Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

: Chapter Twenty: When the narrow road meets, the brave wins.

"You fellow, you are really ruthless."

Seeing Feiying lying on the ground or Xingtian embedded in the steps, Du Ke's mouth twitched.

"I've given you three to one, how can I be merciful?" Ling Yun smiled.

"Big deal you can upgrade."

"We also want to, but our intentions are not up to standard."

Ling Yun's flat voice came: "The height of the fountain will not exceed its source, and the mental energy of the armor warrior will not exceed his belief!"

Du Ke: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Are you putting this chicken soup?

Moreover, the words of Pluto came out of Shura's mouth. Isn't it weird?

"You think we haven't seen Super Beast Arms!" Du Ke said silently.

"So, do you want to lift the armor in embarrassment in front of the people of the world?"

A magic halberd appeared in Ling Yun's hand.

"It's Shura Purgatory Halberd!"

A familiar person recognized the weapon in Ling Yun's hand at a glance.

Many people started taking pictures.

Although it looks like a toy, its sharpness and hardness are unimaginable.

"Hey, this is not a joke."

Du Ke was taken aback when he looked at Ling Yun who was walking over with the devil halberd.

"is it?"

Ling Yun gave a chuckle.

A purple light appeared on the devil's halberd in his hand.


Ling Yun's steps slammed.

The final Asura Purgatory Halberd which raised his hand high, slammed it down towards the front.

"The gods and demons are extinct!"


The purple blade light tore the earth and slashed straight towards the diamond armor.

"Fuck! Let's get cold!"

Du Ke in the diamond armor raised his throat while looking at the light blade heart that smashed straight away.

Glancing at the summoning card box on the right, his eyes slammed.

"Fuck! Fight it!"

At this time, he couldn't help thinking about it.

If you fail, you will become benevolent!

The next moment, take out a card from the summoning card box.

Without any hesitation, he inserted into the summoner.

The entry of the card without any delay made Du Ke's heart happy.

‘Is it possible that my mind has been upgraded enough to Burst King Kong? ’

Next second

The King Kong armor began to upgrade.

The handle part of the summoner will turn downward, and the body armor and shoulder armor will be covered by white armor.

It looks like a paladin in the West!

[Leigang burst axe! 】

It is the strongest weapon at first.

Next second

Burst King Kong jumped up suddenly.

The light blade that had been split was severely chopped off.

"King Kong is struck by lightning!"


No accident

Du Ke was directly bounced off.

Directly smashed the equipment room under the podium.

Jiang Nan, who had just climbed out of the stone steps, turned his head suspiciously after hearing a sound not far away.

But after seeing the figure crawling out of the ruins, his pupils shrank.

"How did you burst and upgrade?"

"I don't know. It's just upgraded. Once the card is inserted, it can be upgraded in seconds." Du Ke replied.

Jiang Nan: "..."

So simple?

Are you **** kidding me?

"You won't try it yourself, anyway, there will be nothing." Seeing Jiang Nan's unbelief, Du Ke curled his lips.

Jiang Nan was taken aback.

Oh too.

Immediately take out the upgrade card from the summoning card box.

"No matter what, upgrade to the Lord!"

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Nan inserted the card into his belt.

Next second

Red light flashed

Golden crosses appeared on the chest and head!

God of War Xingtian debut!

"Really there is no limit?" Jiang Nan said in disbelief as he felt the majestic power in his body.

"In this case, I can win!"

Confidence is back!

Burst King Kong made the most classic action in the original book.

Put your hands on your chest, and then slowly pull them apart.

"Not moving like a mountain, moving like a thunderstorm, the world is powerful!"

Xing Tian also gently moved his palm.

"Later generations will come, the first will come, the best will be short, and you will win every battle!"

After feeling the power of the whole body

The two became more excited.

This feeling

Can win!

Three illusions in life: What do you think, what you think, what you think.

Obviously, all three of them.

Afterwards, the two looked at each other, and in the next second, they rushed towards Ling Yun.

One left and one right, he fisted Ling Yun!


Reach out and easily block the fists of the two.

Ling Yun stepped back gently, waving his cloak behind his back.


Sparks flashed by

A white crack was opened in the chest of the God of War Xingtian by the magic halberd.

Just when Jiang Nan was about to summon the weapon, Ling Yun pushed away the entangled Du Ke with one hand.

Moved to Jiang Nan in an instant.

A hard blow to his chest.

[Shura palm! 】


With a muffled grunt, the God of War Xing Tian was directly shaken out.

"Go away!"

A silver dagger in his hand burst out, knocking the King Kong that he wanted to block to the ground.

"Sura Hundred Breaks!"

Ling Yun looked at the God of War Xing Tiantong and squinted slightly.

With a soft drink, in an instant, the purple light energy gathered and turned into a purple ball of light and slammed against the **** of war Xingtian in midair.


Along with a bright firework, the smoking war **** Xing Tian fell heavily to the ground.


The silent crowd returned to their senses in the sound of falling to the ground.

Looking at the fallen God of War Xing Tian was silent.

Between the electric light and flint, Xing Tian, ​​who had just completed the upgrade of God of War, was retired by one move!

Unexpectedly, Xing Tian would be so weak after leaving the protagonist's halo.

No, it should be said that the person who summoned Shura's armor was too strong!

Seeing that the movements in the field are smooth and there is no discomfort Ling Yun, everyone has a heart.

"Sa, count your sins."

Ling Yun, who turned around, hooked his finger at Du Ke.

Seeing Jiang Nan rolling on the ground not far Du Ke swallowed.

This idea is very difficult!


"You Bi, how long do you want to lie down!" Du Ke turned his head abruptly, looking at Dai Gaoyang who was pretending to be dead under the football goal and shouted.

At the next moment, everyone's eyes converged like a flying shadow armor.


Feeling the gaze around him, Dai Gaoyang stopped pretending, and slowly got up from the ground, and glanced at Du Ke faintly.

Nima, isn't it good for him to pretend to be dead like this?

You have to be beaten to make you happy, right?

Rather than being scooped up, he would rather choose to play dead.

Ling Yun came here prepared at first glance.

"I know, I know."

But I think so, so many people watch, he can't say anything.

Du Ke sneered.

I was beaten, do you want to stay out? Come and be beaten with me!

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in the crowd: "You said I will pull out the summoner of Xingtian armor now, what will happen?"

Among the many students, there are some careful thoughts.

Seeing the **** of war Xingtian rolling on the ground, these people began to think carefully.

Yes, Xingtian, the God of War, has never fought Shura armor, but compared to others, it is just a sling.

Especially in this world where there are only ordinary people.

Sure enough, as soon as this remark came out, people's minds were shocked.

Owning a powerful, online-looking armor, but everyone’s dream when they were young.

Suddenly, people's eyes changed.

A pair of genuine armor, who doesn't want it?

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