Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 548: Dagu's cry for help

Dimensional shop

The crowd gathered around a round dining table.

Eating the food in the bowl with relish.

Fu Hua, wearing an apron, looked at everyone with a smile.

"I have to say that Fu Hua's craftsmanship is pretty good."

After eating the noodles, Ling Yun showed an expression of enjoyment.

"Master's craftsmanship is the best." Cheng Lixue echoed.

Fu Hua just smiled slightly.


Kevin glanced at Ling Yun with disdain.

"I don't know who disliked us before?"

"Stop, correct it, I dislike you, and I don't dislike others." Ling Yun corrected.

Kevin: "???"

Good guys!

I'm a direct guy!

We have lived and died for so long, are you doing this to me?

"Unexpectedly, I would still be able to eat hua's noodles again." Ying looked at the broth in the bowl and said suddenly.

"Yes." Ling also sighed.

She hasn't eaten in fifty thousand years.

She also didn't expect that Li Zhe could be so powerful...

"If you like it, I will do it for you every day from now on." Fu Hua said with a chuckle.

"Will it be troublesome?" Ying looked at Fu Hua curiously.

Hearing Ying's words, Fu Hua smiled softly: "Now that Dr. Mei and Kevin are back, I can also take a short break and take this opportunity to give myself a vacation."

"That's it! Every time the Master is not at home, he will only come back once during the New Year!"

As he said, Cheng Lixue glared dissatisfiedly at the smiling person sitting between Karen and Yae Ying.

Otto rolled his eyes.

What does this have to do with him.

Fu Hua likes to go outside and he can't control it.

Ling Yun looked at Teresa and thought of something suddenly: "Kevin, if you have time, go to Siberia to find a little girl named Bronia. Her father is a senior German military officer. It should be easy to find the influence of ."

"Bronia? It's okay, but what's wrong with her, she rarely sees you caring about a person so much." Kevin nodded.

"It's nothing, it's just the law of the future." Ling Yun said casually.

Kevin's hand holding his chopsticks was startled.

Even Sakura, Suzu, Yaezakura and others stopped eating.

"Big brother, how did you know?" Ling couldn't bear her curiosity and asked.

"Oh, I have the ability to predict the future."

Ling Yun calmly said something that shocked everyone.

Kevin cut his heart.

Others don't know, our group members don't know yet.

Isn't it just relying on being a traverser? If I were me, too!

"I remember that the law of reason is Walter, if Bronya joins our world, will the snake give me the core?" Ziegfei said the question in his heart.

"Walter is not the kind of person who is greedy for power. As long as Kevin doesn't mention his stigmata plan and the two communicate well, it must be possible."

"And... it's just the core." Ling Yun smiled.

The blue light bloomed, and a core was floating on the tip of Ling Yun's finger and spinning.

"Liu Zhe core?! Ling Yun, you can even do this kind of thing?!" Otto said in shock.

Except for the people of World Snake, Otto and the rest of the two sisters all looked at Ling Yun's core in shock.

"Walter can copy the Star of Eden, why can't I?" He gave him a white glance.

After putting away the core, Ling Yun continued to speak: "Then you can try to contact a person named Cocolia. In her Cocolia orphanage, there is a little girl named Xier who has died in the last generation. The stigmata of the Ruler of Law is also a great power after awakening."

Mei was stunned.

Is this the power to predict the future?

"However, Ling Yun, why do you want to tell us this kind of thing?"

"It's nothing, it's because of interest." Ling Yun leaned on Xi Lin's shoulder and said casually.

"Ling Yun, they have snakes in the world, but don't my destiny?" Delisa asked curiously.

"Yes, Anna Shaniat, the law of ice of this generation, but she can't control the core of the law and control consciousness like Bronya."

Otto: "..."

For a while, Otto felt that Ling Yun was playing with him.

Why do you introduce Kevin to be able to control your own consciousness, and what you introduced to him is a time bomb?

"Anna? It turned out to be her?" Cecilia said in a daze.

Kevin raised his brows: "You know? Yes, they belong to the Shaniat family."

"Anna, is my aunt's daughter, two years older than Qiyana." Cecilia said silently.

"Don't worry, destiny doesn't matter, we are in charge of the world. Since you are the daughter-in-law of the Kaslana family, that is my daughter-in-law, we will help you." Kevin patted Cecilia on the shoulder and said.

"Thank you!" Cecilia said gratefully.

"Hey! When did I say I don't care anymore! Isn't it to **** someone in person?" Otto refused.

It's hard to have a high-end combat power here, so you are so blatantly grabbing people?

He, the Bishop of Destiny, doesn't want any face?

"Otto Apocalis, Bishop of Destiny, I want to ask you for one thing."

Mei stood up suddenly, walked in front of Otto, raised his glasses, and spoke very seriously.

"what's happenin?"

"We may be able to cooperate." Mei said directly.

Otto was taken aback.

I haven't waited for him to react

He heard Mei continue to speak: "Through my understanding of you, you never thought about fighting the collapse from the beginning. Your only purpose is to resurrect Karen. You hopelessly scientifically place your hopes on the collapse. Your body has also caused you to collapse in a real sense of confrontation, right?"

Otto was silent, he did think so.

Looking at the silence, Otto Mei laughed: "But it's different now. Karen is resurrected. Your wish has been fulfilled. I have heard Hua talk about Karen. She is a person who really thinks about humanity."

"If you want to truly walk into Karen's heart, a full-scale fight against collapse is the next direction Destiny must take."

"Since Snake and Mandate of Heaven are going all out to fight the collapse of the world, and the goal is the same, why can't we cooperate?"

Otto was lost in thought.

Indeed, the wish to resurrect Karen has been fulfilled.

He even planned to retire and hand over the bishop to Teresa, and he took Karen to live a happy life.

It's just that it's estimated that it's not just Karen's refusal, the various reasons caused by the collapse will not let them live.

After thinking for a while, Otto nodded: "Yes, my destiny is willing to cooperate with the world snake, but the research materials need to be shared."

"No problem." Mei smiled.

The two of them shook their hands lightly and then released them.


"Dirty really (homonymous)."

Ling Yun curled his lips.

Looking at the bewildered Bell, he flicked her forehead gently.


Covering his forehead, Ling turned his head dissatisfied, and saw Ling Yun with a smile on his face.

Ling Yun took out a CD: "Ling, how about we go to play a game?"

"Hey?" Ling was taken aback for a moment, but hadn't reacted yet.

"Playing?" Ling Yun asked again.


Ling quickly agreed.

The game or something, since the collapse, everyone is in danger, and the game has never been updated.

And after being sealed for fifty thousand years, she almost forgot what the game was.

"Let's join Sakura too." Ling Yun smiled when he handed a handle to Sakura.

"Yeah." Sakura smiled happily and sat down in Lingyun's arms.

Let Ling's big crimson eyes open.

Is the relationship so good?

Suddenly I am a little Dagu: "Help! Brothers!"

When the group chat was extremely quiet, a \'bomb\' exploded in the group.

Risa: "In the middle of the night, I was woken up directly by you!"

After hitting Hache, Risa returned dissatisfied.

Dagu: "Brothers and sisters, there is no time! If you don't come again, I'll be cold."

Camilla: "Let me explain, Gatanjae has recovered!"

Camilla: "I discussed with Tiga and decided that he would hold Gatanjae first, and I would wake up Hitler and Durham."

Camilla: "But looking like this, he might be cold."

A group of members: "???"

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