Donghai City, Wang Fan's family.

Tang Xinlian, who was a maid, was sitting cross-legged and refining chakra, and Wang Fan taught her the fire escape ninjutsu and the cultivation method of three-color domineering that Madara Uchiha gave him.

At this time, Wang Fan was fighting outside the city, absorbing Dafa to frantically plunder the physical and spiritual energy of the fierce beasts, so that Wang Fan's strength continued to rise.

In a forest full of fierce beasts, the overwhelming fierce beasts rushed towards Wang Fan, and there was a faint momentum of thousands of troops and horses charging together.

"Mu Dun - the birth of the tree world!".

Wang Fan clasped his hands together and used the wood escape obtained from Madara Uchiha. Huge roots thicker than a human torn the earth, twisting and writhing like long snakes, winding towards the beasts around them, binding them all.

Mu Dun is really a very convenient ability, it can fight, resist, assist and control, and it is worthy of being the first blood inheritance limit in Naruto.

Just when Wang Fan was working hard to improve his strength, someone in the chat room spoke.

The undefeated naughty boy Gu Santong: "The time for the eight major factions to make an appointment with me is coming, and the old boy Zhu Tietang has already left." I'm going to sneak up on him and see what good he has to do. "

"The undefeated naughty boy Gu Santong has opened the live broadcast function.

"The undefeated naughty boy Gu Tee turned on the video recording function. "

Wang Fan's heart moved, and he hurriedly controlled the teleportation belt back to his bedroom, took out potato chips and Coke and lay down, ready to watch the live broadcast.

The world's first.

Gu Santong followed behind Zhu Tiedan, watched him enter an inn, and gathered with masters from all over the world, forming a coalition led by the powerhouses of the eight major factions, preparing to crusade against Gu Santong.

Zhu Tiedan's face was kind and he talked with heroes from all walks of life, but he roared unwillingly in his heart: "Why? Why do I never get what I want?"

A gloomy color flashed in Zhu Tiedan's eyes, and anger rose from his heart to the side of his guts, and he attacked these masters of the rivers and lakes.

"Absorb the Dafa!".

Zhu Tie Dan secretly attacked a strong man of the Wudang faction, and the Dafa of absorbing power was launched instantly, and the true qi in the body of the strong man of the Wudang faction was continuously absorbed by him, and the martial arts of the strong man of the Wudang faction were also plundered by him.

"After absorbing these powerful martial arts, I have the ability to fight to the death with the ancient three links. When the time comes, push these sins on the head of Gu Santong, and then kill him in the name of justice, Su Xin will be mine!".

A cold light flashed in Zhu Tiedan's eyes, and he muttered to himself.

Not far from Zhu Tiedan, Gu Santong hid himself with the help of a bunker, and his expression was indescribably lost.

"How I wish the videos I saw in the chat room were fake. Zhu Tiedan, you are my only recognized friend!".

Gu Santong muttered to himself in his heart, a little sad.

When Zhu Tietang met him, he shared his profound martial arts with Gu Santong. Gu Santong regarded Zhu Tietan as a brother and shared with him the clues of the martial arts secrets of the Tianchi Monster that he had worked so hard to find.

"You are unkind, I am unjust!".

Soon, Gu Santong regained his composure.

He did not show up to expose Zhu Tiedan, but wrote a few small notes and secretly sent them to the powerhouses of the major factions. After receiving the small note from the ancient three links, the powerhouses of the major factions did not make a noise, but quietly checked the authenticity.

Finally, when Zhu Tie Dan attacked a master of the Shaolin faction, he was discovered and exposed by the powerhouses of the major factions.

"Boy, how dare you do that?".

An angry roar sounded, and an old monk of Shaolin Temple used the lion's roar skill, and the loud sound made Zhu Tie's body stiffen.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Tie was horrified to find that a group of masters from various sects and factions had surrounded him, staring at him with angry expressions.


Zhu Tie's heart sank.

"What happened?".

More and more masters appeared here, and they were all puzzled when they saw this scene.

The old Shaolin monk said angrily: "Zhu Tie Dan is a spy who has infiltrated us, and we saw him attack others with our own eyes just now. "


When everyone heard this, they all became angry, and glared at Zhu Tiedan.


Zhu Tie laughed wildly, and looked at the strong men in front of him coldly, "Today, you all have to die here!"

Zhu Tie had the courage to kill everyone present to cover up his crime. Although the success rate was limited, he decided to give it a try.

Zhu Tie dared to make a bold move, and his violent true qi exploded, killing the many martial arts masters in front of him. Not to be outdone, the martial arts masters brandished their weapons to meet them.


The battle between the two sides ruffled the air around them, creating a terrifying storm of power, and the inn they were in was also destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

In the chat room, everyone commented on their battles.

I live in the manga: "The force in this world is not worth much! Although their combat effectiveness is considerable, it is far worse than "Naruto" and "One Piece", and it is not worth mentioning compared to the Marvel world. "

I want world peace: "Bah! Don't put gold on your face, okay? The force value of your world is not scientific at all, and the span is too large. And you are a weak chicken, what qualifications do you have to say that other people's force is not worth much?".

Wang Xiaofan: "To be honest, the force value of "No. 1 in the World" is really not very good. Although this is also a high-martial world, there is no such thing as entering the Tao with martial arts and shattering the void. "

The old man loves doughnuts: "The highest force in "No. 1 in the World", you should be able to be a lieutenant general in the pirate world. If you put it in the Hokage world, it's still okay to be a shadow-level powerhouse. "

Wang Xiaofan: "However, there are still four generals and four emperors in the world of pirates, and there are also powerhouses in the world of Hokage and even the six realms. In the Marvel world, there really isn't much to say. "

I live in the manga: "Our world has a supreme god, a god who rules the universe, and an overlord who rules over many stars. You scum who can't even get out of your own planet, why don't you come and kneel and lick it?".

"Ding! I lived in the comics and was silenced for a minute. "

Wang Xiaofan: "Deadpool, please speak rationally." "

There are sheep to eat every day: "If you have permission, you can do whatever you want, and you can't afford to provoke it." [Shivering Pictures]".

Wang Xiaofan: "Pan warning!".

Wang Xiaofan: "If you can't get mutton from other members, the red wolf will invite you to eat pot stickers, right?"

The old man loves doughnuts: "Hahahaha! The gray wolf's fear of his wife is really interesting, I will definitely come back." [Big Big Wolf Flying Expression]".

There are sheep to eat every day: "I'm not afraid of my wife, I'm loving my wife." How can you be afraid of wolves? I've never heard of such a saying, marry someone to marry a gray wolf!"

The gray wolf was furious, and righteously said that he was not afraid of the red wolf's frying pan, and that thing could not restrain himself.

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