Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 564: Dagu: I think I can still be bored in the pressure cooker for a while...

Tiga World

After Ling Yun is gone

The remaining people gathered together.

The first generation and others are also transformed into human bodies.

"Thank you so much for this incident in Gatanjae!"

Dagu gratefully looked at everyone in front of him.

Saying, bowed.

"Seeing out." Kevin waved his hand.

"As Ultraman, it is our duty to fight evil monsters." Chu Dai laughed.

At this time, Kevin looked around and asked: "By the way, where did Limru go?"

"He said that he had something to do, so he left temporarily." Suzuki, who was with Rimuru, said.

"But what can he do? Is it possible to go to a colorful website on an Internet cafe?" Suzuki Satoru fumbled his chin.

"What is a colored website?"

Karen gives full play to her excellent quality of asking if she doesn't understand.

"It's a website with the same color as his hair." Suzuki Satoru subconsciously pointed to Otto's trouble.

Golden gold? no, no, no, is yellow.

Otto's face turned black to pig liver.

"Haha." Otto grinned reluctantly.

If it weren't in front of Karen, he would have gone violently.

"Since the matter has been resolved, then we will return to the Kingdom of Light first." The first generation and others who had derailed from the young people sounded dazed.

Could not help but quit the chat first.

"Will you leave so soon? I would like to thank you all." Dagu looked at the Four Brothers in surprise.

"No, the earth has found its soldiers." The first generation smiled slightly.

The next moment, the four of them turned into rays of light and dissipated in place.


"Your teammates are here, let's get together again at night." Dagu just said, but was interrupted by Kevin.

The next moment, Dagu turned his head and found Lina running towards him.

When he turned his head again, everyone else had already left.

"Then get together again at night." Dagu shook his head and smiled.

Looking at Lina running across, laughed, waved her hand, and ran towards Lina: "Hey! I'm here!"

As the sun sets, the two hug each other.

In the back, Captain Iimae, Zongfang and others were following.

"Big sister, do you need us to help you clean up his meal?" Hitler glanced at Dagu and Lina who were embracing each other, then glanced at Camilla.

Hearing this, Camilla just glanced at him and uttered two words flatly: "No."

Then, he turned around and left.

Hitler and Durham looked at each other and quickly followed.

"team leader."

"Dagu, congratulations, you succeeded." Intermahui patted Dagu on the shoulder and smiled with satisfaction.

"Captain..." Lina looked at Intermae in disbelief.

I thought she had discovered it alone, but I didn't expect the captain to also...

"It's all friends for help." Dagu said embarrassedly.

"Captain, what are you talking about? Is there anything Daegu has done?" Horii rubbed his head in confusion.

Intermediate Hui smiled slightly: "I said it, or did you tell them?"

The other team members looked at the Dagu trio, feeling inexplicable.

"Ah! Dagu, are you with Lina?" Suddenly, Xincheng said suddenly as if thinking of something.


Dagu who wanted to explain was startled.

"Newtown player! What are you talking about?!"

Lina said angrily.

"Isn't it? What's the matter then?"

Dagu smiled helplessly.

He took out the Tiga circle from his arms.

Xincheng said in surprise: "Da Gu, what are you doing with a toy? Huh? It still shines."

Dagu: "..."

Lina: "..."

Intermae gently covered her forehead.

The corners of Dagu's mouth twitched, and Tiga Circle was taken into his arms.

Good guy, originally he wanted to solemnly declare that he was Ultraman Tiga, but he was so troubled by the new city that he felt that he could say it later.

at the same time


In Europe, with the sound of an explosion, Zoga has been killed by Limru all the time.


There was a flat voice.

"Verdola, go to the next place." Rimru's flat voice came.

"it is good."

Verdola said, spreading his wings and flying away.

"This point is earning really fast." Looking at Heikari's points, Limru's face showed a happy smile.

Another day, I will find an opportunity to resurrect Miss Jing, or travel back to the world of the previous life to see if his younger generations have fulfilled his last wish. If not, Limlu doesn't mind giving him a lifelong journey in another world.


A roar came from the opposite side, and a Zoga flew over.

Pulling Rimuru's thoughts back.


"Sakura, how about this dress?" Mei picked up a blue pleated skirt and put the white lady's shirt into Sakura's arms.

"Doctor, it doesn't cost much in fact, this suit of armor on my body is very beautiful." Ying shook her head.

"It's okay, you can't always wear combat uniforms. UU reading www.uukā" Mei chuckled slightly.

"Sister, try it, this is also the doctor's heart." Ling said.

"Then, okay." Finally, Sakura went to the changing room.

And on the opposite side of the children’s store

"Delisa, come and see how this one is?" Karen looked at Teresa excitedly with a princess dress.

Teresa: "..."

Crying without tears, he said, "Grandma, how many times have I said that, I'm not a kid!"

Karen frowned, "But, apart from children's clothes, there is nothing for you."

Teresa: "..."

Grandma, it hurts your heart to say that!

The shopping guide next to him looked at the two'sisters' with a smile.

Returning grandma and granddaughter, these two really love to joke.

Anyway, she does not believe that Teresa is Karen's "granddaughter".

"Sakura, what do you think? It's so pretty." Karen looked at Yaezakura.

"Forget it, I think we should respect Teresa." Yae Sakura glanced at her cute Teresa, and said softly.

"Well, Karen, Teresa's clothes are usually custom made by me." Otto also said.

"okay then."

Teresa breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally no need to wear children's clothes.

I think she is 28 years old and wears children's clothes. Wouldn't it be laughed to death if she spread it out.

However, grandma is really a terrible creature!

"Uncle Mambius, where are we going? This is my first time on Earth." Sai Luo asked, looking at the crowded cities around him.

Gatangieu was wiped out, and people came out of the air-raid shelter again.

Looking at the bright sky, like a new life.

I am motivated to do everything.

Building, building, selling things.

"Let's go, I'll take you to drink something."

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