Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 546: Suzex's shock

High School World

"Have you not found it yet?"

Seeing Gurefia who appeared in his office, Suzex frowned.

Very anxious.

"Sorry, Master Lucifer, we haven't found Miss Lias' whereabouts yet."

Gurefia bent over and said.

"It's not to blame you. Keep searching. The man was lost in the forest of the underworld. On the other side is the realm of fallen angels. I hope it is not what I thought.

The red-haired Suzex stood up, looked at the scarlet moon outside, clenched his fists.

"Master Lucifer!"

At this moment, a rapid voice came from outside.

"This breath, Rias?!"

Suzex's pupils shrank sharply.

The red circle opened under its feet and disappeared in place.

Gurefia also disappeared in place following the summoning silver circle.

"Master Lucifer?"

At this time, the door was opened, and the reporting officer looked at the empty office with a puzzled expression.


Underworld forest

Suzex and Gurefia appeared here with the magic circle.

As soon as he appeared, he saw the red-haired shadow not far away.


Suzex walked over excitedly.


Rias responded.

"Where have you been? I searched all over the underworld but couldn't find you." Szekes asked nervously.

"Brother, I'll talk about this later, I want to ask you something." Lias said seriously.

A trace of doubt flashed through Suzex's pupils: "You said."

Rias raised her head and said firmly: "I want to start the ranking game!"

"What?" Szekes was taken aback.

A different color flashed across Gurefia's pupils.

"A month later, please help me arrange a ranking game with Raisel Phoenix!"

"Lias, are you serious?" Szekes frowned.

"You should know that you didn't even have your dependents. It would be very unfavorable for you to start the ranking game rashly."

Lias gave a chuckle, showing her stunning beauty: "Brother, believe me, your sister, I never do anything unsure."

"And you should also know that I don't want to marry him, this is the only way."

Seeing Lias' firm eyes, Szecks sighed and rubbed Lias' head helplessly.

"Since this is your decision, then, for the sake of my lovely sister, I must be named Lucifer."

Seriously, Suzex had a headache every time he dealt with those old guys.

Stiff, stubborn, talking to them is as uncomfortable as your own constipation.

Lias bowed her head: "I'm sorry, I have caused you trouble, please allow me to be willful once."

Suzex reached out and put his hand on Lias' head, and smiled slightly: "What are you talking about, you are my sister. If you don't help you, why don't you help others?"

"Tell you a secret. In fact, your father told me about it as early as when you expressed resistance to the marriage."

"My father?" Lias gently covered her mouth and said in surprise.

"How could we not know your temper." Suzex asked rhetorically, which made Lias smile embarrassedly.

"Okay, I have agreed to your request. Now can you tell me where you have been during this period of time?"

Suzex returned to his serious expression.

Rias took a deep breath.

"Before that, brother, please pick me up."

"What?" Szekes was taken aback.

Lias did not speak, but moved a few steps behind.

A fiery red light emerged.

An orange-red one-handed sword appeared in Rias' right hand.

"this is?"

Suzex's pupils shrank.

"This is the weapon I got when I went out this time, the sin sword of the Demon Sword Concubine Dragon." Lias explained.

"Magic sword? Why have I never heard of this name?"

Being able to be a Demon King Ziru has a terrifying experience. He naturally remembered the name of the Demon Sword, but it was the first time he saw this sword.

"Brother, take it!"

Lias said something.

The emerald pupil condensed.

Spit out a foul breath.

"Swear here. I don't allow anything that I can't cut. And this sword is an invincible blade that can cut and cut everything on the ground!"

Yan Ling was spoken.



An invisible wave of air was set off on the earth.

An extremely terrifying breath swept the entire underworld forest!

"this is?!"

Suzex's pupils shrank and looked at Rias in disbelief.

Vaguely, he could actually see a one-armed figure appearing behind Lias!

Very old and stalwart!

In his body, there is a breath that is unique to transcendence!

"Could it be that Rias got the inheritance of a transcendant?"

