Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 597: The realm of reality and illusion

   The original appearance of eleven or twelve years old has now become the appearance of a girl who is seventeen or eight years old.

   silver hair shop empty

   is wearing a blue wreath on top of his head.

   is wearing a standard uniform invented by the Greek **** Zeus. (The kind that is very easy to use)

   "This power doesn't seem to be fully grasped yet."

   shook his hands, and Athena's face showed an expression of excitement.

   Although the power is still not fully grasped.

   But finally

   finally came back again!

"The enemy, although my concubine does not know what calculations you are making, it is an indisputable fact that you helped me get the Gorgon Stone. I accept this situation, and I can help you if there is anything in the future. "Athena raised her head and said to Ling Yun.

   "If you don't use it, please help me now, go and finish opening the remaining jars."

   Ling Yun pointed to the jars expressionlessly.

   "What?" Athena was taken aback.

   actually used her promise in such a place?

   Is this person really okay with his brain?

   "You can't finish buying it, who are you looking down on?" Ling Yun said angrily.

  Athena: "......"

   She was slightly speechless.

   The brain circuit of this enemy is so strange.

   Throughout the millennia, she has encountered many godslayers, but this is the first time she has encountered such a weird one.

   "Well, my concubine will satisfy your wish."

   Although Athena was very speechless about Ling Yun's idea, she still did.


   With a soft drink, the dark light from his hand flew out, and then immediately.

   All the remaining jars are shattered together.

  The broken jar turned into a small thing.

   A purple light emerged.

   Without hesitation, Athena squeezed the ball of light.

  [The realm of reality and illusion]: You can turn illusory objects into reality (only once!)


   After seeing the message from the purple object, Athena's dark eyes shrank.

   "Is it possible?!"

   There was a thought in his heart, he raised his head suddenly, and looked at Ling Yun uncertainly.

   "Oh, I didn't expect you to have such a thing. Congratulations, you can completely get rid of the shackles of myths."

   Ling Yun said slightly surprised.

   Athena's complexion remained unchanged, staring at Ling Yun firmly.

   Sakura lips lightly opened: "Why?"

   "What and why?" Ling Yun asked in a puzzled manner.

   Athena looked at Ling Yun with a complicated expression.

   If Ling Yun had said what she had understood before, but now the other party's actions made her even more confused.

   "As an enemy, you want to liberate me, I can't figure it out." Athena looked at Ling Yun puzzled.

  ‘When you open the can, the stronger you are for something, the closer the final item will be to the one you want. ’

   If there is this sentence as the cornerstone, it is easy to understand why she can open the item [Reality and Fantasy Realm].

   According to reason, she never wanted to get rid of the myth or detach from the myth in the past.

   So there would be no such items.

   But before she opened the can, Ling Yun asked her if she wanted to detach from the myth and become a real creature, her heart moved.

   This thought is buried in my heart like a seed.

   Now the seeds germinate and bear fruit.

   "Perhaps, it's because I like you."

   In response to Athena's gaze, Ling Yun ignored the stunned gazes of the three people next to him, and smiled lightly.

   "Of course, it may also be because of feelings."

   God Killer is a fan he saw earlier, and he liked this very novel subject at the time.

   is his only fan with six brushes.

   It's a pity that it was removed from the shelves afterwards.

After   , after God Eater came out, because the pronunciation was the same, I went to read it specially.

   Jia Baili stayed for a while.

   glanced at Thor, who seemed to have heard nothing in the kitchen, and then at Athena, his mind was dizzy.

   Is it possible for her to be the witness of the three new couples?

   My God, this is too exciting for her, an angel who has just been in the realm!

   Black pupil was surprised.

   If it is correct, Ling Yun and Athena should have met for the first time today.

love at first sight?

   Athena’s pupils made waves, and she recovered her peace, and she said in surprise, "Unbelievable, the enemy will actually like her concubine."

   "But I will disappoint you. As one of the three goddesses, it is impossible to break the vow."

   "So, as long as you get rid of the myth, then you are not the three goddesses."

   Ling Yun raised the corner of his mouth and smiled jokingly.

   Athena stayed for a while.

   can do this?

   "Humans are really terrible creatures!"

   Athena gently clutched her chest.


too frightening!

   "Well, I won't tease you, but I do hope you can get rid of the myth." Ling Yun's expression eased.

   Athena's expression changed slightly.

   She really didn't understand.

   What does this man want to do?

  Mingming's sentence is very frivolous, but what she has done makes her fall deeply into it.

   "Use it, as long as you use that, you don't need to be bound by myth anymore."

   Hearing the words, Athena looked at the light in the palm of her hand.

   The look must be.

   If it is true, she thinks!

   She wants to get rid of that false myth!

   Then, white light emerged from his body.


   The light disappears

   Athena opened her eyes again.

   she can feel

   In the dark, a connection is severed!

   There will continue to be Athena in the myth, UU reading www.uukanshu. com but the **** Athena will no longer appear.

   Because the concept of Athena has become a real creature!

   That creature, she is...

   "Thank you."

   Athena looked complicated and thanked Ling Yun.

   This is the first time she has said thank you.

   I didn't expect it to be for humans.

   "By the way, do you want a Saint Seiya?"

   However, Ling Yun didn't have as much as Athena thought, and instead asked curiously.

   "Saint Seiya, what is that again?" Athena asked suspiciously.

   she found out

   Everything I heard today is beyond my own knowledge.

  Athena: What use do I want this ancient wisdom? !

   "Holy fighters are a group of fighters dedicated to protecting the goddess Athena. For example, Zeus has **** fighters, Hades has ghost fighters, and Poseidon has sea fighters." Ling Yun talked freely.

  Athena: "......"

   After listening to it for a while, she suddenly found that she... totally do not understand!



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