Super Doctor of the Universe

Chapter 101 It’s so straightforward

After a moment of silence, Rafe D'Amico felt that he could not sit still and wait for death. He raised his hand and pointed: "You, take them out to fight."

He first pointed at the leader who came to report the news, and then pointed at all the five subordinates on both sides of the door.

"Ah? Shall I go too?" The leader looked surprised and pointed at his nose, while everyone looked at each other in confusion.

D'Amico snorted coldly: "If you don't go, should I go? Come on quickly."

Knowing that he could not refuse, the leader gritted his teeth and waved his hand: "Fuck me."

The gangsters were not stupid either. Not long after they discovered the attack, they were killed by the opponent. The attacker must be a super killer. They may have been sent to die in the past, but they did not move at the moment.

The leader saw this and raised the gun in his hand: "I said, fire it."

"Man, you go first." Two gangsters came to their senses instantly, shouted, and then worked together to push the gangster closest to the gate to the gate.

The unlucky guy stumbled, and after he stood up, he looked at his two companions who were pushing him, and said with a sad face: "But I only have one pistol, and you all have two..."

Unexpectedly, the companion next to him moved extremely quickly. He immediately took out the pistol from his waist and held it in his hand. The other person directly handed Wei Chong to him: "Okay, you have a gun now, this is no problem."

His face was ugly, but everyone was watching eagerly. The gun in D'Amico's hand seemed to be pointed at him vaguely. In the end, with a look of despair on his face, he picked up the micro-charge in his hand and kicked out the office without opening the door. door.

As soon as he opened the door, he felt a lying figure suddenly appeared in front of him. Being extremely nervous, he did not hesitate to pull the trigger and fire wildly.

The figure outside the door was hit by a series of bullets and fell to the ground, shaking all over. The scream that had just come out did not stop, and the magazine in his hand was emptied.

But there was no surprise on his face at this time, because he recognized the man in front of him as his accomplice.

This famous gangster was the one who luckily escaped from Mindy's gun just now, but now he had a bunch of bullet holes in his body, and there was a look of death in his eyes.

He was lucky enough to escape from Mindy, but he could not escape death after all.

The gangsters hiding on both sides of the door asked: "Did you kill him? Did you kill that guy?"

He swallowed and didn't say anything. Then he noticed a figure appeared in front of him again. He raised the muzzle of the gun in a panic, but forgot that he had emptied the magazine just now.

Bang bang bang!

Three gunshots were fired, and the unlucky guy had three more holes in his head and chest. He fell on his back. The gangsters on both sides of the door were startled. They stuck out the guns in their hands and did not dare to show their heads. They faced the passage for a while. Fight randomly.

D'Amico, who was in the room, couldn't care about anything else at the moment. He turned around and strode from the stairs in his room to the top floor. There was a helicopter there, which was his prepared escape route.

The leader hurriedly followed, but was stopped when D'Amico turned his head and glared.

The leader knew that D'Amico could not bring him with him, so he could only use the backup plan: "Boss, I need to use your collection."

D'Amico looked at the weapons storage cabinet in the house, nodded and said, "Okay."

"I want to use the biggest one."

D'Amico said as he walked: "Whatever, as long as you can kill them."

He was about to leave the building anyway. Whatever happened here could be dealt with afterwards. With such a terrifying enemy, he would rather let these subordinates perish together with the other party. Even if the movement was louder and attracted official inspections, he did not want the other party to survive.

Seeing D'Amico's figure disappearing above the stairs, the leader ran to the weapons display cabinet, took down the top weapon, and strode towards the door.

At this time, at the corner of the passage, she noticed that the opponent's burst of gunfire had just ended. Minty said to Link on the opposite side: "Shall we charge?"

Link looked over there again, his expression suddenly changed and he blurted out the word "fuck".

When Mindy saw his expression, she quickly looked down and couldn't help but whisper: "Are they crazy?"

Link also said: "They are really crazy about using AT4 rocket launchers in the building."

If powerful weapons could be used unscrupulously in a downtown building, Link and Mindy wouldn't have to carry only ordinary firearms.

If the scene becomes too big, it may not be a shooting, but an air raid, and it will also attract a large number of relevant departments in the United States to investigate. Link may be able to just walk away after the incident is over, but he still needs to consider clearly. The condition of pedicle.

Rav D'Amico's territory definitely cannot withstand inspection, which shows that the other party is also desperate.

Link also thought of the first Kick-Ass movie. In order to deal with Mindy, Rafe D'Amico's brother Frank once wanted to use the same thing, but by chance, he was intercepted by Dave. Sure enough, they were not a family. Home door.

Mindy asked, "What do we do?"

Link said: "It's easy to say, just look at me!"

As he spoke, Link confirmed the opponent's position, raised his hand and turned his wrist, making a beautiful arc.


At the same time as he threw out the shot, he exerted force on his feet and rushed out of the corner, covering a distance of more than ten meters almost instantly.

At this moment, the leader had raised the AT4 anti-tank rocket launcher, with a look of madness in his eyes. He stood in the middle of the door, aimed at the other end of the passage, opened the red safety button, and looked through the aiming rear sight toward the end of the passage.

Rockets not only explode, they also have the killing effects of fragmentation, high temperature, blinding glare and continuous burning.

The leader believed that if the attacker was not killed by the explosion, he would be burned to death, or at least blinded, and they could easily kill him.

Thinking of this, his finger moved to the firing button, and at the same time, he saw a vague black shadow suddenly appear in the corner of the wall in the distance.

The moment the gun went off, the leader's body shook, and a bloody hole appeared on his forehead. The gangster next to him was busy dodging and didn't notice his situation for a while.

At this time, Link had rushed in and pulled the trigger one after another.

Bang, bang, bang...!

The originally noisy office suddenly became quiet.

Mindy followed Link in and saw everything in front of her. She put the two guns in her hands back to her waist helplessly: "You are too fast."

Link changed the magazine quickly and touched her head casually: "This is not a movie. We must kill the opponent before he uses his ultimate move. Let's hurry up and don't let Damiko run away."

Mindy nodded. The two of them went to the rooftop and saw Raf Damiko standing there with his hands raised. Opposite him stood a middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life pointing a gun at him. At the same time, there were two corpses not far away.

"Thank you." Link nodded to the middle-aged man and then looked at Mindy. Mindy raised the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger before Raf Damiko opened his mouth, ending Raf Damiko's sinful life.

The whole process was so straightforward. This was also because Mindy was influenced by Link and believed in not talking too much when she could take action.

Seeing the prompt of the task completion, Link continued to say to the middle-aged man: "The next step is to cooperate to deal with the mutual aid association. What are your plans?"

"We encountered some minor troubles." The middle-aged man nodded and said: "Just two days ago, they found my son."

"This is indeed a trouble, but I believe we can still pull the other party to our camp."

Link looked at the triggered new task prompt and thought that his previous efforts were not in vain. A happy smile appeared on his face. Of course, because he was wearing a mask, the other party could not see it.

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