Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

: chapter 35: Space Will

Lingyun's House

Somewhat quiet

Ling's mother and Ling's father looked at Ling Yun surrounded by the girls, and their expressions were full of doubts.

They didn't understand why Ling Yun wanted to bring his'acting partner' home.

However, in the next second, Erica's words made the two brains like lightning.

"My mother, my father, hello, I am Ling Yun's guardian knight, Erica Browntree, who will accompany Ling Yun's life in the future." Erica introduced herself.

"Hello, uncle and auntie, my name is Zhang Linyuan, I am Ling Yun's girlfriend." Zhang Linyuan also said immediately.

At this time, I can no longer care about being shy.

Bella, Saber, and Shera were silent, eating melons quietly behind them.

Ram looked at Ling Yun with contempt in his eyes.


Ling's father and Ling's mother only felt that the Three Views had been impacted.

Father Ling is okay, just a little dazed.

Ling Mu's head is big.

what's going on?

Bella, Celine, and Thor are not enough, now there are two more?


"Well, aren't you Ling Yun's partner in filming? How could you become Ling Yun's girlfriend?" Ling Mu asked later.

The most important thing is not to believe that such a beautiful girl will fall in love with her son.

"Filming?" Zhang Linyuan was taken aback for a moment.

"Isn't it?" Mother Ling was also puzzled.

"Parents, this is the case, listen to me and you explain." Looking at the dumbfounded two, Ling Yun explained hurriedly.

I told my parents about my journey.

During the period, the two of them were stunned.

Especially when I heard that I had four daughter-in-laws.

It turns out that Bella is really not her son's girlfriend.

But until Ling Yun told them about Scarlett, the face that was still silent instantly changed.

"What are you talking about?! You already have a daughter?!" Ling's mother and Ling's father looked shocked.

"What about the child's mother?!"

"Uh, here." Ling Yun stretched out his arm.

The white magic circle appeared in Ram and Erica's stunned eyes.

Immediately afterwards, there was a young girl with beautiful silver hair.

I saw him sat on Ling Yun's lap very skillfully, and stretched out his hand to Ling Yun's parents. Sanwu's face was slightly more smiling than usual: "Hello, father-in-law."

Ling mother: "..."

Father Ling: "..."

For a while, the restaurant was quiet, the kind of dead quiet.

"Ling Yun, when it comes to teaching you to be a human being, I ask myself that I should be regarded as a good mother." Ling Mu said calmly.

Father Ling was also silent.

Are you looking at your son like that?

He was simply watching animals... and Ling Yun also understood that his parents had misunderstood this.

Looking at the two men who looked increasingly gloomy, Ling Yun quickly explained.

But Ling's father and mother, who didn't quite understand this kind of thing, heard it in the mist.

"In other words, the two of you didn't follow the normal procedures for giving birth." Father Ling's expression was somewhat relaxed.

"Uh, you can understand that too." Ling Yun nodded.

"To put it simply, Scarlett is actually an elf bred by flames. You just need to understand it as an IVF."

With that said, the two understood.

"Ling Yun, now that you have grown up and you have your own ideas, we won't interfere too much, you just have to understand it in your heart." For a long time, Father Ling suddenly said.

"Since they are willing to follow you, you can't let them get hurt a bit, you know?"

"So, did you accept it?" Ling Yun said in surprise.

"Of course I have to accept it. To be honest, I am still very happy." Father Ling smiled.

"You used to know playing with male classmates. I have always been worried about whether you can find a girlfriend."

"Unexpectedly, I suddenly had so many daughters-in-laws. I was so surprised that I didn't react."

"Sure enough, my worry is unnecessary. My son is the most promising." Father Ling smiled.

Ling Yun: "..."

Zhizi Moruo father, dad, you deserve to be.

How do you know that I have been bachelor in my previous life.

"Are they staying here tonight?"

After talking about the crossing, Father Ling looked at the women behind Ling Yun.

This is a bit of drove people out.

But it's not that he doesn't want to, but that the family is so big that they can't let them lay on the floor.

