Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 2 Chapter 75: Vampire living in the sun

   "Don't be so lost, you still got a good thing." Ling Yun comforted.

"good stuff?"

   "Look carefully at the introduction of this card." Ling Yun said.

   Hearing what Ling Yun said, Sophie took out the card again and read it out according to the introduction on the card.

   "Well, a transparent barrier is formed around the host, which can isolate some toxic gases and things that may cause great harm to the host... Wait!"

   Suddenly, Sophie suddenly thought of something, raised her head and looked at Ling Yun in disbelief.

   "What do you mean by huge harm?"

   "It should be sunshine."

   Ling Yun looked out the window and said pointing out.

   Immediately, Sophie squeezed the card in her hand.

   A light flashed around Sophie.

   Sophie only felt her whole body covered by something, but she didn't feel anything when she touched it.

   Sophie, full of joy, opened the door of the shop. She couldn't wait to take a look at the scenery outside.

   However, outside the door and Sophie thought completely different.

  The white world is covered with snow on the ground.


   The cold wind blows.

   "Ah cut!"

   Sophie sneezed, quickly retracted into the store, and closed the door.

   Lingyun looked at Sophie whose face was full of wind and frost and smiled immediately: "Ah, I forgot to tell you, the weather outside is slightly different from what you think."

   "Why didn't you say it earlier?" Sophie looked at Ling Yun bitterly.

   "You didn't ask either." Ling Yun spread his hands.

  Sophie: "······"

   "Come on, give you a cup of warm blood." Ling Yun handed a cup of heated blood to Sophie.

   "Thank you." Sophie said thankfully and drank.

   "Ah~ I'm alive."

   After drinking, Sophie let out a long sigh of relief and patted her chest.

   "Come on, Sophie sauce, I will wipe your face for you."

   At this moment, Thor came over with a hot towel.

   "Ah, no, I can do it myself."

   "Oh, don't care." Thor firmly hugged Sophie's petite body, and a pair of giant cats stuck on Sophie's face.

  Sophie: "······"

   woo woo, I’m so hard.

   Sophie, who is like a doll, makes Thor's heart beat.

   "What's going on outside?"

   Sophie, who gradually adapted to her, began to ask.

   "Well, it was caused when I was fighting with Thor's father." Ling Yun thought for a moment.

  Sophie: "0.0 懵"

   Today Sophie doesn't know how many times she has been stunned.

   And every time I heard it was so shocking.

   Just a fight can change the season?

   Sophie said: It seems that my pursuit is still too low.

   "But it doesn't matter, we can go to your house and try it."

   Ling Yun, who has earned points, is extremely happy.

   Because it means he is one step closer to his exclusive jar.

  Anyone who comes to another world can get his own exclusive jar.


  The space opened again, and the three reappeared in Sophie's room.

   This time, Sophie didn't go to read her precious books, but ran downstairs anxiously and walked quickly towards the door.

   Lingyun and Thor followed slowly.

   In front of the gate, Sophie held down her inner excitement, not as reckless as she was in the shop before.

   At the beginning, her heart was filled with emotions called excitement, and she lost her mind.

   But now she is scared.

  Light can bring hope and despair to people.

   Sophie wants to feel the warmth of the sun again, but she is afraid that all this is fake.

   The most desperate thing is not despair, but despair behind knowing hope.

The difference between    is different.

"what's happenin?"

   Sophie suddenly felt a heavy head, and a big hand was already on her head.


   Sophie looked at Ling Yun, then at the door, a moment of hesitation flashed in her pupils, and she was holding the [isolation card] firmly in her hand.

   "Go if you want, trust me." Ling Yun smiled and rubbed Sophie's head.

   The smooth silver hair was messed up.

   But Sophie didn't care and raised her head.

   A trace of firmness flashed in his eyes.

   She wants to live in the sun like normal people, she wants longer be hindered to find the signatures of the writers of the novel!


   With such determination, his slender hands pushed open the door that was completely inconsistent with his body.

   It was already afternoon, and the sun's rays were blocked by the gate pavilion.

   Looking at the golden earth outside the shadow, Sophie clenched her small fist and took a step outside.

   gently stretched out his hand.

   The golden light fell on the hand.

   Sophie's pupils shrank.

   "It didn't disappear?"

   "Really did not disappear?"

   Sophie looked at her hands that didn't become transparent or disappear in the sun in disbelief.

   After five hundred years, she was able to touch the sun again without any consideration.

   "Products produced in the shop must be fine products." Ling Yun advertised next to him.

   Zhou Nan: Then please tell me what happened to that painful half-dead medicine?

   Lingyun: It's as if you didn't successfully awaken in the end.

   Zhou Nan:...

   The hot sunlight has filtered the temperature when passing through the isolation card.

   So even if Sophie walks outside, she won’t feel sultry, but only a touch of warmth.

   is simply a summer artifact.

   Sophie stared at her hands in a daze, feeling the warmth on her hands, and for the first time showed a smile that matched this figure on her face.

   "Sunshine, really warm..."

   "Congratulations, starting from today, you are the first vampire to live under the sun." Ling Yun smiled at the eaves of the door leaning on the side.

   "Thank you, Ling Yun..." Sophie passed away the tears from the corner of her eyes, her eyes grateful to Ling Yun.


   "Have you really decided?" Ling Yun looked at the girl in front of him dumbfounded.

   "Well, there was no chance before, now I want to see the sea." Sophie nodded.

   Anyway, there is a black card that can be stored, plus four days of food.

   Sophie can take a walk-and-go trip.

   "Well then." Ling Yun nodded.

   After reading the original, he knows that Sophie is very longing for the daytime scenery.

   It’s just that because of the fear of the sun, I have never seen how beautiful the world is in the daytime. UU reading

   Of course I want to take a look now when I have a chance.

   "But can you wait? Thor and I just want to go out and play, let's be together then." Ling Yun said suddenly.

   "Huh?" Thor was taken aback.

   Sophie nodded: "Sure."


   collapse the world

   Tower of Babylon

   The sky in the Western Siberian Plain today is extremely gloomy, and the accumulated snow is beginning to fall.

   Inside the Tower of Babylon there is a huge collapse instrument, which is filled with countless liquid collapse energy.

   A pair of golden eyes suddenly opened from inside.

   His eyes, like a sniper lens, wrote down the faces of the busy researchers outside.

   Looking at their figures, a trace of disgust flashed in their golden eyes.


   There was a crisp cracking sound.

   The busy staff were taken aback.

   "What's wrong? What happened?"

   "It's not good, the surrounding collapse energy index began to rise sharply." One person stood up in front of the computer and said loudly.


The moment   's voice fell, a female researcher shouted and fell to her knees.

"what happened to you?"

   A few people who were close to her ran over, but they stiffened when they were halfway through.

   They looked at their friends in disbelief as the surrounding skin began to separate, revealing the dark armor.

   "This...this is!"

   The researchers looked at the figure that gradually stood up in horror.

   In the world of collapse, they will never forget this figure.

   It is... a dead man!


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