Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 529: Let thunder, cleanse all sins!

The purple thunder light shone people's faces bright and dark.

Everyone stared blankly at the sword technique that fell from the sky!

The blade of light is like the light breaking through the night.

It seems that there is only one blow left in the world!

"Boy, what are you still stunned, do you want to die?"

A urging voice brought Sai Rui back to God.

He looked at the purple arc-shaped light blade that was smashing from the face and reacted instantly.

Picked up the spear in his hand,

Aura surged, and a black arc appeared on the weapon.



The black thunder hit the ground.

Soon, the thunder densely covered on his body climbed up and gathered into a thunder giant.

The Thunder Giant roared at the sky, raised his huge hands, and wanted to use his hands to stop the "Heaven's Punishment" from coming!


After the black giant touched the purple blade of light, the two different types of thunder intertwined, making a rustling sound.

There was a burst of tension in everyone's hearts.

"How can I, how can I lose to you!"

Sai Rui, who was carrying this blow, had a grim complexion, blood vessels all over his body exploded, and the blood had turned him into a **** man!

In other words, Huangtian is worthy of the hearted people?

The Thunder Giant actually resisted this blow, but even so, he paid a great price...

The light disappears

Sai Rui, who had turned into a blood man, knelt on the ground panting.


His pupils stared, and a mouthful of blood was vomited out by him.

He raised his head resentfully and looked at Mei in the sky.

"Even if you die, I will drag you down!"

With endless anger.

The terrifying aura erupted.

The spear in his hand turned into a spear shining with black thunder.

Facing Mei in the sky, he directly threw it out.


With the sound of breaking wind, he arrived in front of Mei in an instant.

There was no expression on Mei's face, and his pupils were plain, without making any waves.

"Block it."

A flat voice sounded.


In an instant, the thunder and lightning spear that was enough to penetrate the sky was firmly grasped by the arms on both sides of his shoulder when Mei was only ten centimeters away, and he could no longer move forward.

"Why?! Why don't you die?!"

Sai Rui looked unwillingly at Mei, who looked flat in the sky.

In this way, he is like a clown!

Sai Rui, already covered in blood, knelt to the ground.

"Can't forgive me? The unreasonable given to you..."

At this moment, the time around Sai Rui seemed to stand still, and a figure wearing a black cloak appeared in front of him.

Sai Rui raised his head and stared at the sky blankly: "Yes, I can't forgive it."


The heavy rain is pouring down, as if telling the hero's ending.

Hearing Sai Rui's words, the person under the black robe made a smile, and he slowly stretched out his hand: "Are you angry? Not reconciled? Come on, cut off all the injustices in this world!"

The figure raised his head, revealing a young face: "Incarnate as Thunder, and turn the world into the remains of Purgatory!"

"Then, you give me the power to destroy all of this!"

Sai Rui stood up and shouted loudly.

He stretched his hand into the chest of the black robe figure.

"As you wish..." A crazy smile appeared on the man's face: "Boy, destroy everything!"

outside world

The whole dragon's nest was extremely silent.

Everyone stared blankly at the man kneeling on the ground in the middle of the field.

Just when everyone thought Sai Rui was dead.


In the sky, a huge black thunder fell from the sky and hit Sai Rui's body.


Bathed in black thunder, Sai Rui stood up slowly, his roar resounding through the void, deafening.

A jet-black beam of light suddenly rose from the ground and penetrated the sky. The surrounding clouds were all spinning like a tornado under the gravitational force of this force.

"What's the matter?" Delan stood up abruptly.

Uncertainly watching Sai Rui who was covered by the thunder in the field.

"What happened?" Zhou Rui and the others also narrowed their eyes.

"The thunder **** hiding in his body seems to have awakened." Ling Yun said with one hand on his chin.

"What?" Zhou Rui was taken aback.

Then his complexion changed drastically.

"Don't worry, I can't make waves. Am I not here? Feel the pressure to make the new generation grow better." Ling Yun pulled Zhou Rui back into the chair and said unhurriedly.


Zhou Rui hesitated, but after looking at Ling Yun, he finally chose to believe it.

But representatives of other countries did not believe it.

They left one after another and appeared in front of the team they represented.

"Master Bishop, what's the matter?" Karen asked curiously.

"It's nothing, you follow me well, nothing will happen." The cardinal calmed Karen.

"By the way, Sister Rias!"

"Don't worry, there is Long Guo's defensive formation over there, nothing will happen."


Karen wanted to say something, but when she saw other people's nervous expressions, she kept silent.

Although she didn't know what happened when she fell to the ground, she couldn't trouble everyone at this time.

"Otto, do we need to help?" Karen reached Otto's waist.

"No, Mei is enough to deal with it. It's better to say that this is also the Thunder. Maybe it can help Mei better control the power of the law." Kevin stopped the two.

"It seems like it's a big game," Sophie said in front of the TV, nibbling on melon seeds.

The jet-black beam of light disappears

Sai Rui's figure reappeared in people's eyes.

It's just that he has completely changed his appearance.

Naked to the upper body, the brown hair disappeared and turned silver, and his eyes turned into snake-like pupils.

Two black spears were held in his hands.

From time to time, there is an electric arc passing by.


In Beidi District, Delan looked at Sai Rui worriedly.

He suddenly regretted being so impulsive now.

"I feel good now."

Glancing at his own hands, a heavy voice came from his mouth.

He quickly raised his head and looked at Mei in the sky, narrowing his eyes.

call out!

In an instant, it turned into a black thunder and disappeared in place.

"So fast!"

Lias lost her voice.

In an instant, he appeared at the same height as Mei.

He looked at Mei with a flat face, raising the spear in his hand, and rushing away with a shot.


Tai Knife Electric slashed across, blocking a blow.

Without any hesitation, Sai Rui raised the spear in his other hand and shot.


The triumphant hand on its left turned into a shield and easily blocked it.

Mei and Sai Rui looked at each other expressionlessly.

"I, I am not the same as before!" Sai Rui opened her mouth and rang out loudly.

Words fall


Weng Ming in the sky, a dark thunder struck down.

Before he was caught off guard, Mei was hit and flew towards the ground.

Just when it was about to fall to the ground, a wave of fluctuations was emitted from the **** ring behind it.

The surrounding airflow is stable, and the purple arc falls to the ground smoothly.


The explosion sounded, and Sai Rui fell heavily not far from Mei.

"call out!"

The jet black spear pierced through the dust and burst at Mei.


The huge Dachi drew out and bounced it away.

Mei lightly held the Taichi in his hand.

When the dust dissipated, step out.

Then disappeared in place.

"Huang Shan! Su Nian Wu!"

Give a soft drink.

A purple arc passed. UU reading www.

Dozens of electrical marks cut through the space.

Directly flew Sai Rui out.


It didn't stop until hitting the wall.

But the whole person is already embedded in the wall!

Of course Mei will not let go of this good opportunity.

Raise the sword in his hand.

"Let the thunder, wash away all sins!"

Accompanied by the stabbing sound of the arc, the huge Taito slowly unsheathed.

"Thunder Slash!"

Give a soft drink.

The huge sword slashed fiercely, splitting a purple light blade, and directly submerged against the ground on Sai Rui's body!

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