Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

: Chapter Thirty Two: The Ultimate Firebird Curse Seal

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (!


Looking up at the burning sky, Apollo and Ye Lingyun were shocked and speechless.

A giant star **** surrounded by flames slowly fell from the sky.

On the back, there are wings that are distributed like two sun wheels on both sides of the back, erupting orange-red eternal fire.


A big orange-red sword plunged heavily into the ground.

The Star God who was newly summoned by Ling Yun at this moment looked more like the Sun God than Apollo!

While Apollo was still shocked, Ling Yun jumped and merged into the body of the Flame Star God.


Next second

The flame star **** raised his head fiercely, and the orange-red light lit his pupils.

A solar storm spread suddenly, causing Apollo to take a step back.

"What has been done will be done again, and what has been done will be done again."

A flat voice slowly came from the Flame Star God.

Controlling the Flame Star God, Ling Yun slowly drew the great sword from the soil.

With a light wave, a blade of fire flew out.

Bang! !

In the distance, a slowly moving meteorite exploded directly.

The scorching fire wave swept everywhere!

The silver light across the body flashed across, like the star belt of the Milky Way, bright and sacred!

On the opposite side, feeling the oppression of the void, Ye Lingyun and Apollo both became solemn.

Because the enemy in front of you is no longer just as strong.

"Come on, partner, this is our first battle. Even if you lose, it is too ugly." At this time, after witnessing the explosive power of the Flame Star God, Apollo had given up his initial idea of ​​beating Lingyun. Retreat for the second time.

Just ask for honor and defeat.

Ye Lingyun didn't speak, he just gently put on his fighting posture.

"I don't know how to use the big sword weapon. I'll see you in time."

Apollo was taken aback, and then looked at Ling Yun tightly: "The height of the fountain will not exceed its source, and the extraordinary energy of the super beast warrior will never exceed his own belief! A powerful enemy, is it not an opportunity!"

"Good point!" Ye Lingyun shouted, "Let us see where our source is!"

Take a posture.

Next second

The light wing behind Apollo shook, rushing to the sky, and then driving the high-altitude Falling to rush towards Lingyun.

"It's not a wise choice to attack hastily without knowing the enemy's strength."

Looking at Apollo, who was smashing himself with a sword, Ling Yun inside of the Flame Star God gave a chuckle.

It was wiped out with one hand, and the flame behind it shook, and it rushed out.


The sound of metal collision sounded.

The two forces collided together like a torrent.

Apollo’s is red, while Lingyun’s is orange.

It is a flame hotter than the sun.

"Dead Moon Tribulation!"

When the two of them were in a stalemate in the air, Ye Lingyun gave a soft drink.

Apollo raised his left hand, and a purple blade of waning moon appeared. Apollo directly grabbed it and slashed at Ling Yun!

In response, Ling Yun raised his left hand calmly.

In the left hand, there are actually five cards!

Seeing Death Moon Tribulation from the side, Ling Yun gave a chuckle, then threw out the five cards in his hand.

"With five A-level weapon cards as sacrifices, summon the strongest fire weapon-the light knife!"

Next second

A silver big sword bathed in flames appeared in Ling Yun's hands.


The big sword easily blocked Ye Lingyun's blow.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

"When did Ling Yun have a weapon like this?"

Below, the women who were watching the game were stunned.

"Light Knife Quiet? Why does this sound so familiar?" Zhang Han showed a thoughtful expression.

"Light Blade is the strongest fire weapon in the anime "Monster King"!" At this time, Xu Fan explained excitedly: "I didn't expect Ling Yun to connect to that world!"

"By the way, I remember it too!" Zhang Han showed a dazed expression.

In his mind appeared a petite flaming figure.

Among them, he impressed the most: ‘Qixiang, do you know why I am called a demon? It’s because I am the demon king among the demon kings. ’


"It's really abnormal, weird weapons are emerging in endlessly."

High in the sky

Seeing another strange weapon, Apollo was a little emotional.

Suddenly, he started to envy a little.

I think he has only one corona sword for countless years, and then look at Ling Yun, how many of them have been changed since they met, one is better than one.

It's really good to compare goods, people are more popular than others.

Ye Lingyun inside Apollo was silent.

Controlling Apollo to open the distance.

"Make a trick!"

"it is good!"

Apollo readily agreed.

"Light energy polymerization!"

Seeing this, Ling Yun showed a magic card in his hand.

These are all made by him through his mastery of magic.

He had made a series of decks before, but he didn't have the chance to use it from beginning to end.

Today, just give it a try.

And the card in his hand happened to be the product obtained after compressing and sealing the ultimate move of the robbery.

It should be said that they are similar flowers.

Ling Yun raised his head and looked at Apollo, who had turned into a sphere and began to gather energy, and slowly put the card in his hand on the console in front of him.

"Although I don't have momo, it doesn't prevent me from becoming a light."

"Use Magic Card: Ultimate Firebird Spell Seal!"


Fengming sounded, and the entire body of the Flame Star God was wrapped in flames.

A pair of huge flame wings spread out.

From a distance, the flame star **** at this moment has completely transformed into a huge fire bird!


at the same time

Apollo also completed light energy aggregation, and Ye Lingyun also completed heterogeneous energy aggregation.


There was a burst of shout.

A dark red light appeared in the sky.

A huge sword of dark red energy fell into Apollo's hands.

"The Tribulation of the Corona!"

After using the ultimate move, there was no pause, Apollo raised the energy giant sword against Ling Yun and slashed it heavily!



Accompanied by the sound of birds, the wings of flame spread out.

The robber stretched out, and the tip of the sword turned into the head of a firebird, rushing towards Apollo.

"What will happen!"

Zhang Han and Xu Fan stared at the two giant figures in the sky.

One is a huge sword that penetrates the sky and the earth, and the other is a firebird that shields the sky and the sun like an ancient beast. It's too difficult to choose.

"Ling Yun will not lose." Zhang Linyuan said calmly.

"I also believe in Lord Ling Yun." Erica said the same.

Although Apollo's power is also very powerful, Ling Yun's invincibility has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The women did not believe that Ling Yun would lose.


Next second

The two attacks collided.

The endless flame thought about sweeping away like a violent wind in all directions.

The surrounding stars were trembling slightly.


At this time, a meteor struck across the sky, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

Waiting for the dust to disperse, people can see who it is.

That was Apollo in pitch black!

" so strong!"

In the huge pit, Apollo, who was kneeling on the ground, stared at the Flame Star God in the sky.

Even in the face of Saron, he has not been so powerless.

After speaking, he fell directly to the ground.

And Ye Lingyun also flew out of Apollo, withdrew from the armed state, and passed into a coma with bruises.

"Really, I said that I don't want to fight anymore, I have to be strong."

Ling Yun, who had withdrawn from the Flame Star God, said very ‘helplessly’.

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