Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

: Chapter Twenty Six: Burst Teeth

"You guy, are you interesting?"

When I got up from the ground, Ikuya looked at his school uniform that had been damaged.

Then he looked at the 100-meter-long red dragon on the opposite side and the 50-meter-long Diya Luca's mouth with a smile.

Look at the damaged headset and gently set it aside.


A heavy voice sounded.

Sixteen nights' fists slammed, and looked at the dragon and the unicorn sharply: "Don't think I will give up so easily! Let me continue to enjoy it!"


Accompanied by the endless dust, Nihui Shiliuye directly exploded and shot out, raising his fist fiercely at the tyrannical Zhang Han.


Diya Luca roared at the sky.

Followed by

Dozens of meteorites fell from the sky in the same direction as Ikuyao.

"Get out of here!"


With one punch smashing the flaming meteorite open, Ikuyo speeded up again and rushed to the opposite side.

"Give up, human!" Diya Luka's calm voice sounded.

"It is impossible for humans to defeat God."

The blue gem bloomed, and the energy from the corner of Diya Luca's mouth gathered and turned into a azure blue light ball.

"God? Then I don't know if I can catch my fist!" Hearing Diya Luka's words, he wiped his mouth back to Shizuya, and raised a smile.

"Arrogant! Do you think you are that person?"

A touch of disdain appeared in Diya Luca's pupils.

Next second

The roar of time and space in his mouth burst out suddenly.

"Neil the Wolf!"

on the other side

Neal, the **** of the steppe, stretched out his sharp claws at the demonized Sesho Maru on the opposite side.


The terrifying demon power spreads.

The breath of the big monster made the creatures in a radius of a hundred miles shiver.

Raising his paw, with a dark green light, Shasheng Maru rushed towards the fierce wolf Neil.


After a loud crash, Neil the Wolf was hit and flew directly.

"Poisonous Claws!"

Seize the opportunity, Sasomaru, quickly shook his paw.

Along with the dark green light, Neil the fierce wolf wailed.

"Damn it! Is this the big monster?"

He Fan looked solemnly at Neil the fierce wolf who fell on the ground and the Sashengwan with a calm look.

He didn't feel anything when he watched anime, but now he can clearly feel the bloodthirsty spirit!


Seeing the fallen wolf Neil, Shisheng Maru pursued the victory and rushed towards Neil the fierce wolf.

"Come back! Neil the Wolf!"

At the moment of death, Xu Fan's words left everyone in a daze.

In the next second, Neal the Wolf Wolf returned to the Egg God.

The moment he returned to his hand, Xu Fan threw the Egg God out again.

"Du Lanqi!"

In the next second, in the shocking eyes of everyone, Neil the fierce wolf appeared unharmed, blocking the attack of the Kookmon Sessomaru.

The Sashengwan on the opposite side was obviously taken aback.

how can that be? !

After being hit by his poisonous claws, he recovered in an instant? !

"Sure enough, the bug hasn't changed! Ling Yun is so awesome! Isn't this the egg **** in the TV series?!" He Fan said excitedly.

The bug in the TV series.

No matter how many times you fight, the egg **** has suffered multiple injuries, and the next battle will always return to the original!

He is now a man holding a genuine copy.

And the opposite

Shashengwan looks dignified

This is not good news for him.

Is it possible for him to consume each other here and across?

"No, I can't stop, Ling is still waiting for me to go back!" Thinking of the little girl in the memory, the dog's eyes slammed.

The huge body slowly shrank and turned into a human posture.

Seeing the broken ghost **** next to him, Sesho Maru looked at his right hand.

"Is my power only like this? No, it's not right! I should have even stronger power! Power that belongs only to me!"

The power of Sesomaru's fear of the whole body rioted.

"I felt you after I came into this world!"

The dark green magical power of Sesho Maru's body exploded.

Then he thrust his hand into his chest.

"Come out for me! My own tooth!"

"No, not at all." Xu Fan frowned upon seeing this scene.

Soon, with the dark green light, a silver Taito was slowly pulled out of the Shashengwan's chest.


The white blade shone with cold light.

"No, isn't it!" Xu Fan is all ill.

Why did the opponent wake up and burst his teeth at this time?

"Let me warn you one last sentence: Get out of the way!"

After feeling it for a while, Shashengwan looked at Xu Fan on the opposite side coldly.

"Sorry, forgive me!"

After swallowing, Xu Fan said solemnly.

Even if he is scared, he will not shrink back!

"Then try my'tooth' with you" The green light covered Taito, and the reborn left hand slowly burst the teeth.

"To die!"

Xu Fan swallowed hard.

"Neil the Wolf, come back soon!"

"Don't think about it!"

Shashengwan's pupils condensed. UU reading

Then violently waved it down.

Damn it!

Next second

The green thunder roared.

A dark green Thunder Dragon rushed towards Xu Fan.


In a scream, Neil the fierce wolf was easily killed.

Just when Thunder Dragon was about to rush towards Xu Fan.

A blue floating cannon appeared in front of him.

call out!

The blue aurora burst out.

Directly penetrate Thunder Dragon!

More than that, the blue laser shot straight from the ears of Shisheng Maru after penetrating the Thunder Dragon, and pierced the big tree behind Shisheng Maru into a big hole!

Sesomaru's complexion was calm, but there was a shocking wave in his heart.

He didn't even notice anything? !

"Who?!" Sai Sheng Wan frowned.

No words

Followed by

Countless silver chains appeared in the void.

Before the Shashengwan had time to react, he directly locked his limbs!


The broken tooth also fell to the ground.

"This...the lock of heaven!"

Xu Fan looked at the chains extending from the halo with horror on his face.

Then it seemed to think of something horrified.

Isn't it... Jin Shining is here too, right? !

That is a lawless lord!


The locked Sesho Maru began to struggle to break free.

But to no avail.

These chains have not moved!


Sai Sheng Maru let out an anger, his eyes flushed.

Prepare to demonize and break through the shackles of the chains.

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