“Yes, these two things are necessary for you to establish an orphanage and a foundation, without these two, the method I just said will not work at all, and if you want to save more children, you alone cannot do it in this life, and at this time, you need to establish a force, a force that is enough for you to organize people to rescue children, but to build power, money is necessary, and it is also necessary to feed those children, without money you will find that whatever you want to do is difficult to do.”

“This simple-” Achilles rubbed his fist and was about to speak, but was directly interrupted by Ye Qiu.

No need to guess, Ye Qiu knew what this tendon guy wanted to say when he saw his action, he just wanted to say this, it was too naïve!

“Simply you big-headed ghost, if violence can solve the problem, then what do you need the police to do!” Yes, the strength of modern people is indeed inferior to the God Generation, but that is only average, high-end combat power, modern strong people are not necessarily inferior to your God Generation. Whether it is the Magic Association, the Templar Church, or the Twenty-Seven Ancestors of the Dead Believers or some state organs, they all have the ability to destroy your followers, after all, your followers are not invincible, and they decide whether to destroy you or not, the difference is only in the amount of cost. ”

“But once you hinder secular society and cause turmoil, then you will inevitably attract their attention, and whether you will be eliminated or captured and sent to the research room for study, then it is completely up to their ideas!”

“But what is certain is that once you disappear, then the children you adopted will absolutely be helpless again, and I think you don’t want to see the children who have struggled to achieve happiness and lose their smiles.”

Hearing this, Atalanta tilted his head slightly in confusion, looked at Ye Qiu with some puzzlement, and asked, “Huh?” So what exactly to do? ”

Atalanta had no idea how cute she really was when she had tears in the corners of her eyes, low expectations and doubts in her eyes, and tilted her head slightly to make the cat’s ears shake slightly.

With her delicate face, Ye Qiu suddenly felt like a cat was tickling in his heart.

However, Ye Qiu is not the kind of person who can’t walk when he sees a beautiful woman now, although there are some strange feelings in his heart, but he quickly suppressed the strange feeling in his heart and returned to calm.

“So you need your master’s help.”

Speaking of this, Amakusa Shiro Shizhen on the side finally understood Ye Qiu’s intention.

Although the follower is strong, he has no social foundation, and what he wants to do is bound to rely on modern people, and he himself is this support.

Compared to those behemoths, he may not be a big person, but he is a member of the Church of the Church after all, and the Church of the Church is a good shield!

What’s more, he can be considered to have won this Holy Grail War, and the winner dominates everything!

For the Thousand Worlds Tree family, which now has only a few people left, he can completely support Fiore to inherit the position of patriarch on the surface, secretly, take the assets of the Thousand Worlds Tree for himself, or cooperate between the two sides or something!

At that time, they will have resources in their hands, and economic talents will also be available, and they will not be able to feed a few orphanages, foundations or something?

And using money, which can be earned at any time, to tie up a super-first-class follower is undoubtedly a value-added transaction.

“To put it bluntly, don’t you just want the eldest sister to continue to join this guy, around such a big circle.” Achilles pouted dissatisfiedly, and Ye Qiu was not angry, but just looked at Atalanta like that and said: “I just put forward a feasible suggestion, how to choose, it is entirely up to you, you can think about it slowly.” ”

“Don’t think about it, you’re right, my wish is not something that can be fulfilled by one person, and Master is indeed a good choice.”

“Well, since the eldest sister and you all say so, then I will also help, the strength of two people is always greater than one – you should not be unwelcome.”

“Of course welcome! Then welcome to join us! ”

At this point, Atalanta and Achilles officially returned to their hearts!

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