Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 612: Emperor of Light Battle Dragon

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

"So, our ultimate goal is God Tiamat?"

A calm voice sounded.

Look around

It was a man with blood-long hair and wearing a black and gold armor.

Beside it is a silver-haired maid.

"Are you here too?"

Looking at the two, a touch of surprise appeared in Ling Yun's pupils.

Suzex and Gurefia.

"The legendary **** of creation, even I want to see his figure." Szekes smiled slightly.

"Trust me, there will only be one final conclusion of yours." After a long silence, Ling Yun patted Szekes on the shoulder.

Because apart from big, there are no other words to describe it.

Suzex: "???"

"Owner, when are we going there? I can't wait." Risa said a little excitedly.

The legendary Babylon.

Ancient Mesopotamia in 2655 BC.

Thinking about it, I'm all excited.

In that era of choice between humans and gods, she didn't expect her to witness it with her own eyes.

I couldn't help but come up with an idea: it's great to join the shop.

Although Suzuki Satoru in the skeleton state is still plain, the green light shining all over his body indicates that the other party's heart is also extremely unstable.

"Don't worry, I need to deal with some things, and take advantage of this time, you can also go back and get ready." Looking at Risa, Ling Yun smiled lightly.

"That's OK, although I don't know how strong this God of Tiamat is, since he can be called the God of Creation, his strength can't be underestimated." Milong nodded.

It's always good to be careful.

And the rainbow stones he got from Kalia and Sardin need to be strengthened by points.

Compared to the elusive jar, upgrading the two rainbow stones to the golden item is the most suitable right now.

"Ling Yun, can we go there?"

At this time, Sophie, who was holding Conna, walked to Ling Yun's body, with hopeful eyes from her scarlet eyes.

Even if she had lived for nearly 400 years, she was very yearning for the legendary Uruk.

Behind him was Nishinomiya Glass, Mianma and other ordinary people, and they all looked forward to it.

After Ling Yun was silent for a while, he said: "If this is the case, then everyone will go together, but you have to follow me, or follow Kevin Milong and others. You can't run around alone. That world is still more dangerous. "

"no problem."

In this regard, Nishinomiya Glass and others readily agreed.

They still know their own strength.

They only need to witness the legendary Uruk.

"Then everyone, go back and prepare. We will meet at the store at about two o'clock in the afternoon." Ling Yun said, taking a look at the time on his mobile phone.

The others nodded.

And Jin Shining was handed over to Xi Lin by Ling Yun.

Faced with this one-pointed oil drum, it is necessary to use violence to control violence.

Don't talk about other

Just an imaginary space can kill the opponent.

Cut the pupil world

In the forest outside the empire

A dark space opens

Ling Yun walked out of it.

"Master Lingyun."

At this moment

Black pupil walked out of the forest and shouted with joy.

"Trouble." Ling Yun nodded to it.

"It doesn't matter, this is what I should do, but Master Lingyun, Yunhai Shenlong is really strong, even if I become a godslayer, I am not sure." Black pupil said worriedly.

After becoming a godslayer, she accomplished the feat of killing eight super dangerous species overnight.

But compared with the Yunhai Shenlong, it was still too small.

"Relax, since I dare to come, I naturally have enough confidence." Ling Yun smiled.

Seeing this, Black pupil said nothing more.

Accompanied by a golden halo

Vimana slowly emerged from the capital of gold.

Throw the black pupil up with one hand

After Ling Yun steadily landed on Vimala, he spit out a word to the alpaca in front of him: "Go."


Under the guidance of the black pupil

The alpaca ran away towards the east in the air.

And after the two left

A woman with long icy blue hair came out of the forest.

Looking at Vimala, who was far away, a teasing smile evoked at the corner of his mouth.

"I said why I took leave the next day. It turned out to be with my boyfriend." As he said, Esther's brows frowned: "But, what kind of imperial equipment is that golden ark? How did I never never seen it."

East China Sea

Soon Ling Yun and Hei Tong came to the sky above the East China Sea.

Looking at the mountain peaks not far away.

Ling Yun's pupils gradually turned blue.

He glanced around, and finally specified a direction.

"found it."

"What?" the black pupil on the side said puzzledly.

But then, she watched Ling Yun raise her hands.

The solemn spirit of words came from Ling Yun's mouth:

"Sharp teeth! Kill it with a single blow, trample it to pieces!"


A deafening roar resembling an ancient giant beast resounded throughout the East China Sea.

An extremely huge wild boar descended from the void and pressed heavily on Ling Yun's hands.

Without any hesitation, at the moment when the wild boar arrived.

Ling Yun smashed it towards a mountain in the distance.


Accompanied by the roar of a wild boar.


The entire mountain range was crushed in the dull eyes of the black pupil!


Accompanied by the high dragon roar

The huge cyan dragon flew out from the mountains.

Every twist of the 10,000-meter body can set off a gust of wind.

The moment Yunhai Shenlong came out, he glared at Ling Yun.

Anyone who sleeps well at home will not be too happy to be beaten up.

"Yes, it looks like a dragon. If so, from now on, you will be my photon emperor and battle dragon." Looking at the opposite side and the mythical dragon, Lingyun's mouth was raised. A faint smile.

"Human, you are too arrogant!"

At this time, a strong voice sounded.

"Say, speak!"

Black pupil stared blankly at the Yunhai Shenlong in front of him.

Although she knew that the other party was very strong, it was the first time she saw him because of the danger of talking.

"It seems that you have reached the upper limit of this world." Ling Yun admired.

"It's really amazing to be able to cultivate to this level in this world."

Yunhai Shenlong was very upset.

What's the matter with the eyes of your seniors looking at the back?

"Humanity, although I don't want to intervene in human affairs, it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want on my territory!"

"That's a pity, I am the person who likes to say no to others the most."

Chuckled lightly.

Reach out

Followed by

A big orange sword appeared in his hand.

"You are arrogant."

Yunhai Shenlong looked at the robbery in Lingyun's hand and sneered. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Human beings still don't know the so-called as always.

A small sword can't even break its scales!

"Is it arrogant? You will know if you try it yourself?" With a smile, Ling Yun shot straight towards the Yunhai Shenlong.

"Eat my Skyfire Great Sword!"

With a loud shout, the robbery in his hand smashed him heavily.


The endless flames swept across the Yunhai Shenlong.


The dragon chant sounded.

The winding body plunged into the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.

"Want to hide? It's so beautiful to think."

Several golden halos emerged from behind Lingyun.

The lock of the sky burst out, entangled the body of the Yunhai Shenlong.

"Sorry, the situation is urgent, I don't have time to play with you slowly." Looking at the struggling Yunhai Shenlong below, Ling Yun was expressionless.


After the last dragon roar, the huge flame swallowed the Yunhai Shenlong completely.


Accompanied by the flames, it crashed into the mountains like a meteor.

Let the entire East China Sea trembled.

In the endless dust.

The Yunhai Shenlong lay on the ground like a dead dog.

"Win, win?"

Heitong looked at the scorched cloud dragon, lying on the mountain with a dazed expression.

The top super-dangerous species in this world was just killed by a single blow?

There are no cards at all.

Ling Yun ignored Black Eye's shock.

Reach out


A dragon-shaped beast appeared from the capital of gold.

"go with."

When the words fell, the dragon shape began to disintegrate quickly

It turned into countless armors, and finally quickly attached to the huge body of the Yunhai Shenlong.

At the same time, Ling Yun stretched out his hand.

The power of the male sheep is activated!

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