Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 538: Sakura and bell

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"Resurrected? Really resurrected?" Cheng Lixue said in surprise.

Although Fu Hua didn't speak, the shock in his pupils was no less than Cheng Lixue.

"What's the matter, I can too, but I don't have a soul." Xilin said.

She has the core of the law of death, which can resurrect the dead, but the resurrected dead are like puppets without self-consciousness.

Moreover, once the black mist at the core of the Law of Death is released, many people will be accidentally injured.

Under normal circumstances, Xilin would not use the power of the Law of Death.

"Although I have experienced it once, I still find it incredible." Mei sighed.

This is something that science cannot do.

Apart from other things, human beings have not been able to break the condition of the soul.

"Even so that Grandma Karen was resurrected?!"

The nervous Qigefei shouted loudly, his tone full of disbelief.

And Qi Gefei's shout also made the sluggish Yae Sakura react.

She stared blankly at Lingyun who was knocking on melon seeds at the counter.

Since he can resurrect Karen, can he also resurrect Rin?

Once this idea came out, it could no longer be held back.

The Hiryu Maru, who had been suppressed by Yae Sakura, also revived.

Ling Yun, who was eating melon seeds, suddenly paused, then raised his head, and curled up at the corner of Yae Ying's mouth: "Since I'm awake, why not come out and play?"

Kevin and the others also moved their sights and placed them on Yae Sakura's body.

"Human! It's really interesting for you to feel my existence."

At this time, scarlet energy came out from behind Yae Sakura.

Then, a huge fox with five tails appeared in the middle of the shop.


Feiyuwan came out.

Looking at Mei and Kevin even frowned.

The two looked strangely familiar.

But when he saw Karen, flames broke out all over his body: "Karen, are you still alive?!"

She will never forget that it was this woman who sealed herself in that dark box for more than four hundred years!

"Feiyuwan..." Karen took a deep breath, looking at Feiyuwan as if he was facing an enemy.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years of absence, Ling became like this."

Looking at Feiyuwan, Kevin not only was not afraid, but sighed.

He still vaguely remembered the cute little ponytail girl.

Pure, cute, and kind, just like a flower blooming in the last days.

But because of the collapse and human beings were ruthlessly destroyed!

Whenever Kevin looked at the bell, it would ring those days before the collapse.

"It would be great if you could live in peaceful times." Kevin looked at Ling as if he was in a memory.

Mei said nothing.

Ling will become a lawyer, and she also has a lot of responsibilities.

If she can arrange the bells more properly, the Li Zhe may come, but she is definitely not so caught off guard.

Time for humans without any reaction.


Out of fear, people disobeyed Mei's order and killed Ling secretly.

After Ling died, the power of the Law of Erosion was revealed, and Ling's body turned into black mist.

The more kind, the easier it is to blacken. After being brutally killed by humans, it becomes very abhorrent to humans through the impact of collapse.

As a result, the last three cities of mankind were turned into ruins.

"Benghuai controls power and humanity, but I always believe that mankind will definitely be able to defeat Benghuai!" Kevin said firmly with a face.

"What are you talking about? Also, my name is Feiyuwan, not a bell!" Feiyuwan's huge pupils looked at Kevin.

There was a burst of irritation in my heart.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that this man is so familiar.

But I just can't think of where I saw it.

"It seems that we didn't lose very thoroughly at that time." Mei raised the frame and said.

It can be seen from the situation of Ling that the collapse of this generation has undoubtedly lessened the control of the law practitioner.

"Who the **** are you? Why look at me with this kind of eyes!" When the eyes of Kevin, Mei and Fu Hua looked at, Feiyuwan felt very upset.

What kind of look is that?

Are you pity me? Are you sympathizing with me? Are you still pitying me?

It does not need!

No need for everything!

It hates this look!


Looking up to the sky, roared.

"Don't worry, Ling, I will remind you soon." As he said, Kevin gave a soft sigh: "Intrinsic barrier, the battlefield of the moon!"


next moment

Everyone just felt that the sky was spinning, and they came to the barren surface of the moon in an instant.