The pupil of Gurefia who felt the same flashed with shock.

Visible to the naked eye, Lias' white jade-like arms gradually turned silver.

The orange sword in his hand also turned into silver.

"Brother, take it!"

Rias's emerald pupils condensed and raised the silver long sword in her hand.

next moment


The crimson flame stretched out from the long sword.

"DragonBreath (Feilong breath)!"

With a loud shout, the heating flame turned into a fire dragon and flew toward Szekes!

The air was divided into two, and a vacuum appeared in the middle!

Suzex's face was solemn, and with a wave of one hand, several magical barriers opened.

Each blow of these magic barriers can block a blow from the Demon King level powerhouse.

But the moment it touched the flame, it was like ordinary glass meeting steel, and it was instantly fragmented.

Suzex was taken aback.


The scarlet magic of destruction burst out subconsciously.

Shocked and trembling in the void.

The power of the transcendent shocked the entire underworld at once!

"what happened?!"

The old antiques of the underworld were awakened one after another.

"Is it little Suzex?"

Feel the riot of the magic of the void.

A woman dressed up as a magical girl said curiously.

"Go and see, otherwise those old guys are going to bother me again. Oh, I really want to see Kurana."

Weeping and said, the girl disappeared in place with a magic wand.

"What's the matter? Suzex actually did his best?"

Secret laboratory

A silver-haired man showed a strange expression.

Put down the research material in his hand and disappeared in place.

Underworld forest

Gurefia looked at Sazeks fifty meters away in horror.

In front of Suzex is a deep trench.

It is hard to imagine the plain before here.

And Suzex's palm was smoky.


Blood dripping

A sword mark appeared on the palm of Suzex's palm!

In the distance, Lias asked weakly on one knee, "Brother, how is it?"

This blow consumed all the magic power in her body, unexpectedly leaving only a scratch on Szex's hand.

Enough to see the horror of the transcendence!

Suzex put his hand away and looked at Lias in disbelief.

As if I knew her for the first time.

"Lias, what are you!"

Rias's blow was completely comparable to the full blow of an ordinary demon!

I really imagined that, after only a few days of absence, Rias actually possessed a demon-level combat power!

He also understands why Rias has the confidence to start the ranking match.

"Brother, this is what I want to tell you next."

"In the few days I left, I went to other worlds."


Szecks was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Lias puzzled.

"In that world, I went to a place called the Dimension Store, where there was a kind of jar that could open anything from the heavens and the world."

"The blow I just made was power, called the Torn Silver Hand, which was the power of the **** King Nuada in Celtic mythology."

Lias stood up with the support of Gurefia.


Suzex's expression changed.

Celtic **** king?

That is an extremely ancient existence!

Unexpectedly, Lias actually gained his power!

"And this power comes from the jar in that shop."

"Lias, do you know what you're talking about?!" Szekes' expression was grimace.

"Of course I know, so I asked him for a black card before I left."

Rias took out a black card from her arms and handed it to Suzex.

The moment Suzex took.

The look was startled.

But it quickly recovered.

The shocked color appeared in his pupils.

"There is such a place in the world?!"

"Lias, Gurefia, remember that this matter must not be spread!" Szekes said solemnly.

If the information in the black card is true, then this matter is related to the fate of the entire underworld!

"What's the rumor?" A curious voice sounded.

A silver-haired man walked out of the void.


The air is quiet.

The expressions of Sazaks and Gurefia changed.

"Achuka, although you are my best friend, it is better to forget some things." Szecks turned around and looked at the silver-haired man with a moment


The magic of scarlet and silver exploded.

"Wait, Suzex, Gurefia, what are you going to do?!"

Akuka looked at Sazeks and Gurefia who were like demon gods in front of him with a dazed expression.



The miserable cry resounded through the underworld forest.

Serapul, who was halfway on the road, heard the scream and stopped abruptly.

Feel the explosive magic not far away.

She narrowed her neck cutely.

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