Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

: Chapter 43: The Valkyrie Grey joins the group chat!

Suzuki Satoru: "It's so spectacular, is this the power of love?"

Risa: "It's terrible, Ling Yun is so hungry and thirsty that he can't even let go of the **** of war, laugh."

Qingqingzhu: "Although I really want to rectify Brother Lingyun's name, Sister Lin Yuan has indeed inherited the spirit of God of War. From another aspect, Miss Azriel is right."

Ling Yun: "..."

God, who is your man?

Ling Yun: "I don't need to be rectified at all! There is also @绫清竹, how can you turn your arms out!"

Milong: "he~tui!"

Ling Yun: "..."

Hardworking gardener: "..."

Has anyone considered how I feel?

Ling Yun: "Does anyone else want to come?"

Risa: "No, just looking at me is going to make soy sauce. It's enough to have them. I won't make a fool of myself. The dog next to me is already miserable enough."

Seeing Risa's message, Ling Yun was taken aback, and looked in the direction of Sasaemaru.

At this moment, the whole body of Shashengwan was blood.

Compared with other people, he seems to be the worst...

His arrogant personality did not allow him to retreat. Without the coquettish position of Jiang Nan and others, he suffered a lot under the attack of the Thunder Temple.

Dagu: "Kevin and them have enough. I'm now traveling in the Maldives with Lina and Camilla, and I will immigrate to Mars in a while."

Ling Yun: "...Weird, you didn't get a hatchet."

Dagu: "Joke, do you think I am a little dream? I was the strongest Ultra warrior 30 million years ago!"

Xiaomeng: "Um...I have a girlfriend too."

Suzuki Satoru: "?"

Risa: "No, right? Xiaomeng doesn't have a girlfriend anymore? Grandpa Qingjie!"

Xiao Meng: "...I have a girlfriend, shouldn't you be happy?"

Ling Yun: "It's okay, she's sour. Think about it, one has a girlfriend, and one doesn't want it. Any fool knows what she is thinking."

Risa: "...who...who said that no one wants it, @凌云, believe it or not, I will rely on you!"

Ling Yun: "Please go out and find your own public toilet."

Risa: "..."

Honjo Kaede: "Hey, @理沙, touch it, don't cry, brave Risa, don't be afraid of difficulties!"

Risa: "shit! @小梦, who is your girlfriend?!"

Xiao Meng: "That, I'm a little embarrassed, shy. jpg"

Limru: "I'm over six thousand years old, so don't be shy. This will only make me look down on you!"

Ling Yun: "Note: taunts from the bottom creatures."

Limru: "#!"

Dagu: "Once upon a time, the warriors of light were worried about finding a target @小梦. It's time to wash away the humiliation. Tell them who your girlfriend is!"

Xiaomeng: "Hey, it's no one, it's my teammates Shinna Kazama and Amami."

Sophie: "And?"

Milong: "And?"

Kevin: "And?"


Little Dream

Kevin: "I feel he is in Versailles."

Little Dream: "What is Versailles?"

Kevin: "Oh, it's a very magnificent city. It's just that, this city is a bit unlucky. A meteorite falls from the sky and it disappears overnight."

Kevin kindly and kindly explained it to Mambius.

Little Dream:"…"

Why do I always feel that you are intimidating?

Risa: "It's irrational, why does even Xiao Meng have two girlfriends."

Xia Tiya: "@铃木悟, when will Master Ainz be willing to accept me?"

Suzuki Satoru: "Sorry, Shatiya, just think about this kind of thing in your dreams."

If you become emotionally high and become the main body, I must not scare you away.

Immediately, Shatia, who was standing next to Ainzurgon, glanced at Suzuki Satoru bitterly.

Really, why is Lord Ainz unwilling to accept her? Is it really because that gorilla is bigger?

Thinking, glanced at Albedo secretly.

Suzex: "Um...what are you talking about?"

Suzex, who had just dealt with the underworld affairs and entered the group chat, was dumbfounded.

He couldn't understand at all in the group chat, and even looked confused.

Ling Yun: "It's okay. @萨泽克斯, do you want to come to my world to have a fun?"

Suzex: "What?"

Then the group members explained to him.

Suzex: "It seems very interesting. Even the Chiryu Emperor who turned on the Tyrannosaurus could not cause much damage. I believe Akuka must be very interested."

Suzex: "I will come now."

Mi Long: "This should be difficult to solve, no matter how you put it, it is also a world will. Even Lingyun is difficult for you to kill, right?"

Ling Yun: "Sorry, what I lack the most is never the hole card."

The light gradually dissipated.

The turbulent sea gradually calmed down.

A series of lawmakers and fusion fighters, including Kevin and Mei, quietly watched the calm sea gradually recovering below.

Xilin and Aphrodite appeared behind Ling Yun.

"Meow! So tired!"

There was a weak sound.

Countless skywing species that became little girls fell from the sky.

The people who were shocked by the destructive power were instantly adorable.

"Who! Who is close to the island country? I'm going to pick up loli!"

"Really picking up loli!"

"How did I forget that the Skywinged species that has exhausted all its power will transform into a child's form to better absorb the elves and recover."

"And at this time, the Tianyi species itself is the most vulnerable and has no strength at all."

Looking at Azriel and others who couldn't fly with their wings, Ling Yun was slightly speechless.

This is too hard, right?

No energy is left. UU reading


There was a crisp snap of fingers.

The lock of the sky burst out.

The chain passed through the camisole of all the Skywing species and lifted them in the air.

"Asshole, you treat the noble Skywing like that, Ling Yun! I'm going to kill you!" Azriel shouted with teeth and claws.

"Don't yell, he won't pay attention to you if you break your throat." Jibril did not know when he appeared behind Azriel.

Take it off the chain in one fell swoop.

How to take it off?

Of course it is to cut the camisole.

Then quickly hugged it in his arms.

"Lil! You ran away again!" Azriel complained, buried in Jibril's arms.

"Alahahah, little Azriel is good."

At this moment, Jibril was like a mother, gently patting Azriel on the back.

Azriel couldn't help falling asleep because of exhaustion.

After Azriel is completely asleep,

Jibril slowly raised her head and narrowed her eyes as she looked at the huge figure in the mist:

"It's not because I didn't steal it, but this guy is not something that can be eliminated by a divine strike."

At this moment, the Thunder Temple has disappeared, replaced by a spiral spear!

"Is it finally here? Rahat's Sword." Ling Yun looked at the thundering temple that had changed its posture, and the corners of his mouth were curved.

It seems that the other party has reached the limit.

At this moment, Ling Yun, Limru and the others also heard a voice.

"Ding! The Valkyrie Grey joins the group chat!"

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