Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 88: Outdated protagonist-Kevin Kaslana

   "Excuse me, I can't answer your question. Our store will not disclose the information of customers to outsiders." Ling Yun shook his head and rejected Kevin.

   "But I can give you another message."

"what's the message?"

   "The ability of a person who hears and hears the law of reason is to reconstruct it after fully understanding a thing."

   "So what?" Kevin looked at Ling Yun puzzledly.

   "Wait! You mean?!"

   As the lord of the world snake, he soon thought of a possibility.

   "Yes...just what you think, through the core of the law of reason and Mei's memory copy, can it be regarded as resurrecting Mei in another way?" Ling Yun gave Kevin a tentative look.

   found that he looked a little confused and continued.

   "The memory is exactly the same, and it doesn't seem to be any different from a real person. Besides, there is no need to pay any price."

   Ling Yun's words completely broke Kevin's inner confusion.

   He suddenly raised his head, his blue pupils looked at Ling Yun.

  A flame named "ambition" flashed in the ice blue eyes.

   For fifty thousand years, he has waited enough.

   "Although I don't know why you know so many things, but the core of the law of reason, I will get it!"

   Ling Yun coughed, which was different from what he thought.

   No, I have to pull it back.

   Ling Yun reached out and pressed Kevin's shoulder and pushed him back into the seat.

   "Don't be so arbitrary, the core of the law of reason is not omnipotent. As far as I know, the law of reason of this term is to eat soft and not hard, and it is impossible to ask for your personality."

   "What do you want to say?"

   Kevin can't understand Lingyun anymore.

   It was clearly what he told himself the law of reason, but now he is denying his thoughts.

"You should also know the ability of the law of reason, you need complete information to perfectly resurrect Mei, otherwise it is likely to be a defective product of losing your soul. What's more, you are willing to disclose Mei and your privacy to others. ?"

   Kevin frowned and twisted into a cross.

  Thinking about it this way, this is really not a good way. If Mei's measurements and Mei's privacy are seen by others, then he might as well die.

   But the ability of a person who doesn't have the law of reason can't resurrect Mei perfectly.

   How about becoming a lawmaker?

   also doesn't work. If you become the Lawyer, doesn't it become the existence that he and Mei hate together.

   For a while, Kevin fell into a small tangled world.

   But no matter how you think, you need the power to collapse.

   Damn, do you still need to use the power of collapse at this time? !

   However, just as Kevin was tangled, Yu Guang suddenly saw Ling Yun with a calm expression on his side, and felt keenly that something was wrong.

   Kevin wants to resurrect Mei, but he is not stupid.

   Ling Yun clearly hinted that he must have a plan.

   Before seeing Ling Yun, she seemed to care about the girl named Thunderbolt Yayi, how could she swindle?

   After thinking about it, Kevin raised his head and recovered his facial paralysis.

   "What? Have you figured out a solution?" Ling Yun asked after taking a sip of water.

   Hearing Ling Yun's words, Kevin said calmly: "I thought about it, instead of being so troublesome, why don't I deprive the memory of the woman in the thunder and lightning bud to replace Mei's memory?"

Kevin’s pupils flashed: "I heard you say that the time when this Thunderbolt Yayi became a discipliner is about fifteen years later, and her appearance is just a four or five-year-old child now. I can find it through the power of the world snake. This little girl instilled Mei's memory in."

   "Thank you for the promotional video you let me watch before. I saw Mei's shadow on it. I think she should be Mei's reincarnation in this generation, so I'm willing to take a gamble."

   Kevin crossed his hands and pressed his chin.

   The eyes are full of banter.

   Fortunately, I reacted, and almost occupied my mind with obsession.


   Hearing Kevin's words, Ling Yun sprayed out half of the water he drank.

   After wiping it twice, he looked at Kevin with disbelief.

  God killed, the fifty-thousand-year old bachelor abandoned Yu Jie and started smelting copper!

   Kevin's eyes narrowed: "It always feels like you are thinking about something very rude."

   Lingyun: "No, I don't, you are wrong."

   Ling Yun opened the three denial companies.

   hadn't noticed before, now Ling Yun felt that there was a cunning snake hidden in those ice-blue pupils.

