Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 37: Goddess Gaia vs. Tiamat, Mother of All

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (!

"Ling Yun-sama, the enemy this time is different from the previous ones."

"Gaia! That is the Greek creation **** Gaia, not the creation **** Izanami like an island nation! It is the most primitive god!" Brunhild said solemnly.

She wanted Ling Yun to know the seriousness of the matter.

It was an existence older than the second-generation king, the wife of the first god-king Uranus, and the first-generation queen!

Ling Yun just smiled at Brunhild's nervousness, pointed at the cute-faced Tim, and said, "Then do you know who she is?"

"?" Brunhild was taken aback, showing a confused expression.

Suddenly, she remembered the previous Saber and Honjo Kaede's affairs and her pupils shrank.

Is it possible that this seemingly loving woman is also a super strong? Is it even enough to match Gaia?

"Timama, I'll ask you for the next game."

"Everything is my child, I..." Tima hesitated.

"But the creatures in this world were not conceived by you." Ling Yun said.

Tim Ma was taken aback.

Fell silent.

There is no Mesopotamian myth in the gods of this world.

Babylon was even submerged under the decision of the gods.

In this way, the gods of this world are the culprit who destroyed her "child"!

"I see."

Tim, who had figured it out, nodded slowly.

Ling Yun smiled lightly and reached out his hand to touch Ti's mother's head: "Come on, your child still needs your protection."

Timm: "???"

"The original mother goddess disappeared, and the godhead of the earth will definitely move to you automatically. Then, aren't you the only mother?"


"finally reached!"

"After a 30-minute intermission, Gods vs. Humans came to the eleventh game!"

"Audience friends, this is a battle that will subvert your cognition!"

"Not much to say, it is this lord who is fighting in the gods' camp!"

Heimdall exclaimed excitedly.


The door of the **** camp slowly opened, and a beautiful figure slowly walked out of it.

"Heaven and earth existed since the birth!"

"She is the wife of the first **** king Uranus, and the grandmother of the modern king Zeus!"

"All things are born because of her, and the gods exist because of her!"

"At the same time, he is also the creator of the second generation of humans!"

"She is the God of Creation-Gaia!"

"Hello everyone, Luck!"

Gaia beckoned to the surroundings lively.

After seeing Gaia, Ling Yun's pupils were surprised.

Not an imaginary middle-aged woman or a giantess made of mud, but a very petite and lively beautiful girl.


No wonder Uranus likes to stick to Gaia so much.

(In Greek mythology, in the earliest days, almost every inch of the earth would be stuck with a piece of sky.)

That place is really huge.

Aphrodite is a younger sister in front of him, no, daughter!

It's no wonder that the mother's mind is immediately reflected in the ability to feed so many children.


The Valhalla Arena is quiet.

All the gods and people stared blankly at the Gaia who started to circle the inside of the arena and greeted the gods or people.

"Ahem! It seems that everyone did not react from the shock."

Glancing at the silent Valhalla, Heimdall expressed understanding.

After all, he was stunned for a long time after knowing the list.

"However, it can be seen from the appearance of the Gaia goddess that the gods are ready to be ashamed!"

"For my lovely grandson, Gaia will work hard!"

Gaia clenched his fist, looking like he was determined to win.

A little love appeared in Zeus' pupils, and he couldn't help but say: "Oh, my grandmother is still so young and energetic."

"Master Zeus, please take care of yourself, otherwise the Greek gods will become a laughingstock." Hermes said in a friendly question.

No matter how messy you are, you have to be a little restrained in front of so many people.

Besides, Master Gaia still...

Thinking about it, Hermes is really indescribable.

"Next is the human camp!"

"It's impossible to win, it's the mother **** of the earth, all primitive, Gaia."

"Yes, even if you can defeat God, there is no chance of winning against that one."


People are worried.

Shen Mingfang began to laugh unscrupulously.

"Are you scared? Human?"

"Destroy in the anger of Master Gaia!"

The depressed are too aggrieved.

Finally sighed, the gods floated to the sky.

Human beings don't speak

Gaia's name is too big.

This time, they didn't see much of the human camp.

"Actually, the representatives of the human camp leaving the factory make me a little unbelievable."

Heimdall said uncertainly.

"Huh? Little Heimdall, who is it?"

Gaia sprang out from behind Heimdall and attached to Heimdall's side.

"Then, Master Gaia, it's too close!"

Heimdall's face flushed as he felt the fragrance rushing over his face, and he couldn't help taking a few steps back.

"Hey? Don't be embarrassed, I'm your mother." Gaia smiled indifferently and leaned over again.

Bo is rough!



Zeus slowly raised his head, a scarlet light flashed in his pupils, and he looked at Heimdall who was next to Gaia: "That guy, you can die after the final battle!"

Hermes wiped his cold sweat and said, "Master Zeus, please calm down."

"The representative of the human camp has the same personality as Lord Gaia, and is known as the Mother God of Creation."

As soon as Heimdall spoke, all the gods and humans were startled.

Loki stopped biting his fingers. Aphrodite also stopped combing her hair.

The same person? Are you kidding me?

"She is the creator goddess of the Sumerian civilization that has long since been destroyed, the mother of all things-the **** Tiamat!"


Heimdall's words hit the chests of all the gods and people present like a thunder.

"God Tiamat? Isn't that a false **** that Sumer made through his own will?" Zeus opened the **** in an instant.

The Sumerian civilization was destroyed because they ignored the gods and created their own divine system.

Of course, Zeus once wanted to take action against China, who had reproduced his own **** system.

But in the end, I didn't know why I chose to stop.

"Hey? So there are my sisters in this world." Gaia showed interest.


The door to the human camp slowly opened.

A beautiful woman with a pair of giant horns, light blue long hair and black short sleeves walked out of the door slowly.

Gaia looked closely at Tiamat

Tiamat is also looking at Gaia.

Both sides are curious about the identity of their respective creator goddesses.

Unlike the lively Gaia, Tiamat is completely another style

Bing Jingyu is clean, calm and calm, it can be said that she is a complete Sanwuyu sister!

"Hey? Are you Tiamat? So beautiful." Gaia didn't look hostile at all, and came directly to Tiamat.

Then he hugged Tiamat.

"Are you also the **** of creation? I know that feeling! I was forced by Uranus to give birth to many children!"


Tima looked at Gaia suspiciously. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.cOM

Why... This God of Creation sounds so useless?

She was voluntary, but the other party was forced.

After feeling the misfortune of the other party, Tim's motherly love was overwhelming, and she stretched out her hand and hugged Gaia gently: "Well, hug."

Zeus: "..."

Ling Yun: "..."

Gods and humans: "..."

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