" is it?"

Little Karen, Yaesakura and Rias were shocked by the sudden change.

"I want to kill you!"

The tyrannical breath came.

Feiyu Maru spit out a huge pillar of fire from his mouth.

But at the next moment


A freezing voice sounded.

The ground is covered with frost.

The flames of Hirumaru were also easily frozen.

Kevin slowly lowered his arm.

The call is successful.

Da da da!

A flat footstep sounded.

Along with the frost, a woman walked out of the fog.

" are!"

His eyes widened when he saw the woman.

The huge body is actually backing away.

Whenever it falls asleep, it will have a dream in its mind all the time.

The figure in the dream is very confused.

But the blue armor and ice blue Taito were extremely clear.

Moreover, always treat yourself with a smile.

"Who are you?! Why did it appear in my mind!" Hiyakumaru asked loudly.

But it was clear footsteps that responded to it.

"answer me!"

Feiyumaru roared.

An endless flame burst out above the head.

It turned into fireballs and hit the woman.

The woman raised her head slightly, revealing the gray eyes under her bangs.

Tachi made a light stroke at the void.

In an instant, the cold air spread, and those fireballs flew halfway into ice sculptures and fell to the ground.

"That's... Sakura?"

Karen stared at the figure walking out of the mist for a moment, and immediately looked at the Yae Sakura beside him in disbelief.

Yae Sakura is also very puzzled.

"Her name is Ying, my comrade-in-arms, the fusion warrior of the Fire Moth in the last generation." Kevin explained flatly.

"She is a very strong and gentle person."

"At the same time, she is also Ling's elder sister, and Ling is what you call Feiyuwan, the twelfth law practitioner of the previous generation."

"Sister of Feiyuwan?" Karen was startled.

Unexpectedly, there is such a relationship.

"Last generation?"

Yae Sakura showed a confused expression.

She was originally a witch in a small village in a quiet corner. Although she became a pseudo-simulator by accident, she was like a little white about the things of the pre-civilization.

Kevin and Mei glanced at each other and told Yaezakura about the civilization of the previous generation.

From original curiosity to shock.

"It turns out that you made that black box." Yaesakura looked at Mei with a complicated expression.

This side

Kevin turned his head and handed the black card to Ling Yun: "Owner, give it to you."

"Chenghui 10,000 points." Ling Yun chuckled lightly.

After crossing out the points and returning the black card to Kevin again, Ling Yun opened his eyes, and the Eye of Truth quickly scanned the information of Sakura in the distance.

Reach out, the blue light blooms.

Refactor, start!


Blue light ball spinning

In the eyes of people

A figure with pink fox ears and blue armor slowly emerged in the ball of light.

"System, consume one thousand points to bring Sakura's soul over to me."

Now that the money is collected, things must be done Ding! It's consumed! "

Immediately, a blue light suddenly spread from Sakura's chest.

Immediately afterwards, an ice blue light flashed by.

The blue light disappeared, and Sakura's pupils returned to gray.


With that, Ling Yun dissipated the structural energy.

"I am..."

Sakura's consciousness that had just awakened was still a little muddled.


A slightly excited voice sounded.

"Kevin, Hua and...Dr. Mei?!"

Ying looked at the three people in front of her in shock.

"Why are you here?"

"Before explaining, Ling Yun, please also ask about the memory of Ling." Kevin said.

"Yes, yes, you have money, I am working for you now."

After saying a word, Ling Yun grabbed the bell that had already been beaten by Ying in the distance and lying on the ground with a dignified gesture.

[Vientiane Tianyin! 】


In Ling's exclamation, she was sucked into Ling Yun's hands.

Looking at the bell on the ground, Ling Yun gave a chuckle, and stretched out his hand: "Let me see which two tendons in your mind Bengbuai got wrong."

"'t come over!"

Ling yelled in fear.

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