Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

: Chapter Twenty Four: Ram: Despicable Man


"Hey, Smelly Baimao, how about let's see who gets to the combat area first?"

on the grass

A golden figure exploded out accompanied by a splash of mud.

And beside him was a silver-haired noble man with a grim face.

On its collar, there is a scarf made of dog hair.


The silver-haired noble son hummed softly when he heard the blond boy's words.

Did not speak

But the speed has increased a few layers

However, just when the two wanted to move on, Sesho Maru frowned and stopped.

"What's the matter? Brother Gou?" After seeing the movement of Sesei Maru, Nihui Sixteenye also stopped.

Shouted a bit.

In the fight between the two, Sesei Maru naturally used his own monster form.

"Come out." Saisheng Maru calmly looked forward.

"It's a dog demon, the nose is good."

Four figures walked out of the void.

"Kamen Rider?" Nihui Sixteen Ye raised her brows when she saw the four of them.

"Ahem, it's an armor warrior."

Jiang Nan coughed.

"There is no difference, why, are you here to stop me?"

"Get out of the way." Shashengwan looked at Zhang Han and the four of them calmly.

He had a hunch that inside this border fortress, there was a way to get him back.


"We can't let you pass."


Weapons appeared in the hands of the three Du Ke.

And the cage hand on Zhang Han's arm also made a dull sound.


"Amplification?" Sixteen nights raised his brows and looked at Zhang Han's mouth with a smile: "You might be a very interesting opponent."

Jianghai City

Ling Yun and Saber also came to the place where Ram appeared


Dozens of armed police, armed with shields and guns, looked at Ram in the center warily.

At this moment, there were four or five people lying under Ram's feet.

These are without exception, either the fat house or the wretched uncle.

And Ram also looked at everyone out of breath.

Protracted combat is extremely undesirable for her lack of horns.

But no way, these people have long-range magic attacks.

At the beginning of the period, many people could be lifted off, but there were no casualties due to the bulletproof vest.

But now the magic power in the body is constantly decreasing, so that the wind blade can only cause damage to creatures with a radius of five meters.


Ram looked around solemnly.

The dark muzzles made her look very ugly.

If her horns are still there, it is not worth mentioning for human beings!

"Rem, sorry, sister can't go back to accompany you."

Speaking of the angle, Ram recalled his sister in his mind, and his expression could not help but soften.

"No matter what, even if you die, you can't make this group of humans cheap!"

In Ram's thoughts

These armed police are completely the ‘wicked’ who covet her!

The armed police did not want to express anything.

The other party has killed five ‘good people’, plus they have been surrounded, there is nothing to say at all.

Just pick it up slowly and consume it to death.

But when Ram was about to die together

The imaginary space opens suddenly

This scene made everyone present feel nervous.

But soon

The captain of the armed police who received the order shouted to everyone, "It's okay, it's my own."

"Own?" Everyone was puzzled.

But Ram was extremely solemn.

Being able to use space-type magic is a powerful enemy!


Ram felt the magic in his body.

It has been less than two years.


Ling Yun and Saber walked out of the imaginary space.

Ling Yun handed a report to one of them from his arms.

After the man saw it, his expression changed, and he immediately saluted: "Good leader!"

Ling Yun: "???"

After hearing the man's answer, Ling Yun was taken aback.


He originally thought that He Cong would just give him an ordinary identity. Was it that big when he came up?

‘It seems that this should be the meaning of the country. ’

In an instant, Ling Yun understood.

With He Cong's identity, he can't get this kind of identity at all, so there must be a more powerful person behind him.

This is to give yourself the green light all the way.

Shook his head

Ling Yun raised his head and looked at the familiar figure, showing a gentle expression: "Meet you for the first time, how are you, Ram."

Ram frowned: "Who are you and what do you want to do?!"

She didn't want to ask why Ling Yun knew her name.

Because basically everyone who saw her knew her name.

Ling Yun didn't care, but smiled slightly: "My name is Ling Yun, and her name is Altria, but just call her Saber."

"Ling Yun? Saber, Saber?"

Ram frowned.

"Ask a question, how did you come into this world."

"Sure enough?"

After hearing what Ling Yun said, UU read www. There was a glimmer of light in Ram’s pupils.

"Why should I tell you!"

"So, don't you want to see Lem again? That's a pity. Would Lem who didn't see her sister think that her sister disappeared because of her?"

"What do you want to do?! I warn you, if you dare to do anything to Rem, I will definitely kill you!"

Sure enough, when Rahm was mentioned, Rahm became anxious.

"Really? So what if I tell her you are dead? Do you think she will live alone? Elem's guilt towards you should die with you."

"I..." Ram's breath stopped.

Then gritted his teeth and looked at Ling Yun: "Despicable man!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

Immediately, Ram's strength seemed to disappear, he lowered his head, and said with a slight pleading: "I see, I'm up to you to do what you want, as long as you don't tell Lem about me!"

In her cognition, she obviously can't go back.

Although I don't know why Ling Yun knew about Lem.

But she didn't dare to bet.

She knew very well about Lem's character, if she was stimulated by her own business, Lem would definitely not live alone.

Ling Yun: "???"

Ling Yun looked dumbfounded: "Why are you saying this? It makes me look like a villain. I'm just telling you what's wrong."

"Master, you didn't say anything about the advantage at all. From my point of view, you are completely intimidating." Saber said blankly.

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