Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

: Chapter 48: Another one wants to cross

From time to night

Island country

Among the ruined walls


A cement slab was pushed aside and hit the ground heavily.


There was a violent cough, and a brown-haired woman crawled out of it with blood and mud all over.


A mouthful of blood was spit out fiercely.

Beside him is a thin sword divided into two.

"Has it been... over?"

Asuna looked around blankly.

The night has come, but the surrounding flames have not been extinguished.

The girl was puzzled, but all she answered was silent silence.

Around, thick blood can gather into a stream.

During the battle, she was shot into a basement on the ground by a random wing of the Thunder Temple.

I've been in a coma until I wake up now.

"In the end, I lost..."

Asuna stood up blankly, looking at the miserable surroundings, her face was full of unbearable.

Although I was harassed by all kinds of things when I first came here.

But everything in this city is very similar to what she remembers.

It's just that I didn't expect the Thunder Temple incident to occur in the afternoon.

The entire island nation fell apart, it can be said that the nation was destroyed in an instant.

"I'm sorry...I am too weak, if, if I can be stronger!"

Looking at the scorched earth around, Asuna couldn't help but knelt down.

I couldn't cry.

"Captain! Come and see, there are still people alive here." At this moment, a light suddenly lit up in the distance.

A shocked voice sounded.

Hearing that Xu Fan came quickly, but he was stunned when he saw the girl in the ruins.


Even if it was covered by mud and blood, his flaxen hair was scorched a few times, but he still recognized it at a glance.

After all, a lot of sales this year.

"Is it...rescue?"

With the last hint of hope, Asuna fainted directly.

"Quick, save people."

Xu Fan was startled and shouted loudly.

at the same time


"Number A, the Aviation Administration has detected this." A man in military uniform put a report in front of Number A.

Number A picked it up curiously, but when she saw the picture above, her eyes narrowed: "It turns out that people went to Lazar."

The Thunder Temple wreaks havoc in the island country, but people travel in the great dragon country.

This Wanyuri, I really don't understand.

Shaking his head, Number A put the report in his hand on the table.

"Tell Ling Yun about this."

The man in uniform was taken aback, and then immediately replied: "Yes!"


After the man in uniform left, the door of A was opened again

This time it was an old man.

"You wanted to ask me why I told Lingyun about Wanyuuri's news."

Number A looked at the old man in front of him and smiled lightly, already guessing what the other party was coming from.

The old man looked at him blankly, wanting an explanation from the other party.

In response, Number A chuckled.

"Extraordinary power, no matter the temptation to any country is fatal."

"Our Dalong Country can't keep it."

When the words were over, the old man snorted coldly: "Humph! The big deal is to get a fight. In terms of fighting, our Great Dragon Kingdom has never been afraid of anyone!"


Number A shook his head.

"The emergence of Wanyuri is definitely not the only one found by the Great Dragon Kingdom. The U.S., which is like a worm, is always staring at the situation inside the Great Dragon Kingdom. They must have known the appearance of Wanyuri early, and the worst is the worst. Just one day later than us."

"Are you scared? As long as you completely control that extraordinary power, the Great Dragon Kingdom will be able to disregard the top of the world!" The old man said with a cold face.

"But we can't get it." Number A put the glass on the table.

The old man's breathing was stagnant.

"No matter which study takes time, the key is that time will not wait for us."

"The Dimensional Wall will be repaired, and the fantasy characters will disappear one by one, but Ling Yun travels back by himself. You know what I mean?"

The old man was silent.

He also watched today's live broadcast.

The situation in the island country can be said to make him very happy.

But the burst of power from Thunder Temple, Ling Yun and others also shocked him incomparably.

Looking at the brightly lit city outside, the flat voice of Number A entered the old man's ears.

"This country has never been a battlefield for the two of us."


the next day

Ling Yun opened his eyes.

Feeling the pressure on her body, she can't help frowning.

Thor is on the right, Xilin is on the left, Zhang Linyuan is on the right, and Ling Qingzhu is on the left of Xilin.

And Esther was lying on his body.

"Wake up."

Ling Yun pulled his arm out of Xilin's arms and gently shook Esther's head.


Esther opened Ka Zilan's big eyes in confusion and looked at Ling Yun blankly.

It's another day just wearing knee socks.

"Ling Yun, is it dawn?"

"It's dawn, haven't I told you, this is not a shop, you need to wear clothes to sleep." Ling Yun replied.

"But it's so uncomfortable, and the folds of the clothes are uncomfortable." Esther frowned, said, and lay on Ling Yun's chest again.

"Brother Lingyun, you are awake."

Little Xilin opened her golden pupils.

She should have been awakened by the previous action of pulling her arm.

"Well, you are all here, where are Scarlet, Icarus, and Tiamat?"

"Brother Ling Yun is really stupid, isn't there Sophie." Muttered, Xi Lin hugged Ling Yun's left arm tightly again.

Softly pressed it up.

Although not comparable to the right side, it is also extremely comfortable.

"Don't hold me, my hands are almost numb after being pressed by you all night." Ling Yun said helplessly.

As he said, he drew his hands out.

"You too, don't pretend to be asleep."

Ling Yun said.

Any of them, there is someone who can detect the wind and the wind, Ling Yun can't believe the voice of his own words, they can't hear it.

"I was found." Thor blinked playfully.

Zhang Linyuan and Ling Qingzhu stopped pretending, and both sat up from the bed.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, a knock on the door sounded.

"Are you awake? Wake up and prepare for breakfast."

Ling Mu's voice came from outside the door.

"Wake up, come later." Ling Yun responded loudly.

"Let's go, wives, the beautiful daughter-in-law can see the in-laws." Looking at the women, Ling Yun gently hugged Esther in his arms and smiled at them.

Immediately, the women were a little embarrassed.

Even though I saw it once yesterday, I still feel a little nervous.


Supervision Bureau

"What's wrong, UU reading called us over so early in the morning." Ling Yun asked Xu Fan, looking at him.

"It's about Manyuri and Asuna."

"What do you want me to do with them?" Ling Yun asked suspiciously.

"Um." Xu Fan was dumbfounded.

These are two big beauties, so there is no idea...

Thinking, Xu Fan looked at the women behind Ling Yun and suddenly lost his temper.

Well, it seems that there is no shortage of girlfriends.

It's normal to look down on two people.

"The Dimension Wall has completely recovered, so there is no need to worry at all, they will soon return to their own world."

"That, Master Lingyun, can I go together?"

"I am an orphan and also a fan of the second dimension. If possible, I would like to marry a second dimension wife!"

Ling Yun: "..."

All of you one by one.

This makes me very embarrassed.

"Please! Give me a chance!" Xu Fan directly knelt down.

For this reason, there is no shame.

Because he knew that if he missed this time, there would be no chance at all!

Looking at Xu Fan, who was kneeling on the ground, Ling Yun looked at him blankly: "I just want to go to the world of the second element? Even if I die?"

Xu Fan's pupils shrank, and then his face was firm: "Yes!"

Seeing Xu Fan Lingyun, who was kneeling on the ground, remained silent for a long time, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Well, then I will send you to the world of "Slashing the Eyes"."

Xu Fan: "!!!"

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