Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 41: Game 12: Destruction Tyrant Milim

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (!

"I promise you can revive her, but not now." Ling Yun took the ball of light and said to the mother.


Tima nodded gently.

In fact, Timm was planning to nurture Gaia's origin by putting it into her body.

But think about it, this may not respect Gaia.

"Is the next match list for the gods coming out?" Ling Yun asked Brunhild after putting away the light ball.

"Well, the representative of the gods camp this time is Lord Hades."

"Zeus is a bit fierce, so many gods are still sending his own gods after death?" Ling Yun was shocked.

I have to doubt whether this is for the majesty of the gods or to exclude dissidents?

"Poseidon was pitted, and Gaia is still pitting Hades. If I have such a brother, I have to beat him into a pig's head." Suzuki Satoru said with his bones.

"This may be the courage of the king of gods," Sophie couldn't help saying.

"But Hades is indeed a bit troublesome. Together with the Hades, he can summon an army of **** undead? Huh?"

Looking at Brunhild's intelligence, Ling Yun gave a surprised look.

Speaking of the undead army, isn't there a ready-made one?

"Huh? Hey, don't you want me to play, right? I'm just a mage, slow down to death, I will be knocked out in an instant."

Suzuki Satoru, who was watched by Ling Yun, shook his hand quickly.

"Don't you have krypton gold props?" Ling Yun said.

He remembers that when Suzuki Satoru killed Xia Tiya at the time, he took a krypton gold item similar to a funnel.

The magic of ten seconds can be reduced to zero in an instant.

Suzuki Satoru looked at him weirdly: "Don't you really think I am rich?"

"Even a krypton gold item costs more than 500 yuan. I am just a humble worker."

Ling Yun: "..."

"Forget it, if I didn't say it, then there will be no one below us who can participate in the war, or else, I will choose one from me plus alpacas and dogs?"


Milong stood up suddenly and looked at Ling Yun puzzledly: "What do you mean? Would you rather choose alpaca and a dog than me?"

"Um, it's not that I don't want to choose you, but you really have nothing to write about." Ling Yun said indifferently.

At this time, Ling Yun suddenly noticed the blue shadow behind Milong, and his pupils lit up: "Huh? If Dia is on it, maybe it will be possible."

"Hey? Me?" Dia, who had been paddling, was taken aback.

Then he shook his head quickly: "I can't, my strength is too weak. If I play, I will definitely drag everyone back. Let Mi Long play."

"Hey, how about letting me come in the next game?"

At this time, Milim who had been holding Limru raised his hand and shouted.


Ling Yun knocked with both hands and suddenly realized: "Yes! Why did I forget you?"

"Oh, Milim will leave it to you in the next game."

"No problem sizzling!"

Milim raised a scissor hand and blinked playfully.



Hall of Valor

Gods and humans are already seated.

Humans look expectant and hot, but the gods are silent, and many gods even leave midway.

The next battle has no meaning at all.

Even if the gods' power went wild in the end, it couldn't change the tragedy of the gods being blasted ten times in front of them.

The so-called final battle between gods and humans has become a joke.

It’s just that it’s not for humans, but for gods...

There was no so-called spotlight, and Heimdall walked to the center of the arena very calmly.

Slowly raise the horn: "The twelfth game of the final battle."

"It is this lord who is led by the gods!"

"From the underworld and the abyss, the eldest brother of Zeus, the lord of the underworld!"

"Master Hades!"


The door opens slowly

Hades, with long black hair and an indifferent complexion, slowly walked out of the door.

"Master Hades!"

"Master Hades!"

Suddenly, a roar of enthusiasm sounded.

All the gods, when people look at it, they find some gods in black costumes.

The divine power entwined on his body represents that the other party is from the underworld.

Seeing them, the gods camp also cheered up a little.

In any case, Hades is the eldest brother of Zeus, one of the three kings who overthrew Kronos.

There must be a power different from ordinary gods!

As if encouraged, hope was ignited in the eyes of the gods present.

"Master Hades! Crush them!"

A **** pierced and shouted.

Hades did not say anything about the shouts of the gods, but stood in place, quietly looking at the door of the human camp.

His feelings tell him that behind the door, there is a very powerful enemy!

"Next is the human camp."

"The Demon Lord-Milim, known as the Destroyer Tyrant!"


"When did **** have a demon named Milim?"

"If you are serious, you will lose. There was also a Demon King named Thazeks before."



at this time

A violent explosion sounded, startling the gods and humans.

"Oh oh oh! Demon Lord Milim is here!"

A petite girl with a pink ponytail appeared in countless dust.

In the back, there are two gates smashed to the ground...

Hades showed a serious look.

On this girl named Milim, he actually felt an extremely powerful pressure!

"very good."

At this moment, Hades became excited.

Not in vain, he came out of the underworld specially.

"Come on, idiot niece! If you let me see you insult the majesty of my waiting dragons, see if I don't take care of you!"

A wild voice came from the audience.

I don't know when, a blond man with a full face and a cute girl with long blue hair stood on it.

"Leave it to me!" Milim said swearingly.

Looking at Hades's mouth with a smile, a small tiger tooth was revealed.

"Heh, let me see your strength!"

Hades chuckled and walked slowly towards Milim.

Unknown black divine power surging

The ground, space, everything is being infiltrated.


The space has changed!

Turned into a sea of ​​flowers.

Seeing Milim's puzzled gaze, Pluto smiled slightly and opened his hands: "Welcome to the Pure Land of Bliss."

But the next second


Hades flew directly upside down.

Milim appeared in Hades's original position and wiped her little nose gently: "If you want to fight, don't talk nonsense!"

Hades, who got up from the sea of ​​flowers, shook his arm: "It's really grumpy."

The clothes were broken, and the arm was even red.

But this didn't make Hades cared, looking at Milim instead laughed.

"Very good, how many years have passed, hundreds of millions or billions? I am injured again."

Hades showed a crazy smile: "You are the enemy I am looking for!"

Milim: "???"


Breeze blowing

It was a bit cold for a while.

And Hades seemed to feel the awkwardness of the atmosphere, and his face returned to calm again.

"Then please enlighten me!"

Hades slowly stretched out his hand and said to Milim.


The divine power of dark black skyrocketed.

Under the washing of divine power, Hades' dark red pupils lit up in the dark, like the undead in the dark night!

"That's right!"

Milim laughed.

Destruction, she likes it best!

The pink magic element all over his body also rushed straight into the sky.


A pair of dragon wings spread out behind him.

The phantom of an ancient dragon appeared behind him.

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