Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 53: Unexpected result

"The time has come to make the Olympus Mountain a relic." Ling Yun slowly raised the long sword in his hand.

In his left hand, a fiery red sword emerged.

"That's Kevin's?"

Mei was taken aback.

It was the first time she had seen Ling Yun use Tribulation in such a long time.

Either she was not there when she used it before, or she has not been resurrected.

"Ling Yun, wait, use this!"

This is, Mengbius suddenly flew to Ling Yun's side.

The dark hole opened.

A magnifying glass like a satellite appeared in front of Ling Yun.

"this is?"

Looking at the huge satellite in front of him, Ling Yun couldn't help showing a surprised look.

This thing, he remembered that it should have been destroyed.

"The Spaysium light amplifier redesigned and manufactured by our captain! I brought it here in advance if I thought it was useful!" Dreambius laughed.

"If you have this thing, your skills will be amplified too, right?"

"Oh, thank you captain for helping me. It really sent me a good thing." Ling Yun said.

"As long as I can help, then I will leave first."

After speaking, Mambius turned into light and fell on the golden gleaming Vimala, turning into a human gesture.


On the sea, only Zeus, Cronus, Tartarus, Apollo and

"Ling Yun!"

at this time

A roar came from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, a pitch-black sickle cut through the space like lingyun.


But in an instant, a dark yellow energy flew out, turning the sickle into molten iron.

"Brother Lingyun, just leave it to me here."

The flame extended in the void, and as the flame disappeared, an orange-red big sword appeared in Xilin's hands.

"Don't fight melee, you know?" Ling Yun reminded.

"Understood, hurry up." Xiao Xilin shook her hand, eagerly looking at Loki, the Nordic **** of mischief with a scythe in front of him and his face twisted.

"Father God! Quickly let me out!"


Greek Athena struggled madly, but being locked by the lock of heaven had no effect at all.

"Is Zeus really worth your rescue?"

Athena looked at Greek Athena plainly.

"You demons! Why destroy our homeland!" Greek Athena looked at Athena angrily.

"Because they want to kill us, we just resisted."

"That's enough! There is no need to kill them all!"

"Yes, but you didn't think about it that way when you held the Valhalla Human Extinction Conference." Brunhild mocked.

"Damn traitor!" Greek Athena looked at Brunhild angrily.

It's all her!

It was this **** who provoke these terrible guys, otherwise the heavens would never be destroyed!

It is impossible for the Greek God Realm to disappear!

"Yeah, you can't say that, your gods have never recognized our Valkyrie." Brunhild said indifferently: "The gods didn't think so much when they wanted to exterminate mankind."

"The same are all extinct, why can't the reverse be done?"

"Damn it!" In the face of Brynhild's cynicism, the righteous Valkyrie couldn't say a dirty word.


Bang bang bang!

High in the sky

The flame and the sickle kept colliding.

"Human, don't get too smug!"

Many times his own attacks were blocked by humans, and Loki's heart was about to explode.

humiliation! This is naked humiliation!


"Fenrir, kill her for me!"


Loki waved his hand at the void.

A giant silver wolf flew out of the void.

"Fenrir, the wolf of Godslayer? Sure enough, this is Loki's standard equipment, whether it is our world or this world." Akuka looked at Loki with a curiosity in his eyes.

"I really want to send them to the autopsy stage!" Asacher said suddenly.

"Do you also understand?" Akuka looked at Asacher in surprise.

The corner of Asscher's mouth raised, and he smiled: "Don't look at me like this, I also like to pursue the truth!"

Suzex and Seraphim looked at each other, and looked at the two passionate people, showing an expression of disgust.

"God Killing Wolf? What is it? Have you killed a god? Sure enough, even gods like to kill each other, shouldn't we thank us for helping you deal with it?" Xilin said to Loki.

"Don't talk to yourself there!"

"My Fenrir has never killed a god!" Rocky said angrily.

These are all rumors. Fenrir has been more free since he was a child, but he has never killed a god. These people are talking nonsense.

