Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 550: Gatangieu + Hypajten = Gatangieu

In the refuge, desperate people saw Tiga in the picture radiating endless light.

The highlight regained in the gloomy pupils.

"I knew it! Tiga must be the strongest!" The children showed admiration and longing eyes.



Lina stared blankly at the figure armed with Palaji's shield slowly falling from the sky to the sea.

Such a handsome!


Looking at Tiga like this, these were the first words that appeared in Kai Mae's mind.

Tiga slowly raised the ultimate sword in his right hand.

The light extends.

next moment


Sweep gently.

At the next moment, Gatangieu, who was exposed to the light, was hit directly from the sea and hit a sea area not far away.

The rays of light continued to spread, the clouds were split, and the sun shone on the sea again from the broken clouds.


The painful wailing sounded everyone back.

"So strong..." Zong Fang swallowed.

Obviously, he was still passive just now, but now Tiga is able to beat Gatanjee!

"Is this the difference between weapons and no weapons?" Ye Rui said blankly.

Just like humans, even humans without the power of a chicken have the power of nuclear bombs to destroy the world.

Let alone a super ancient civilization 30 million years ago.

Altman must have their weapons too!

"Shit! I want to report it, this is Bikai Hang!"

Jiajie turned over and said cursingly.

He touched his shell gently with his hand.

I don't know, he was dumbfounded.

The shell shattered? !

The shell of the conch is equal to your own home!

In other words, Tiga made a hole in his home? !


Jiajie roared angrily.

"I came out to breathe, but you forced me to a desperate situation? If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

"System! I want to use the Hypajton Monster Card!"

"Loading...Loading finished!"

next moment

Gatangieu began to change.

"What?" Dagu in Tiga's body stared at the changing Gatanjee.

Then he kept the Ultimate Sword in front of his chest vigilantly.

The dark yellow light disappeared.

Two huge yellow spheres appeared on the giant conch shell of Gatangieu.

A yellow crystal appeared in the middle of the face.

There is also a sickle attached to the tentacles of the whole body!

"Is this the power of Hypajton? It's so strong! It's worthy of being a strange beast that can compete with Saijia in the late stage!"

Feeling the power in his body, Jiajie couldn't help but exclaimed.

Not only that, he has also become more than 300 meters high, which is a big house compared to the 53-meter Tiga.

"Is this the real posture of the ruler of darkness?" Interma Hui stared at the demon-like figure in the picture.

You can feel fear just by looking at her.

Can such an enemy, Tiga, really win?

"Dagu..." Lina was nervous.

"Hey, this thing is a bit big, and how does it look weird?"

Da Gu raised his head and looked at the Gatangeton who was soaring into the sky and couldn't help but complain.

"Forget it, go on!"

Tiga stepped forward.

Flew towards Gatangeton.

"Eat my ultimate sword!"

"Sample, Feng Shui takes turns, come to my house this year!"

Looking at the flying Tiga, Jiajie smiled disdainfully.

He is very swollen now!

Don't say it's the shield of Palaji, even if it's a match... he won't panic when Siro comes!

The sickle tentacles flew out.


It directly blocked the ultimate sword!

Seizing the opportunity, Jiajie manipulated another sickle and tentacles slammed out, hitting Diga’s belly with a knife.


Diga gave a pain, and countless sparks appeared in his stomach.

I subconsciously wanted to cover my belly, but he was directly rolled up by a sickle.

"Take me a trick Popeye!" Jiajie said excitedly.

After controlling the tentacles to tie Tiga to the sky for a few laps like a stray planet, he threw it heavily towards a distant stone charcoal.


The dizzy Tiga was thrown into the sea by Catanjton, causing a huge wave.

The huge waves turned into raindrops and fell on Tiga, who fell into the sea and twitched all over.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

The chest timer also started blinking in concert.


The people who were still shouting for Tiga were all dumbfounded.

what's the situation.

Do you think it's a special drama?

Cool in only three seconds!

"I'm special!"

Feeling the soreness of the whole body, Gu wanted to cry without tears.

How does this ghost know that his stomach is his weakness?

Palaji's Shield has protection, but it's not full-body.

Gatangeton is to seize the opportunity to start at the weak places.

Isn’t that an idiot if I can beat you and protect you?

This is the traverser, they never act according to the rules of the world.

"Tiga, stand up!"

"Tiga! Don't lose!"

The children watched Tiga, who was lying in the sea holding his stomach, cheering for him.

However, someone didn't know that what he was doing was being broadcast live.

He has only one idea.

Why don’t you guys come here yet!

He will really get cold if he doesn't come again!

"Hahaha! What about Paraggi's Shield? You Caibi!" Gatangeton looked at Tiga, who was incapable of losing the sea and laughed loudly.

"Send you to see Hades!"

The yellow crystals behind Gatangeton began to gather energy.

A huge fireball was formed.

"not good!"

Camilla shouted not far away.

Flew out quickly.

Hitler and Durham were taken aback, and quickly followed.

"Boom boom boom!"

With falling

The three giants fell in front of Diga.

"The new giant?"

Director Sawai said blankly.

[Alter Barrier! 】

Apart from anything else, Camilla opened a barrier with both hands directly.

Hitler and Durham did the same.

"What a shit! I didn't expect that the first thing that came out was to save the traitor?!" Hitler rolled her head and looked at Diga, who was holding her chest on the ground, and said unhappy.

"I'll get it back!" Durham also snorted coldly.

"Shut up all! It's coming!" Big sister Camilla shouted.

The two also quickly recovered.

"Camilla trio? They broke the seal? The story of mmp is completely messed up, but you guys want to stop me, then go to death together!"

Jiajie stared at the three giants who appeared in front of Diga for a moment.

But then, his face became cold.

Want to be a desperate mandarin duck, I will fulfill you!

The next moment, the yellow crystal on his back exploded and shot several fireballs.

[Dark Fireball! 】


The fireball hit the barrier.


The sound of shattering sounded Damn! Gatangieu's power is stronger than before! Hitler stepped back behind Otto's barrier and said unwillingly.

Being agile, he is simply not suitable for these physical tasks.

"Block it for me! Someone will come to rescue us when that happens!"

With the continuous consumption of energy.

Camilla's chest also began to flash red.

Looking at Camilla in front, Tiga was taken aback.

Quickly detached the Paraghi shield from his body and attached it to Camilla's body.

Camilla rolled her head slightly and looked at Tiga on the ground.

Tiga nodded to it: "Please, Camilla."

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