Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 6: In this case, humanity surrendered

Athena looked serious.

The black atmosphere of the underworld began to condense.

The audience was silent.

Odin looked down quietly

Ares grew up with her mouth wide, sweating like rain.

This was the first time he saw his father lying on the ground in such embarrassment.


"It's been a long time since I was so happy." Zeus lying on the ground suddenly laughed.

At this moment, the air of the underworld had invaded his chest, but Zeus did not panic at all.

He stood up slowly.

When people saw the body of Zeus, both gods and humans couldn't help showing horrified eyes.

The black veins densely appeared on Zeus.

The air of the underworld has gathered to the neck along the veins.

"I have to say that your lifelessness is trickier than all the lifelessness that the old man has encountered." Zeus said calmly.

"So, against you, the old man has to use all his strength."

Zeus took a deep breath.

Next second

The clouds that had disappeared because of the sky gradually gathered.

Yellow thunder flashes.


A thunder as thick as a bucket slashed straight down from the sky, hitting Zeus perfectly.

"I am the king of the gods! The **** of thunder, even the mere wicked want to enter my body?!"

In the roar of Zeus.

Huang Huang Shenwei made every **** present tremble from the heart.

The underworld invading the body was forced out of the body by the thunder in an instant.

Athena's eyes sharpened.

Reach out

On the ground, a pitch-black giant python rose to the ground and rushed towards Zeus.

To this

Zeus just glanced lightly.

next moment


The thick thunder fell from the sky like a waterfall, killing the python into powder in an instant.


Countless gods can't help but cheer upon seeing this scene.

Zeus is still that Zeus!

The king of the gods will never be defeated!

The human eyes focused on Athena.

"Are you coming?"

Just when Athena thought that Zeus was going to exercise the power of the gods.

The clouds in the sky suddenly disappeared.

The thunder light around Zeus even disappeared.

Zeus slowly raised his fist.

The power of the whole body was concentrated on the right hand, and all the rays of light could not escape, but concentrated on one point.

Then suddenly blasted out

For a moment

Time stopped.

"Fist beyond time!"

In the forbidden time

Zeus quickly came to Athena.

It hit her with a punch.



Under a huge impact

Zeus was embedded into the walls of the Valhalla Arena, unconscious.

"Want to cheat?" Ling Yun's pupils showed disdain when he folded his arms.

The original scarlet eyes also returned to normal.

"What's the matter? Why did Master Zeus fall down?" Aphrodite shouted in surprise.

Odin frowned, but he couldn't figure it out.

Athena was also dumbfounded.

Why suddenly Zeus flew so far?

She obviously didn't do anything.

"We won?" Gray yelled in disbelief.

Zeus is embedded in the wall for a long time, does it mean that Zeus has lost the ability to fight?

Zeus, the king of the gods, is embedded in the stone wall.

All the gods were shocked.

Is it possible that the gods will lose again in the hands of humans?

Is this a **** vs human?

It's totally a **** vs a god!

Whether it's the former Lu Bu or the current'Athena'.

They have to admit that they are scared.

That is more terrifying force than gods, and terrible energy!

First Thor, the strongest in Northern Europe, now even the king of the gods...

Just when Heimdall was trembling and preparing to declare victory.


A sound of falling rocks sounded.


The gods in the audience were delighted to see this scene.

"It's not over yet!"

A pair of old hands scratched the wall, and Zeus slowly crawled out of it.

Straighten the twisted neck.

The terrifying power of the whole body began to compress.

The muscles contract with divine power!

Turned into the final form of Zeus!

[Atuo's beard! 】

A very weird giant, all his muscles seem to be connected together.

There is no gap in the density of horror at all!

It also symbolizes absolute invincibility!

Because Zeus in this state has no weaknesses!

"My sister, why did I start to tremble?"

Grey hugged her arms as if she was in an ice cellar, trembling all over.

Brunhild, like Grey, got goosebumps all over his body: "This is the second form of Lord Zeus, Atuo's beard! As a god, we instinctively start to feel scared."


The repression of the king of gods from the soul makes all the gods feel like a heart.

The gods in the stands discovered that even as a god, he couldn't restrain the fear in his heart!

It's like a solid abyss!

"It's terrible! Is this the true posture of the king of the gods?!" The human painters and thought enlighteners looked at Zeus in shock.

Athena took a deep breath.

Look at Zeus seriously.

It is indeed a terrible person who can be the king of the gods in this world!


But the next moment

Before Athena had time to react,

A violent fist wind passed her ears.


Dust off

Behind Athena, a crack with a diameter of one thousand meters appeared in front of people, and the huge stand was directly broken like paper.

A hole was punched out of the Valhalla Arena directly from the inside!

All the gods are shaking with excitement, great!

This is the king of their gods.

The real gfoc!

Athena's pupils shrank slightly, and she looked at Zeus on the opposite side in disbelief.

So fast!

She has no time to react at all!

"I have to play." Ling Yun said suddenly when he saw this scene.

"What?" Everyone was taken aback.

"Xiaoya can't stop the next punch." Looking at Zeus below, Ling Yun said.

"Indeed, not only the speed, but also the strength are too strong." Mi Long said solemnly.

With a fist surpassing the speed of light, he can follow, but his body can't support it for too long.

In any case, he is essentially human.

"Don't die, the old man still has a lot to ask you." The yellow pupils burst out with a striking light.

Zeus grinned and raised his fist.

"True God's Right Fist!"

With a fierce blow from Zeus, the air was dyed red!

"Suck!" Athena jumped.

She couldn't catch this blow!

Subconsciously blocked Gorgon's shield in front of him.


Endless dust swept the world.


Without thinking of the pain in her imagination, Athena opened her eyes suspiciously.

I saw a thin figure standing in front of her.


Zeus looked at the man in front of him in surprise.

Dust off

The pupils of the gods shrank.

The huge arena collapsed directly. When the arena collapsed, only one equilateral triangle was extremely prominent.

"Block it! Block it!"

Heimdall shouted deafeningly.

In everyone's sight, a strange man suddenly appeared in front of Athena, blocking the punch of the king of the gods Zeus!

" could it be possible!" Ares stood up in shock, looking at Lingyun below in disbelief.

Loki also opened his pupils.

"Humanity surrendered in this battle."

Facing Zeus, Ling Yun spoke calmly.

"Little devil, I'll give you a chance to withdraw." Zeus said blankly.

"I said, in this battle, mankind surrendered."

The tone and even the expression did not change. It was still such a plain sentence, but it made the hearts of the gods tremble.


Zeus seemed to have heard some great joke of the century.

The whole body's divine power exploded, and the sky was Weng Ming!

"You need to know! This is the heaven, this is Valhalla! And I...Zeus!"


The wind roared and thunder roared, venting Zeus' anger.


The sudden weather tells everyone that UU reading, the king of the gods, is angry!

The entire Valhalla was crumbling, and the surrounding small stones floated into the air as if they had lost their gravitational force, and finally turned into dust!

"No, I can't breathe!"

Some of the lower gods held their throats.

The terrifying coercion gave them no chance to breathe.


"I know."

Ling Yun just said flatly to the roar of the gods in front of him.


As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

This human being is so fierce!


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