"Odin in this world was killed by Feng you, so Fenrir does not have the title of God Killing Wolf." Thinking of the **** Risa, he looked at Feng.

"Is that so? It is indeed different. In our world, the **** Fenril killed was not Odin."

"It seems that there are still many unclear problems in each world."

"I really want to know, Dimensional or something, it's really a conscious thing!" said Asacher licked his shriveled lips, his pupils exploded with infinite curiosity.


Suddenly, Ling Yun only felt cold in his forehead.

I heard the whispering voice from the system: "What's the matter? Why do I feel a shock and chill."

"Are you worried about which parent system?"

System: "Host, this joke is not funny at all!"

"I know, now let me solve the immediate matter first." Ling Yun smiled.

Then he looked at the gods below earnestly.

Slowly raised the sword in his hand.

"The burned earth, the dawn of dawn."


Zeus shrank his pupils and shouted loudly.

Tartarus pressed to the ground.

Endless darkness sweeps the sky


Lightning turned into a spear and flew into Zeus's hands.

The corona's light wheel opened behind Apollo.

Hermes opened his abyss eyes.

Time roulette emerges behind Cronus.

"IncinerateDemonSyer! (Burning all the sins of embers


High in the sky, the white and red rays of light converge, turning into a cross star of enlightenment!

The two swords in Ling Yun's hand turned into spears to annihilate everything.


next moment

Two long swords were shot directly by Ling Yun!

The clouds spread and set off a hurricane in the sky.

"Time, turn it around!"


Behind Cronus, the time wheel stagnated.


But before the gods could breathe out, Cronus overflowed with blood.



Fragments appeared in the time roulette behind Cronus, and then it shattered directly!

"Father!" Zeus was startled.

Cronos, who was lying on the ground, had no time to take care of Zeus. He looked at the falling light from the sky in horror: "What is that, time has been directly reshaped?!"

Zeus's pupils shrank.

"Don't froze! Do your best to defend if you don't want to die!"

Tartarus exclaimed.

Endless black gas condenses.

An incomparably huge energy giant rose from the ground, holding the scythe of the underworld, facing the brilliance of the falling sky!

"Embracedeath! (Embrace death

"The sun! Recast everything!"

Apollo's body was condensed with divine power, turned into orange armor and attached to his body.

An orange-yellow flame, comparable to the sun, burst out like a laser!

Hermes also concentrated all his divine power and attacked together.


The attack of Zeus and other gods and Ling Yun's attack were bombarded together.

The endless white light annihilated everything.



The endless flame spreads towards the surrounding

The sea water summoned by Shining Jin before was mercilessly evaporated.

Just when the sky and clouds are about to converge

Ling Yun gently waved to the sky.


The sound of horses resounds

Clouds dissipate quickly


White horse falling to the ground

The white flame will cover the orange flame and destroy everything again!

Wait until the light dissipates.

Rocky stared blankly at everything in front of him.

The God Realm has collapsed!

The Greek God Realm standing in the heavens is actually collapsing!

Countless stones and mud fell toward the lower hair and plunged into the endless deep sea.

"Okay, so strong!" Akuka and the others, who saw Ling Yun's true power for the first time, looked dull.

This is simply a monster with the power to destroy the entire underworld in a single body!

"Hey? I have some ability, only two of them died."

Suddenly, Ling Yun frowned.

"Then, let's die together, system, are you ready for the power I mentioned before?"

"Ding! Already prepared."

"That's good." Ling Yun chuckled lightly.

Looking at Tartarus and Zeus in the sea below, the corner of Ling Yun's mouth raised: "This is the first time I have used this trick. After all, there is no one from that world here, so take it."

When the words fell, Ling Yun slowly stretched out his hand to the sky, and the plain words sounded: "Great magic."


Breeze blowing

A huge six-pointed star array appeared above Lingyun.

"It's a simple magic circle, but it feels so oppressive!" Akuka looked at the magic circle above Ling Yun solemnly.

"Ling Yun has gained new power again"

"Asshole! Are we the subject of experimentation?"