"I have arranged a room for them in the imaginary space, don't worry." Ling Yun said.

It really doesn't work. Doesn't it still have energy balls? Modify the data, energy can live, and of course humans can live as well.

"Let's do it, your mother and I are a little tired today, so go to bed first." Father Ling shook his head and entered the bedroom with Ling's mother who was still dazed.

"Ling Yun, your parents can't accept it."

Seeing the two leaving, Zhang Linyuan was a little worried.

"It's okay, this kind of thing takes time." Ling Yun put his arms around Zhang Linyuan's shoulders and smiled.

"Okay, let's wash and sleep, too."

Immediately, Zhang Linyuan's face blushed.

At the same time, there are some small expectations in my heart.

Early next morning

Ling Yun opened his eyes in a daze, took a look at Zhang Linyuan, who was lying on his chest giving water, picked up the phone and looked at it.

As soon as I turned on the screen, a layer of news jumped out: Shocked, the island nation was subsequently destroyed by two divisions.


The sound of the door opening sounded.

Zhang Linyuan opened his eyes in an instant.

Instinctively vigilant, but after seeing Shen Pang's Lingyun, after recalling what happened last night, he immediately became blushing.

(Ps: I didn’t do it, please don’t think too much)

At this time, Mother Ling walked in and looked at Zhang Linyuan who was sleeping next to Ling Yun for a moment, then a smile appeared on her face: "Is it comfortable to sleep?"

"Shu...comfortable!" Zhang Linyuan was ashamed to bury his head in his giant cat.

Seeing this scene, Ling's mother nodded with satisfaction to Zhang Linyuan's daughter-in-law.

Then he looked at Ling Yun and said, "Ling Yun, when will you take Xilin, Thor, and Ling Qingzhu home for a meal?"


"Hey, these three poor children must be blind to see you." Ling Mu sighed.

Ling Yun: "..."

Is it really good for your son to be so derogatory?

After thinking last night, Ling Mu also wanted to understand.

Since the girls don't mind, there is no law of monogamy in other worlds, so what can she worry about?

Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren.

Maybe I can hold more grandchildren.

"By the way, you must bring Scarlett with you when you come. I haven't held my granddaughter before." He said, he glanced at Ling Yun complainingly.

Then I sighed.

It's so unreal to be a grandmother so soon.

"I know Mom." Ling Yun smiled.

As time goes by

Ling Yun bid farewell to his parents and went to the Jinling Supervision Bureau with a few women.

"Master Ling Yun?!"

Just as Ling Yun walked towards the Jinling Supervision Bureau, a voice suddenly called himself.

Ling Yun was taken aback.

He should have played the magic trick. U U Reading

It's just that when he turned around, his pupils shrank when he looked at the visitor: "Windwing wings?!"

as well as…

There is another shadow next to Fengmingyi: "Uncle Nao?!"

"Huh? What the **** is this?"

Yuri Nao said with a black thread.

The puppy beast at his feet also barked.

It reflects the mood of its owner.

"Ding! Master, this system has detected it!"

At this moment, the voice of the Dimensional System rang in Ling Yun's mind.

"What was detected?" Ling Yun asked subconsciously.

"The Thunder Temple did not suddenly lose control, but was controlled by the will of this universe."

"What do you mean?" Ling Yun frowned.

"Because of the damage of the dimensional wall, the cosmic will began to coordinate itself, just like the human body, the protective function began to automatically wipe out the small bugs that sneaked into the body!"

"In other words, the will of the universe will obliterate us!"

"Ding! Yes, but it doesn't include you, the master."

"As the saying goes, persimmons have to be soft. There are only three fantasy characters in the island country, so the universe will first annihilate the three of them."

After listening to the explanation of the system, Ling Yun shuddered a little.

"I didn't expect the Thunder Temple to become the carrier of this universe's will, but the universe I've been living in turned out to be conscious. This is really a bit cripple."

"Hey, why don't you speak anymore, explain to me what this ghost name is?!" Nao Yuri asked Ling Yun, who looked motionless as if in a daze.

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