Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 17: 0 Fu

  Chapter 689 Zero Fortune

   "Sakyamuni, have you figured it out clearly?"

   Just then, an old voice sounded.

  The gods turned their heads and found that Zeus was slowly walking from the high platform to the arena.

   "Seriously, my father, I want to go." Zeus slowly came to the front of Sakyamuni, showing a grinning smile.

  Sakyamuni did not care at all, and smiled back: "Thank you, even if I fight with Zeus sauce, it has nothing to do."


  For a while, the arena quieted down.

  Heimdall did not dare to take a breath.

   was caught in the power of the two main gods, it was terrifying!


  On the high platform, Odin exhaled a suffocating breath.

  The calm voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

  "Just ask!"

   "Sakyamuni, do you have the consciousness of being hostile to the gods like me?!"

  The words came to an end, everyone in the arena looked at Sakyamuni.


  However, Sakyamuni sighed heavily with an expression of ‘I’m really drunk’.

   "It's really annoying! Did I just say it? What kind of enemy partners, good people, evil people, gods, humans, etc., have nothing to do with these."

  "This Universe"

  The corner of Sakyamuni’s mouth evokes a jealous smile: "I’m the only one with Sakyamuni!"


  Odin and Zeus were silent.

  But they already knew what Shakyamuni was thinking.

  Loki, sent under the Throne of Odin, held his head tightly.

   looks extremely hideous.

  As for Sakyamuni’s arrogance, Odin was speechless for a while.

  However, after hearing the arrogant words of Sakyamuni, the gods all couldn't help it.

   "You, what about Nima!"

   "What kind of stinky air is a meta-human being put on here!"

   "Don't underestimate God! Get me back quickly!"

   Facing the roar of the gods, Sakyamuni seemed to hear nothing.

   even opened his arms and smiled at Zeus: "So, who do you do with?"

   "Haha, don't worry, the sixth round has already been decided." Zeus laughed.

   "Oh, sorry, interrupt when you are in high spirits."

   Just when the gods were angry, an untuned voice sounded in Valhalla.

   Let the arena that had been abused once again quiet.

  Zeus turned his head and looked at Ling Yun, who was gradually coming down the stairs, with a smile on his mouth: "Huh? Do the little ghosts of the human camp want to come here too?"

   However, Ling Yun ignored him.

   held out a skewers to the custard apple: "Eat it? It's just baked."

  Sakyamuni: "???"

  You let me, Buddha, eat barbecue in public?

   "No need." Sakyamuni shrugged.

  You have to implement the rules you make yourself.

   "Then, potato chips with barbecue flavor?"

  This time, Sakyamuni’s eyes lit up and he took it: "Thank you."

  Speaking, he tore open the package directly, and started to eat regardless of whether it was poisonous or not.

   "It tastes good, this taste, barbecue taste?"

   "You can't eat it, you have to solve the problem if you say it." Ling Yun smiled.

   "That's good." Sakyamuni gave affirmation.

  God: "."


  The first time they saw a **** who was not like a god.

  Should you say that you are indeed a Buddha?

  Live according to your own heart.

  Zeus felt a bit of mmp in his heart.

   "Why are you here? This time I am participating in the war on behalf of mankind."

  Eating potato chips, Sakyamuni also showed a puzzled expression.

   "I want not to participate in the war, we have already booked a candidate."

  However, Ling Yun’s opening was Wang Zhan. In an instant, all mankind and the gods were not calm.

  Odin, Aphrodite and others were stunned.

  Zeus was also confused.

  He knows the strength of Sakyamuni, and can even be comparable to him, except that he is usually cynical and doesn't care about rights.

  It is reasonable to say that with the exception of a series of gods such as him and Odin, other gods cannot defeat Sakyamuni!

   But he never thought that in this must-win battle, the human camp wanted to change players?

   "Brynhild, what are you thinking?"

  Zeus looked at the audience with his arms folded, and Brunnhild, who was not surprised, frowned.

  At this time, Zeus still thought that all of this was Brunhild’s plan.

   "This is really interesting, Sakyamuni, it seems that humans don't want to care about your feelings." Although shocked, Zeus quickly reacted and sneered at Sakyamuni.

  Sakyamuni directly regarded the ears of the wind and opened the head on the stick.

  Under everyone's stunned eyes, he took out a bucket of popcorn from it and handed it to Ling Yun.

   Ling Yun was not polite and ate directly.

  Zeus: "."

  "What about the reason?" Sakyamuni asked.

   "The next battle is estimated to be Vishamon, which is the eighth **** of good fortune, Lingfu, which is the unity of the seven deities of good fortune."

   "Oh? That, I remember. What happened to him?"

   "Oh, he is not very good, the opposite is a batch of dishes."

  Gods: "."

  The conversation between the two did not evade the slightest.

  The Matt killer Ebisu behind the **** clenched his fist: "Damn it! This **** human dare to humiliate us like this?!"

  The mood of the other gods is not too good.

  They have been targeting Sakyamuni, but you said that the batch of our dishes can't beat Sakyamuni at all?

  Isn’t this special God Mai Tai?

   "You use that thing"

   "Well, is she really okay?" Brunhild asked worriedly.

  Because in her eyes, the people who are about to appear on the stage have nothing to highlight except for eating.

   "But that guy has an existence in his body called the sixth day demon king Bo Xun. Even if you are a Buddha, you will be very troublesome, right?"

  Sakyamuni stopped his hand holding the potato chips.

   "The Sixth Day Demon King Bo Xun?!"

  Hermes sweated on his forehead.

  The complexion of other gods also changed.

  "The Hades" Zeus frowned.

   "In that case, I will leave it to you."

  Sakyamuni said casually.

   "Thank you, then." Ling Yun gave a chuckle.

   "Who are you going to let in the next game?" Sakyamuni asked.

   "The greatest misfortune will naturally be confronted with the greatest luck."

   "Oh?" Sakyamuni exclaimed: "Then I have to wait and see."

   "Hehe, in that case, our sixth round of the gods has also been decided." At this moment, Zeus suddenly said.


  "Tenchu! Tenchu!"

  The sky glowed, and a huge dragon boat penetrated the clouds and entered people's eyes.

   "Seven Deities of Good Fortune?"

  "Zeus sauce is very brave. He knows that the human camp will send restrained people but still insists on sending these guys to the court." Sakyamuni teased at Zeus.

"Ha ha."

  Zeus just smiled.

  God’s arrogance is fully displayed at this time.

  At this moment, the dragon boat also stopped, and the Seven Lucky Gods slowly walked into the arena.

   "Please." Zeus waved his hand, and then walked in the direction between Zeus.

   "Cheng Zhi!"

  Viasravana replied. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   "Sakyamuni, let's go, and leave the stage below to her." Ling Yun said.

   "Unfortunately, there is no chance to move the tibia." Sakyamuni let out a frustration.

   "It's okay, I'll take you to eat other flavors of potato chips. Have you never tried the tomato and egg flavor ice cream?"

   "It seems very interesting."

  In this way, Ling Yun and Sakyamuni left in the eyes of all the gods and human beings who wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit.

  I didn’t see the so-called Seven Lucky Gods during the whole journey.

  Wait until irrelevant personnel have left the scene

  Heimdall waved the cloak behind him, and in an instant, seven or eight final horns were revealed.

   then grabbed one and began to shout loudly: "The gods' camp has been changed to Bishamontian, and the human camp is next!"

  The door with the characters ‘human’ is gradually opened.

  A girl with dumb fur on her head and holding a holy sword slowly walked out of it.

  (End of this chapter)

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