Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 621: Star Sword

  Chapter 619 The Sacred Sword of the Star

   Facing the huge God Tiamat, Ling Yun didn’t have the slightest pity for him

   controlled Emperor Suzuo with a punch on the opponent's face.

   stunned his whole person.

  One punch and one big mom.

  Ti’s mother also stopped shouting “Ahhhhhh”, clutching her red face and staring blankly at the huge Emperor Suzuo in front of her.

  No, the exact one is Lingyun at the center of the emperor's eyebrows.

  I think she, the creator **** of Mesopotamia, was beaten in the face for the first time since the creation of the world.

  And this scene also brought the entire battlefield into a short period of stagnation.

   "This, this, this!"

  Ishtar was stunned and almost fell off Maranna.

  The goddess of the underworld who has been peeking is also silly.

The treasures in    were almost lost.

  Too exciting.

  Someone dared to slap Tiamat in the face!

   Jin Shining's mouth twitched.

  This is really beautiful!

  With his character, he has long wanted to draw Tiyamat.

  But the difference in strength between the two is really huge.

  The Lakhmu who were fighting against the group members couldn't bear it anymore.

   Seeing that his mother was treated like this, she was detached from her opponent and rushed towards Ling Yun in a whisper.

  The black mud on the sea surface also moved towards Lingyun.

  But just at these moments when Rahm was approaching

  Countless meteorites fell in the sky.

   Accompanied by a huge meteorite, it seems to be about to smash this sea area!

  A huge silver dragon slowly descended from the sky.

  A flick of the tail created a huge ice tornado directly between the sky and the sea.

  Waving his wings, he shot all these Rahmu in.

  At this time, God Tiamat also recovered.

   Facing Lingyun, it made a dolphin sound that could break the earth.

  But right after

  Golden light emerged in the sea under everyone's feet.

"That is."

  After killing a Rahmu, Ishtar saw the light beneath his feet shrink.


  The sound of sparse chains sounded.

  Countless chains burst out from the bottom of the sea and flew high into the sky.

   connected to each other, blocking the body of God Tiamat in an instant.

  "This chain" Athena's pupils shrank.

  If this chain is tied to her, she won’t be able to move at all.


  Watching the battle from a distance, Jin Gu looked at the chains that blocked the action of God Tiamat in disbelief.

   "A Hanabata Yoshiko is just a mere word, but has it gone to heaven for me?"

   shook his hand, Ling Yun controlled Emperor Suzuo with a heavy blow to the belly of God Tiamat.


  The chain made an overwhelming sound.


  The chain broke, and Timmah made a painful sound.

  Facing the Tiamat God Heaven Lock is a consumable, but there are as many consumables as Lingyun!


  Except for the group members, everyone saw a shocking scene.

  Compared with the previous golden light, the area covered this time has expanded more than ten times!

  Even the sky has a halo.

  Dense chains were entwined on God Tiamat from all directions.

   The magnificent Mesopotamian creation god, at this moment, looks like an Egyptian mummy.

  I don’t know why, it looks a little funny.


  With the full strength of Timmother, the lock of the sky kept cracking.

   "Stop it for me!"

   Raised the King Power Sword in his hand and waved it heavily at the void.

   Immediately, mention Mom’s body for a while.

  "Stop it!" Everyone was taken aback.

   "Okay, so heavy!" King Power Hegemony firmly grasped the hilt of the sword, his expression a little distorted.

   Suddenly, Ling Yun's pupils narrowed.

   suddenly stretched out his hand

  A shield of pink petals appeared in front of the king's hegemony.

   hasn't waited for the king's hegemony to react.

  In the distance, the God of Tiamat burst out a pink light beam, directly bombarding the seven-fold ring of the blazing sky.


  Looking at the flower-shaped shield that resisted the attack in front of him, the kingship hegemony was frightened and sweated.

   immediately cast a grateful look at Ling Yun.

   Almost cold!


   not far away

  A golden beam of light rose into the sky.

   dispelled the clouds, revealing the blue sky.

   "Ling Yun, get out of the way!"

  Rick, who had been charging for a long time, shouted.

   Ling Yun's eyes flashed.

  The golden wings behind Emperor Suzuo spread out.

  The wings shook and rushed to the sky.

  The bright light makes the black mud retreat.

  Rahmu, who was in contact with the light spot, died amid screams.

  Even Tiamat’s butterfly-like pupils shrank slightly.

   "That light..."

  Fujimaru Tatsuka, who was coming by with Quezal Koyatel, stared at the shining pupils in the distance like a star.

  A figure appeared in his mind, and his face was happy: "Could it be that he is here too?!"

  Bailong Kangna's back

  Hubby and Rick are holding holy swords in both hands.

  Endless light illuminates the dark sea.

   "I thought the little girl's light was shining enough, but I didn't expect it to be even more dazzling."

  Iskandall, who was flying in the air, stared at the two people under the beam of light in a daze.

  "Let's light up the road ahead for us again!"

  Hubby and Rick clenched the Sword of Oath of Victory in their hands, and slammed them down in a loud shout!


  The golden beam of light is like a collapsed Optimus Prime.

   slashed towards God Tiamat with the aura of annihilation.


  Looking at the beam of light slanting down from the sky, God Tiamat turned on and agitated.



   Zhou God’s supernatural power riots.

  The lock of heaven broke madly.

  "The Holy Sword of the Star, if it is this, maybe it can" Jin Shining seemed to remember something, looking at the golden beam of light with a complicated expression.


  The golden light fell heavily.

  Submerge the God of Tiamat!


  The sea began to quickly evaporate.

  In an instant, the entire sea surface was divided into two.

  Wait until the light disappears.

  Ishtar stared blankly at the sea that was constantly steaming and gathering water: "Have you won?"

  At this moment, she was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

  These humans actually possess more terrifying power than gods? !

  Facing the beam of light just now, even she was terrified!

the other side

  Romani, who was observing the condition of God Tiamat, changed abruptly: "What's the matter, God Tiamat's spiritual foundation is returning to the gods, what did those people do?!"

  It was still proofreading and stable But at just that moment, the spiritual foundation of God Tiamat began to riot.

  Fujimaru Tateka was silent when he listened to the voice of Romani in the ring.

   But at the same time I have expectations in my heart.

  If it's that person


  After using the holy sword of a star, Rick was already slumped on Conna's back.

   "It seems that I haven't calmed down yet."

  Ling Yun calmly looked at God Tiamat who had returned to the dragon-shaped posture, and said softly.

  Although Tiamat God instinctively wants to return to the world and clean up mankind.

   But in her heart, these are still her own children and her own heirs. She couldn't bear to kill them. For this reason, she castrated her own strength drastically, and she didn't even want to attack.

  This gave everyone in the original a chance to flop.

  Because the Timm they are facing at the moment is a state of self-sealing 90% of their power.

  (End of this chapter)

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