Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 553: Gatange Eryang

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"Magic circle?! It turned out to be a magic circle?! There really is magic in this world!"

Countless dreamy teenagers were completely excited after seeing Suzuki Satoru's superposition magic and Rimuru's summoning magic.

Which westerner did not have the dream of a magician when he was young? It's like a martial arts dream in the East.

These people have been hidden in the city.

Now that the magic is confirmed, they have been hiding completely broke out.

"It turns out that our world can be cultivated! It must have been concealed by the people above!"

"We are going to parade, and we demand that the magician's practice methods be disclosed!"

At this moment, people's excitement triumphed over fear.

Some don't even watch the live broadcast, and search the Internet for how to use magic.

"Why Milong, the King of Meng and the King of Bone appear in this world?!"

At this moment, if you want to say who has the most broken mentality, you still have to belong to Jiajie.

Is it really Ultraman's world that he travels through? !

These one by one, are you not afraid of the collapse of the world system when you play like this? !

"You don't need to worry about this kind of thing, Traverser."

On the opposite side, the words of Mengbius floating in the air caused Jiajie's pupils to shrink suddenly.

"Who?! Who are you?! Why do you know this!"

Jiajie couldn't help being impatient.

This matter of the traverser can be said to be his biggest secret apart from the system.

But why would Mambius know?

"Could it be that he is also a traverser?"

"By the way, it must be! Otherwise, how could Dreambius possess the Shield of Paraggi?!"

After quick thinking, Jiajie's face was cold.

Now that the other party already knows his secret and is still a ‘traverser’, he must die!

As a traverser, anyone who can threaten him is absolutely forbidden!

In an instant, countless tentacles of sickle flew towards the dreambius.

Seeing the words, Mengbius flew to the sky fiercely.

A sword swept across, knocking back the sickle tentacles that were flying.

The shield of Palaji scattered all over, and finally formed a huge bow and arrow!

[Ultimate Arrow! 】

Endless light energy began to gather...

"Ultimate Arrow?" Jiajie only felt a chill in his forehead when he saw the bow and arrow.

This move is a terrifying move that even the ultimate Beria could not take!

If you are hit by this trick, you will be disabled if you don't die!

Not to mention that there are so many Ultraman around!

"We must stop him!"

After making up his mind, a dark fireball burst out from behind Jiajie.


Just as it was about to hit the dreambius, an imaginary space opened up in front of it.

Directly swallow the fireball.


Seeing the disappearing fireball, Jiajie was taken aback.

Followed by

An imaginary space opened behind it, and a huge fireball emerged.



Accompanied by a huge explosion, Gatangeton let out a wailing, and then smashed into the sea heavily.


Set off a huge wave of kilometers.

"what happened?"

Feeling the pain in his back, Jiajie's expression was distorted.

Without him, it hurts too much!

It is estimated that his shell was blown up.

But before he could react, a golden beam of light pierced the sky.

Break through the space and hack straight from a distance.

"I go!"

Seeing the beam of light slamming on the face, Jiajie was startled.

Countless tentacles extend to form a defense.

But in an instant

"Icy Hell!"

The cold voice is like a cold wind in winter.


The sea surface quickly condenses.

It turned into solid ice in an instant!

Even those tentacles were frozen!

A pink-blue shadow fell from the sky on the frozen sea.

In his hand, there was an ice blue sword exuding endless cold air.

The golden beam of light passed by the pink-blue figure, pierced through the tentacles, and directly blasted on Gatangeton's body.

The light dissipated.

Gatangeton looked embarrassed.

The conch shell is broken.

The huge yellow sleeping crystal behind it was also broken.

Silks of green smoke rose from his body.

"The shopkeeper?!" Mambius was delighted when he saw these moves.

I saw in the distance, a giant silver dragon, with several figures standing above it.


Inside the Attis

The moment they saw Bella, everyone's pupils shrank.

"Silver Dragon... Bellenas!"

Whether it is a refuge or other countries, everything is quiet at this moment.

Not only the magic circle but also the dragon, people have already watched.

"Look, that's Celine!"

They don't know the others, but Xilin and the others do.

I have been active in this world twice, so people in this world have a certain knowledge of Xilin.

That is God!

And now, such a person is standing behind the leader.

"Could it be that they are all gods?"

At this moment, people couldn't help but think of it.

"Bellenas?! Sword of Oath of Victory?! Damn it! Is this a dimensional invasion?!"

Jiajie lying in the sea is now stupid.

What kind of ghost world has he traveled into?

Could it be the world of dimensional invasion?

Otherwise, why are there so many people from the world appearing in the same world?

And there is the ultimate arrow brewing on his head.

If that thing is knocked down, it will be dead.


In the distance, a loud roar rang out.

The scarlet dragon leaned forward.

It penetrates directly from the chest of the five emperors.

At the moment of penetration, a huge magic circle appeared under the five emperors.


The emerald-colored beam of light rose into the sky, drowning the five emperors.

Destroy the corpses!

"The collapse of the five dragons!"

"The Howl of the Storm Dragon!"

"Silver Dragon's Boom!"

Limru, Verdola, and the three major dragon breaths of Ozuki converged and exploded, directly enshrouding Japonton.

Jiajie: "..."

Look at the two monsters that have died.

For a moment, he persuaded.

Maybe it was a mistake to stay by yourself, UU reading should run away.

"Ding! It is detected that the host is completely and will never be able to defeat the newly emerged boss, the system starts the self-protection program, and the motherhood begins..."

"Huh? What the hell?"

While thinking about how to escape, Jiajie's words were stunned by the system's words.

"Huh? Wait!"

But before he could react, his body began to change.

The whole tentacles retracted.

The body also began to shrink.

"what's the situation?"

Ling Yun and the others were stunned watching this scene.

"Is it possible to transform?" Xilin said suddenly.

"I heard that physical abilities will be more perfectly mastered after transformation."

"It's not impossible."

Those who travel normally will definitely be transformed.

Otherwise, what is the meaning of his crossing?

Finally, everyone waited patiently.

The light fades away

Revealed the true face of Gatangeton.

It's just that everyone is stupid.


"What the hell?"

The ferocious evil **** Gatangeton disappeared.

It was replaced by a pink-haired young girl with a huge conch on her head.

Two blue sea snakes extend from the conch on both sides.

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