expression.

It hurts just to look at them.

If this Judas accidentally hit some sensitive parts, wouldn't it be worse?

"Enough! Don't stop it!"

Meld was lagging for a short while, stood up quickly, and shouted loudly.

Then he stared at the inexplicable cardinal.

In Meld’s heart, it was determined that Teresa was sent by the Vatican to take revenge.

After all, in the previous competition, the students from the Eagle Sauce Country created the Saintess of the Vatican, and let their strange beasts eat the opposing two-winged angel.

But let alone Meld, even the cardinal looked dumbfounded. their Vatican, they don't play crosses.

The cross is not so fancy.

After hearing Melder's shout, the referee also reacted from the dumbfounded.

But when he was about to enter the shield, he felt the aura of his body drained in an instant.

He lay directly on the ground, showing an expression of pain.

"Delisa, it's almost done."

At this moment, a nice female voice came.

Everyone saw a silver-haired woman in a suit walking out.

Appearance is similar to Teresa.

The only pity is that there are cracks on the girl's face, I don't know if it was painted.

Just when everyone was puzzled by the girl who appeared suddenly.

A word from Teresa surprised them.

"Okay, grandma." he said obediently.

The huge cross flew high in the sky, rapidly diminishing, and finally flew back to Teresa's hands, while the giant beast that was set down turned into light and dissipated.


Listening to the name, the whole dragon's nest is quiet.

No one thought that such a beautiful girl would have become a grandmother?

"This is the horror of the Reiki Age. It doesn't matter if you are older, but you never know how many hands your wife is." Ling Yun said in surprise.

The voice is not loud, but it can be heard by everyone in this silent dragon's nest.

Not to mention that the microphone in front of Ling Yun was still on.


Suddenly, the faces of several big brothers turned into pig liver color.

"Do you know them?"

Meld asked calmly.

"It's just a little understanding."

Glancing at him, Ling Yun said casually.

The moment Teresa retracted Judas, the barrier disappeared, and the referee slowly got up from the ground.

Watching Teresa's pupils were full of fear.

He didn't want to experience the feeling of turning into an ordinary person in a flash!

The people from the Eagle Sauce Country also rushed in quickly.

I saw Charles who had been smashed into an inhuman form.

"It's just a discussion, don't you need to be so scared?!" Meld felt the faint breath of Charles, and asked indifferently.

"Hehe, I think Major General Meld is not right. This person is not dead yet, and he can be rescued. Although it is estimated to be a useless person after saying that, at any rate, so many people watch, the Eagle Jiang country can't continue to lose face. Oh, hurry up and pull down your waste."

Said the cardinal pouring cold water.

The words are full of ridicule and gloat.


Meld's expression changed drastically, and he pointed at him angrily.

The students in the Yingjiang Country were also full of anger.

"What? You can't afford to lose if you are not as skilled?" The protagonist in red sneered.

"Don't be too happy!"

With a cold snort, Mald turned his head and looked at Teresa and asked, "Say! Who are you guys anyway?!"

"My friend, if my granddaughter does something wrong, just ask me, don't be so irritable."

A gentle voice sounded.

Ta ta ta

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a blond man wearing a white suit, if the European aristocratic blond came with a smile.

"Who are you?"

"Introduce myself, I'm the teacher of Benghua Academy, Otto Apocalis." Otto covered his chest with one hand and bowed halfway.

Meld frowned: "Why have I never heard of it?"

"This is natural because we come from another world."

"What do you mean?" Meld frowned.

"Meaning, he comes from the world opposite the space crack." Ling Yun's flat voice sounded, explaining to everyone.


As soon as these words came out, the entire Dragon Nest people stood up.

Obviously shocked by Ling Yun's words.

"Across the space crack? Isn't that the enemy?"

"How can you let such a dangerous person in?!"


Long Chao was in an uproar, and everyone began to talk.

Lias in the crowd looked at Teresa with scorching eyes as if she had found her goal.

"Hello, can you hear me?"

At this moment, Ling Yun shouted several times into the microphone.

Dragon Nest was quiet for a while.

"Let me talk about it. Although they are people from another world, they are essentially human beings. If you have to explain it, you think they are people from the parallel world."

"Parallel world? Is there really a parallel world in the world?" Zhou Rui asked curiously.

"There are cracks in space, what is unacceptable in the parallel world."

"That's right." Zhou Rui suddenly.

"But why are they here to compete?"

"Let me explain this matter."

The icy electronic synthesis sound played.

Xilin did not know when she appeared in the center of the Dragon Nest.

He also grabbed a drone in his hand.

"I knew it."

Looking at Xi Lin in mid-air, Ling Yun shook his head with a smile.

It's none other than Xilin who is doing things.

"My Queen? It's my Queen!"

"My Queen!"

After a brief period of confusion, the people in the dragon's nest looked at Xi Lin and began to shout.

Ling Yun: "???"

He stared blankly at the blushing people.

Is Xilin so famous?

Also, that's my wife, you guys shout fart!

Xia Ran's House

"So...this is why Sister Xilin left?" Xia Ran said with a weird face.

"I don't understand very much." Scarlett held his head in distress.

It's messy.


Sophie sucked blood blankly.

From time to time, I sucked in a few blood-red pearls.


After Xilin finished explaining.

Everyone also understood what was going on.

"I know how to play." Ling Yun's mouth raised.

"Absurd! How can you be an outsider to participate in our ball game?"

Before the others spoke, the representative of the Northern Emperor, who was sitting next to Lancelot, stood up.

"Are you afraid, afraid that your students will be easily defeated by us." Xilin narrowed her eyes and said disdainfully.

"what did you say?!"

The representative of the Northern Emperor narrowed his eyes and looked at Xi Lin unkindly.

"Calm down."

Good old man Zhou Rui online mediation.

Crossing her arms, Xi Lin chuckled, "Isn't it? Not only you are a trash, but the students you teach are also a group of trash!"



The wooden table was smashed with a punch.

She glared at Xilin: "Do you have the ability to say it again?!"

The golden eyes don't have the slightest emotion: "Is it? Only a brute bear."

"Sairui! Come out!"

The representative of the Northern Emperor shouted in a louder voice than thunder.

The shock made people's ears numb.


A brown-haired man in a blue school uniform walked out of Beidi's rest area and shouted respectfully.

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