Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

: Chapter Forty-One: Jikai Kind&am...

"?? It's strange, how could the Queen know about Ke Ke Di?"

"Kevin also knows Burning Ghosts, what's so strange."

"No, it's not scientific at all! People of two worlds."

"The characters in the fantasy world have all appeared in reality. You leave me talking about science?"



"The single strength of the Thunder Temple has not only been improved, but the number has also increased significantly."

"If you look at the ability to engrave the eight bullets that Miss Xilin said, these heavily armed Thunder Temples cannot be resisted by ordinary lawmakers, not to mention that there are so many ordinary Thunder Temples nearby. It's ready to go." Walter raised his glasses and said solemnly.

Listening to Walter's words, Kevin raised his head and glanced at the time: "Count the time, that guy should almost be here."

"Who?" Walter was taken aback.

Is there anyone else besides them?


A space vortex opened next to Lingyun who was eating melons.

"Mr. Ling Yun, long time no see." A delicate voice came.

Ling Yun looked curiously, and saw Teresa, wearing a Twilight Knight, walking out carrying the heinous Hecate on her back.

Immediately afterwards, the former civilization cherry blossoms, the blazing feather talisman, Otto, Karen, the double cherry blossoms, Cecilia, and Qigefei walked out from the inside one by one.

"You are here." Su, who had been lying on the side of Vimalakīrti's boat, turned his head.

"After the Lawyer Team is our Fusion Warrior Team." Otto walked out and smiled at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun: "..."

I have to say, I can play.

"Don't worry, we are not the only ones here." Otto laughed.

With that, they took out their respective weapons and went down with Su to join Kevin's team.

"Master Lingyun, what are they..." Ram, who had been guarding Lingyun's side, asked in a daze.

Sheila also showed a curious look.

Yi Xuela's strength was to deliver food, so Ling Yun let her stay on Vimala.

"Oh, some partners in other worlds." Ling Yun chuckled lightly.

"Are you so idle?"

When the words fell, an uncoordinated voice sounded.

The king's hegemony wearing a Taoist robe slowly walked out of the void.

"Don't talk too much, I'm giving you a chance to earn points." Ling Yun smiled.

"Ling Yun, don't think we don't know, you just want to watch us make a fool of yourself, and then pretend to be a force."

A blue slime slowly jumped out of the void, vomiting.

"Huh? Why are you just two people? Don't drag your family away?"

"Huaizhu is waiting to get married and can't come over." Wang Quan spread his hands helplessly.

"Hongwan and the others have been poisoned to death by Shion. I ran out sneakily."

As he said, Limru showed a surviving expression.

Ling Yun: "..."

Good guys, one show is better than one show

"Hey, don't say it, this battle is pretty exciting, it's dazzling."

Ye Lingyun, Zhang Han and others who were originally idle.

It also joined the battle because of the avatar of the Thunder Temple.

Jiang Nan's trio of armored shuttle boats constantly shuttled in the sky, acting as a pedal for others from time to time.

Zhang Han's Tyrannical Dragon opened and punched a thunder temple.

Saber is backed by Lingyun, and curry sticks are flying all over the sky.

Sasheng pill is more miserable.

There is only one broken tooth, but it doesn't work much.


Chi Ling turned into a fiery red guard, descending from the sky, taking away a clone of the Thunder Temple.

Ying Bing has sealed thousands of miles away, and together with the Law of Ice, a thunder temple is frozen, and then destroyed by the power of the Law of Star.

"Limuru, hasn't something changed in you?" Ling Yun stared at Limuru's body and was taken aback.

It seems more blue than usual.

As if to see the Galaxy.

"Haha, did you find it? I have evolved into a devil!" Limru laughed.

"I also comprehended the king's strongest move, the sword of heaven and earth!"

"Didn't you realize it early?"

"That's different. This time I have a qualitative improvement. Even the King of Tushan didn't get any benefits in my hands!"

"You beat women?"

King Power Hegemony: "..."

The will of the universe, how many points does it earn?

"Now, Ling Yun, if we kill the Thunder Temple, will this cosmic will die? Once death will affect the world you are in."

"Don't worry, no, on the contrary, it is a terrible thing for the world to have the will, just as he sits and does not care, I am afraid that this consciousness has self-recognition." Ling Yun watched below and beat everyone to you and me. The Thunder Temple narrowed his eyes.

"Then, leave it to the owner of the village." Holding the kingship sword in his back.

Wearing a mask made by Huaizhu himself, it looks like a sword fairy.

Next second

The kingship hegemony threw the kingship sword into the sky.


The endless sword aura spreads.

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

Countless sword auras are floating around the King Power Sword.

With endless sword energy, he rushed towards an ordinary thunder temple that wanted to sneak attack.


The King Power Sword shredded the four wings of the Thunder Temple in an instant.

"The King of Gluttony!"

Limru turned into liquid and swallowed the black ball in one bite.

"Damn! You grab the blame!" King Power was stunned.

He looked at Rimru cursingly.

"Don't care, don't care, the combination of history, work is not tired, wait, why does it feel weird?" Rimuru was stunned as soon as he finished speaking.

"Climb for the Lord!"

The overwhelmed kingship hegemony kicked the slime at his feet.

"Two live treasures." Ling Yun couldn't help shook his head.

"It's not too late for us to come?"

A silver-haired teenager gently took the hand of a red-haired little girl and slowly walked out of the void, looking at Ling Yun next to him with a smile.

"No, just right." Ling Yun also responded with a For this battle, I did a lot of preparations. "Silver-haired young girl said.

Soon, voices appeared in the void.

A beautiful woman with white wings around her waist flew out of the void.

On the other side of Vimana, densely packed machine seeds also protruded from the void.

"You brought all the members of the Tianyi and Jikai types here."

"After the previous battle, I analyzed with Hubie, a single combat power is not enough, especially the Holy Sword of the Star can only be used once. If you want to make up for the quality, you can only start with the quantity." Rick spread his hands.

He is also very helpless, who can only use the power of the star cup inside the planet.

And he didn't want to break away from the essence of man.

The best way is to pull people.

But as everyone knows, Rick's hand operation completely exploded the Internet.

Countless people sat up from their chairs in shock.

All countries, without exception, are all dumbfounded.

People who don’t know think Tianyi is an angel.

When they knew it, they shouted "Yyds!"

"I rely on me! What did I see?! Rick! Hubby! Fuck! How can this Lingyun be so awesome, even these two people are here!"

"Why do the traversers cross? Just to save the tragedy! Ling Yun lives up to my name as the traversers of the Great Dragon Kingdom!"


At the same time, Azriel, the leader of the Eighteen Wings of the Skywing Species, had a sudden stop, and his pupils shrank when he looked at Zhang Linyuan who was fighting not far away.

"That is, Lord Ares?!"

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