Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 556: Shocking Mountains·The Salary of Stars

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Looking at the hundreds of bright spots in the sky like stars, for a while, the darkness Zaki was silent.

Now there are two options before him.

1. Defensively, you might be able to survive.

2. Blast a few, and then be screened in all directions.

Not to mention the silent dark Zaki.

It was Saiwen who was accustomed to seeing the great wind and waves of the Ultra warrior, after seeing the sky full of Palaji's shield, he could not help being impressed by Ling Yun.

too strong! How proud!

They have never seen the power of the ultimate arrow, but they have seen the power of the ultimate sword!

A single flick is enough to shred a medium-sized planet!

You told me that there are hundreds of such incomparably defying artifacts? !

For a time, the first generation wanted to rush to Ling Yun and ask him if he wanted to cooperate with the Kingdom of Light.

Together to maintain the peace of the universe.

"Big brother is amazing!" Bellenas said with a look of exclamation on his back.

The ruler is the pole of the physical system.

Very close to nature, because you can also feel the energy contained in these light arrows.

Mei and others who saw this scene for the first time were all stunned.

"This guy always likes to surprise people." Kevin folded his arms, his mouth twitched slightly.

He suddenly felt that his calamity was not fragrant at all.

"Brother Lingyun is the strongest." Xilin raised her chin proudly.

Then the imaginary space is opened, and one step is to boast.

Ling Yun's battle started, and she couldn't fall.

"Come on, fried chicken." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

He waved his hand to the void.


next moment

The light bloomed to the extreme.

Hundreds of small suns appeared in the sky.


Feeling the extremely annoying breath in the ultimate arrow, Zaki grabbed his hands and roared at the void.

The sky changed amid Zaki's beastly roar.

A dark red vortex appeared in the sky.

The thunder kept falling, breaking the sea, and some monsters that were close to each other directly exploded after being struck by the thunder.

Everyone could not help but take a breath.

This new dark Ultraman is too strong!

Diga looked even more dazed.

Is this my final boss?

Xin Hao entered the shop, otherwise he wouldn't be enough to make thousands more!

Looking at the ultimate arrow bursting out.

Zaki's dark red pupils glowed with a frightening light, and then he punched fiercely.


Accompanied by a burst of air.

The black flame burst out like a sharp arrow.

[Zaki Hellfire! 】

This was not over yet, and dozens of punches were blasted out in a row.

Bang bang bang!

A violent explosion occurred high in the sky.

But the double fist is hard to beat the hundred arrows in the end.

After offsetting more than forty ultimate arrows, the remaining ultimate arrows pierced through the dust and shot heavily on Dark Zaki's body.

The next moment, a ray of light lit up like daylight.

"Ika. Absolute defensive circle to the greatest extent." Ling Yun said to Icarus.

"Yes, master."

Icarus nodded lightly, and then a pink protective cover spread out instantly.

Eventually enveloped the entire sea area.


Some monsters walking towards the edge were directly stopped.

Looking at the black smoke all over the hair, the corners of Zaki Lingyun's mouth in the extremely embarrassed darkness conjured a curve.

"Next, let me have fun with you."

Words fall.

Ling Yun's body lit up with a dark red light.

Gently waved at the void.

In an instant, two long swords, one silver and one dark, appeared in his hands.

Lifting his head, looking at the dark Zaki not far away, a flat voice sounded: "Additional energy boost."


The two long swords rubbed against each other and sparks splashed down.



Two torrents, one gold and one dark, poured towards the dark Zaki.

Zaki roared, leaped forward and rushed towards Lingyun above.

Stretching out his hands, he directly blocked the two torrents!

"It deserves to be Dark Zaki, the legendary Dark Destruction God is extraordinary in strength."

Ling Yun said in surprise.

The star appointment was blocked for the first time!

"Then I should go back and try my best."

"Additional space!"

Ling Yun's flat voice echoed in the sky.

The next moment, a huge hole bloomed high in the sky.

That is a vast starry sky!

But before people had time to react, a huge star slowly descended from the torn starry sky.

"Ling Yun has summoned all the planets?!" In the distance, Kevin, who was fighting with the black full-body magic snake, was stunned.

This ball is bigger than the final one!

"As expected of Brother Ling Yun!" Xi Lin showed an expression of admiration.

The whole earth is silent.

Summon the meteorite, they have all seen it, because Xilin has already demonstrated it once.

But summon the planet...

"Fuck! What did I see?!"

"Quick! Hit me?! What is this Nima? Planet! It's really a planet!"

After a brief silence, the whole world exploded.

Meteorites are acceptable, but what the **** is the planet?

Is this the battle of the strong?

Take a fight and smash the planet directly?

Otto stared blankly at the golden planet slowly descending above the sky.

At this moment, he finally understood how small he really was.

The monsters summoned by the Dark Zaki seemed to feel threatened, and began to agitate uncomfortably.

High in the sky, Ling Yun's complexion was flat, the golden halo opened, and the ending sword was taken out by Ling Yun.


The handle is closed.

Turned into a long bow.

"Additional concept."

Ling Yun's calm voice returned high in the sky and passed into everyone's ears.

next moment

They saw things that were unforgettable for them in their lifetime.

The huge golden planet disappeared, turning into endless energy and sinking into the golden longbow in Ling Yun's hand.

Ling Yun slowly pulled up the golden bowstring made of stardust.


The golden light arrow was erected.

In the dull eyes of everyone.

The golden wings spread out around Lingyun.

"To the great heaven, to the great earth!"

A magical circle with golden wings spread out in front of the bow and arrow.

After aiming at the dark Zaki underground, Ling Yun released the bowstring in his hand.

"The mountains are shocking, the star's salary!"

The moment the flat voice fell


Light arrows pierced through the void, rushing towards the dark Zaki with enough power to penetrate and smash everything.


Zaki roared.

The energy of the whole body gathers.

[Lightning? Zaki! 】

The torrent of dark red purple electricity collided in the shocking eyes of people.

High in the sky, it's hard to tell the victory or defeat for a time.

On one side is the energy conceptualized by the entire Venus, and on the other side is the light beam capable of crushing the planet.

The two energies actually stalemate in the void.

"Zaki, among all the opponents I have fought, I would like to call you the strongest!"

Ling Yun is not stingy with his The next move is my latest creation, I hope you can catch it. "


A white wing of light emerged behind Ling Yun, and his hands were enveloped by dark red hands.

"I awakened as--"

Looking at the stalemate in the dark Zaki, Ling Yun sounded without a trace of emotion.

"The two heavenly dragons that dominate the gods--

Laugh infinitely, look down on dreams--"


The red and white armor was attached to Ling Yun's body.

The light wings of the White Dragon Emperor turned dark red behind him.

The emerald orb on the hand of the cage also turned silvery white.

"I, be the overbearing of the Heavenly Dragon——

Beyond the end, we will eventually witness the hypocritical taboo——

You, Linglong, kneel down in our glory! "

"JuggernautDrive (Tyrannosaurus


Ssangyong under Ling Yun's hand-free state began to change.

The body swelled suddenly.


The sound of dragons tears through the sky.


The dark red dragon claw tears the void.

The huge silver wings cover the sky!

In the dull look of countless people, a silver-red dragon appeared in front of them.

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