   Ling Yun regretted it.

   really lifted a rock and hit myself in the foot. I had known that I would not release the promo.

   "I don't think this method will work! How can you deprive a child of the life at will? Moreover, the Lightning Yayi is the law of thunder, an important force against collapse in the future." Ling Yun said righteously.

"You can't convince me with this answer. One is Mei, who has the highest wisdom of the former civilization, and the other is a small law of thunder. Smart people should know how to choose. Moreover, the importance of Mei to me is only a law of thunder. The person can totally ignore it."

   "What if it fails?"

   "Life is a gamble." Kevin looked at Ling Yun flatly.

   Lingyun: "……"

"alright, you win."

   Ling Yun smiled helplessly, and sat down.

   "It's time to talk about your way..." Kevin chuckled lightly.

   But it was like a poisonous snake in Ling Yun's pupils.

  Kevin was unmoved. He should have thought that since the other party dared to raise this issue, he would naturally have a solution.

   But Ling Yun was waiting for him to speak.

   But, Kevin doesn't like to lose, he wants to take the initiative.

   Together with the anger that I felt before...

   When watching the [Guilty Elegy] trailer before, although Kevin was shocked by the thunder and lightning clothes inside, he suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar environment.

   The warrior's instinct is reminding him to let him observe the surroundings.

   Although there were no flaws on Lingyun's face, the excitement in his pupils betrayed him.

   was dazzled by the excitement of resurrecting Mei before, and now he calmed down and sorted out his thoughts.

   Ling Yun took a deep breath, and a trace of fear flashed through his pupils looking at Kevin. He was indeed a fifty-thousand-year-old monster. His little cleverness really couldn't make it to the table.

   "I'm not talented, I can share the burden for you, provided that you only need to collect the remaining six memory copies plus 1,000 points and I can help you resurrect Mei."

   Ling Yun snapped his fingers crisply, and a Mei's figure fell from the air.

   Kevin hurriedly stretched out his hands to catch it.

   Um, soft.

   Ling Yun smiled inwardly and glanced at the photos that suddenly appeared in his hands.

   Kevin’s ancestors’ gaffes’ photos, let me take them one by one.

   Sorry, I'm very vengeful.

   "This is the ability of the law of reason?" Kevin looked at the figure that appeared out of thin air in surprise.

   "No, this is called angel reconstruction." Ling Yun retorted Kevin solemnly.

  Kevin: "······"

   "I don't want to talk to you about these or not. Look at how many points I still have, so let's draw them all." Kevin ignored Ling Yun's words.

He can see clearly, don’t talk with the person in front of him, his 50,000 years of accumulation is not as eloquent as anyone Now that he knows that Lingyun can be resurrected by only spending a thousand points here, then he too There is nothing to worry about.

   But a certain white-haired man didn't know that Ling Yun was also a person of another kind of law of reason.

   So, you have to see what you need to see, and you have to know what you need to know.

   and I see it more thoroughly than anyone else.

   Of course, none of these Kevin knew, and Ling Yun couldn't tell him.

   "Speaking of your catastrophe?"

   Ling Yun took the black card over and asked.

   "At the Kaslana family."

   "That's a pity, you should be able to get a 5,000-point Yazi with a tribulation."

  Kevin: "······"

   I'm sending money to you, why are you still thinking about my family?

   It's too much, hello.

   "Well, I took a look, after deducting the one hundred points just now, you still have more than one thousand two hundred, how about it, do you want a ten company?"

   Ling Yun said, but he also felt a little strange in his heart. How did Kevin say that he is also the protagonist of the former civilization? How come there are so few points?

   Ling Yun asked the system about the doubts in his heart before he understood what was going on.

It’s not wrong that Kevin was the protagonist of the last civilization, but due to the collapse of the last civilization and the loss of a large number of origins, the origin contained in Kevin is only equivalent to a supporting role in this generation. One thousand is already very good, ordinary Valkyrie is estimated to be less than fifty.

   Lingyun immediately became angry: "Presumptuous! How do you talk to the ancestors of Kevin?"

   System: "······I just tell the truth"

   Lingyun: "The protagonist is the protagonist, so I'm so angry."

  System:? ? ?

   This pot... also has this system back?


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