Tartarus standing on the sea angrily said.

"This is the price you have to come out."


A blue thunder in the sky resounded, and finally cut through the sky.

Slowly raised the Sword of Demon Demon in his hand.


The cyan thunder light gathered on the Demon Demon Sacred Sword, and a layer of cyan electric arc was plated on the pure white sword.

After that, Ling Yun pointed the holy sword in his hand at the two gods below, and a flat voice sounded: "Thunder Light Sword."


In the thunder light, the huge thunder shot fiercely from the Demon Demon Sacred Sword and fell towards the bottom!

"Are you looking down on me?!"

After waiting for a long time, Zeus was angry.

He is the **** of thunder, so he wanted to kill him with thunder, so arrogant, arrogant!

"I am Zeus, I am the **** of thunder! As long as it is thunder, I will control it for you!"

Zeus, holding lightning, got out of the sea and rushed high into the sky, spreading his hands, wanting to receive the thunder light.

But it's a pity

Ling Yun's thunder was not something the rules of this world could bear.



In Zeus's incredulous gaze, the light of thunder penetrated his arm directly.

More than that, his proud body is easily provoked like tofu!

Whether it is blood vessels, blood, or flesh, they are all burned to dust in an instant!

At the end

Everyone only saw a flash of thunder, and saw a pile of black dust spilling onto the sea.

Zeus has long since disappeared.

The sea water with a radius of thousands of miles evaporated directly, revealing a seabed like an abyss!

Loki's mouth was horrified, and his pupils shrank crazily.

Greek Athena also looked horrified.

Hestia and Artemis in the Temple of Olympus staggered to the ground, watching this scene in disbelief.

Zeus is dead, so easily killed!

The speed is so fast that people who don't see the slightest resistance will die!

"Is this his true strength? What a terrible guy." Asacher subconsciously wanted to wipe his forehead.

But the next moment

His pupils shrank suddenly.

My hand is trembling!

Not under their control at all.

And it's not just oneself...All the people from the three parties, except for Suzex, were lying on the ground.

"Ling Yun, this guy has gained a powerful force behind us."

"Despicable, too despicable!"

"A treat! A treat must be made!"

The king yelled angrily.

"I want to eat him poorly!"

"Although I don't really want to admit it, but, ahhhhhhhhhhh! So strong!" Jin Shining scratched her head irritably.

"How can it be repaired! Isn't it that I have to keep being trampled underfoot by him?!"

"There is no way, Ling Yun is too strong, so we can only change to another method, and that is to eat him!" Limru jumped onto the golden head.

"Get down to this king, you miscellaneous repairman, who allowed you to stand on this king's head?!" Jin Shining grabbed Limru's body with one hand and threw it out.

Asacher was dumbfounded.

What's the matter with this group of people?

Why can I be so calm when I see such an overwhelming power? Not only is it not afraid, but it seems to be very angry.

However, Suzex's words made him even more bewildered.

"Be sure to bring us."

I saw that Szekes calmly lifted up Gurefia and Lias, and smiled to the group members.

Asacher sweated coldly on his forehead.

Hey, is this world crazy, or is he crazy?

Or...Has Suzex already mixed up so well?

"Next, what are you going to do? Tartarus?" Ling Yun looked at Tartarus and smiled.

Mid air

Tartarus was covered with cold sweat: "I said I want to go back, can UU read"

"No way." Ling Yun smiled.

"That's right." Tartarus sighed, "Since we want to completely eliminate the hidden dangers of mankind, it is necessary to completely eliminate the gods, then..."

"So?" Ling Yun looked at him with interest.

Everyone focused on Tartarus.

They wanted to know what choice this ancient Greek **** of **** would make in the face of this desperate reality.

Tartarus took a deep breath, as if made up.

He looked at Ling Yun solemnly, and then knelt in the air on one knee in the shock of everyone's eyes!

Lowering the noble head of the god, the plain voice resounded throughout the world: "Master Lingyun, please let me conclude a contract with you and become your artifact!"

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