Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 618: Angry crowd

  Chapter 616 Angry People

   Uruk Temple

  Ling Yun and others sat on the stone pillars around the temple.

   admiring the whole picture of Uruk.

   "It's a beautiful city."

  Looking at the city below, Nishinomiya Glass couldn't help sighing.

  People’s laughter, and the atmosphere unique to Uruk.

   is so full of charm.

  I never thought that such a happy and beautiful city would disappear.

   "Let's go, God Tiamat has awakened, and our mission should begin."

   Ling Yun got up, patted the dust on his butt, and said suddenly.

   look around

  Can see the sky in the distance

  You will find that a dark cloud is constantly spreading.

  Dye the sky gradually dark red.

   "Wait for a long time."

   Kevin leaning on the stone pillar opened his ice-blue pupils.

  At the moment when the **** Tiamat appeared, the genes of the collapsing beast in his body were instinctively afraid.

  But Kevin has gotten used to it.

  After all, when he was angry at the end, the Pavanti gene in his body was also afraid.

   But even so, he still chopped it down.

  Mei turned the tablet calmly and began to detect the energy in the void.

  It can be observed that the energy exploded by the visual inspection center is comparable to hundreds of final lawmakers.

  Limulu jumped to Milim's head.

  This time, for the sake of the opponent's God Tiamat, he deliberately brought Milim, the big killer.

  Immediately, Ling Yun stretched out his hand

  Golden halo opens

  A golden ark slowly flew out of it.

  Ling Yun turned to Sophie and the others on the side, and said, "Just wait here."

  And a few people also knew their strengths and nodded.

   "Brother, remember to start the live broadcast."

  Do not forget to say a word on the face code.

   "Don't worry." Ling Yun made an OK gesture.

   "Then, let's go."

  After finishing speaking, except Sophie, the others all jumped on Vimala.

  Outside Uruk

  After talking with Leonidas, Athena subconsciously raised her head.

  Looking at Vimana flying above his head, his dark eyes flashed.

  A silver light flashed all over her body.

   then flew towards Vimala.


   Uruk Tower

   "They are leaving."

  C flash and a flash looked at the eyes of Vimalakirti in the distance.

  "Aren't you going?" c Flash folded his arms and looked at him curiously.

   "Of course I did." A flashed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

  Golden light emerges

  A Vimona appears

Jin Shining stepped on without any hesitation, and then sat on the throne steadily.

  "This time, the future may be changed."

  Looking at the back of a flash leaving, c flash shook his head.

  He didn't let Niuromaru and others follow along.

  Because there are still two other goddesses that need to be guarded.

   "Siduli, get ready for war. This is the biggest disaster Uruk has ever faced."

  Residential area

  A figure wearing a cloak slowly raised its head, looked at the far away a flash, and then turned its head

  Slowly sink into the darkness.

  Persian Gulf

  The densely packed Rahmu climbed onto the ground.

  After Ling Yun and the others arrived, his complexion couldn't help but change as he watched the scenery below.

   "It's cruel." Wang Qiang frowned.

  Densely dense Lahm invaded the human city.

  And humans are like unarmed children in front of them, easily tortured and killed.

  The ground basically can't see the color of the soil, and it's all stained red with blood.


  Boom boom boom!

   Accompanied by several explosions and a panic sound.

   make people turn their heads

  I found a black-haired girl with two ponytails constantly killing Rahmu, who was besieging humans.

  It's just that there are too many opponents, and it is difficult to take care of them comprehensively.

   "Lin?" Saber was taken aback.

  Others also showed surprised eyes.

   "No, her name is Ishtar."

   "But why does it look exactly like Rin?" Saber asked suspiciously.

   "Oh, this is the same place in different time and space. It's okay. Except for looking the same, a little arrogant, and like gems, there is no connectivity at all." Ling Yun explained.

   "Now, Ling Yun, can I go and kill them all?"

   Just then, a very calm voice sounded.

  Ling Yun turned his head

  I found that Kevin looked expressionlessly at Rahmu, who was constantly chasing humans below, and his icy blue pupils were full of murderous intent.

  The rest are the same.

  "Then, before solving the God of Tiamat, please solve these Rahmu first."

  Ling Yun looked at Rahmu with a weird smile below, his pupils condensed slightly.

  The moment when Lingyun's words fall

  Kevin exploded directly.

  He couldn't help it for a long time.


  A huge flame exploded in the city.

   "Dirty creature!"

  At this moment, Kevin’s anger points have been accumulated to the extreme.

  Seeing so many human beings killed, even if they don’t belong to the same world, they will be angry.

  The Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment directly turned into a robbery.

  The endless flames set off one piece of Lahem.

   "Da Lian? Da Lian?"

  Rahmu made a puzzled voice.

  But the next second

  A ray of light directly exploded its head.

  Limru slowly landed from the sky and looked at Rahmu below blankly.

   Slowly stretched out his hand and threw down a golden Buddha statue.

   "Gatlin Buddha, kill them all."


  The light spread, holding Gatling's golden Buddha, after seeing such a tragedy, he did not make the rough laughter of the past.

   Silently turned on Gatlin, and began a frantic sweep.

   "Saved? Great, I am finally saved!"

   "The golden light is the king's ability! The king is here to save us!" All Uruk's people shouted excitedly.

   Hope reappeared in the desperate pupils.

  The King’s Treasure, that is Gilgamesh’s standard ability.

  Weeping with joy makes the human group members extremely depressed.

   "Unfortunately, I am not your king." Ling Yun shook his head.

   "But this does not mean that I will watch you being mercilessly tortured."

   words fall

  The treasure protrudes in the halo behind.

   Countless treasures burst out, and Xiao Xilin’s Akong Spear pierced one Rahmu one after another.

  Each Rahmu has the power comparable to the heroic spirits.

  But they are not ordinary people either!

  Below, Risa led a few people and began to evacuate the crowd.

   "Come here."

  "European Emperor's Shield of Victory!"

  Maple set up a shield to bless humans inside and isolate Rahmu outside.

   "Hahaha! Killing humans, so happy, so happy." After a Rahm killed a human, he opened his mouth and laughed.


  A cannon blasted it away

   Cao Yanbing, who is holding the Ten Temple Yama, looked at the laughing Rahmu angrily: "What's so happy!"


   Going up to Vimala, Rick let out a low growl as his eyes turned red as he watched the next scene.

  Why should he fight against the gods.

  That is not to prevent human beings from continuing to live their lives like domestic animals.

  But after seeing this scene again, the dusty picture in Rick's mind is solved!

  Hubby raised his hands after hearing Rick’s order


  The complex magic circle opens on his chest

   A crisp voice sounded: "Yanlong Howl!"

  Next second

  A red beam of light shoots directly into the sky from the ground!

  In an instant tens of thousands of Rahmu were killed!

   "Okay... so amazing, are they all from Gilgamesh?" Ishtar stared at the people who were slaughtered in Rahmu.

  "Is this a new human? Never admit that such a thing is worthy of being a human? The legendary mother **** who created the world! You disappointed me too much!"

  Iskandall roared.

  Riding the wheel of God's might, accompanied by thunder to kill a group of Rahmu.

  Lancer spares no effort.

  Red and yellow roses dance.

  Binocular blood red.

  Compared with now, the Holy Grail War they had participated in before was like playing a house.

  (End of this chapter)

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