Super Doctor of the Universe

Chapter 104 Joining the gang

Link showed overwhelming strength to subdue Fox. After Link left, Fox was worried about several companions who followed him while trying to untie the ropes that bound him.

At this time, Link had come to a corner through Mindy's information, pulled the trigger and used arc shooting. At the moment of killing the two killers of the other side, he suddenly burst out and punched the tinker who had avoided the sneak attack.

At this time, Mindy's sniper also killed a killer following the tinker, and at the same time made several killers around him shrink back and dare not support quickly, thus forming a one-on-one situation.

Facing Link's sudden attack, the tinker knew that the probability of shooting and hitting the opponent was infinitely close to 0, and it would also delay his chance to dodge.

Therefore, he threw away the pistol without hesitation, put his hands on the rack, and at the same time used the physical burst of the mutual aid association without hesitation.

If Link's close-range punch really hit the face, even if he didn't die, his eyes would be black and his head would be dizzy, and he couldn't aim with a gun.

The tinker showed his professional qualities at this time. He held his arms behind his fists with both hands, and squatted and twisted his body. His movements were extremely standard and his response was perfect.

But the next moment, Link also launched a physical burst. His fists suddenly accelerated, and the direction of his fists also changed. The huge force instantly broke through the tinker's hands.

Almost instantly, blood flowed from the tinker's mouth, eyes, ears and nose. Even with a crisp sound, his tibia was directly broken. Even if he survived by chance, he would end up with high paraplegia.

Of course, Link would not let him survive. He kicked hard with his feet, and the tinker's sternum collapsed deeply. At the same time, Link quickly stepped back, dodged a curved bullet, and reached out to touch his waist.

Bang bang bang

With the counterattack, Link cooperated with Mindy to completely suppress the remaining killers and two famous killers, and quickly completed the task of clearing the ambush.

In a two-story building, Cross looked at Wesley with doubtful eyes and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it now. When I destroy the mutual aid association, I will have enough time to prove it all."

Wesley barely kept his composure on his face, but his heart was in a mess. He was just an ordinary young man before, without enough experience and brains to analyze whether Cross's words were true.

Now he has only one thought: Why do people from both sides want to be my father? I thought my father had been dead for more than 20 years, but two of them suddenly appeared.

At this moment, the door was suddenly knocked, and Cross's expression became solemn, but with the knocking sound that seemed to have some regularity, he relaxed a little and came to the door, and then Wesley saw a masked man and Firefox on his shoulder.

Cross and Wesley were both stunned. Cross didn't expect Link to leave a survivor, and Wesley didn't expect Fox to be caught. Wesley, who had always had thoughts about Fox, even said excitedly: "Who are you!"

Link's mouth curled up in the mask: "Young man, don't be excited, she is fine. You are indeed Cross's biological son, Fox can testify to this."

Wesley looked at Fox in disbelief.

"She will definitely not admit it now." Link continued: "So Cross, now you need to tell Fox why you rebelled against the Mutual Aid Association and want to destroy it."

Cross was slightly stunned, looked at Fox, and understood Link's idea.

There are many famous killers in the Mutual Aid Association who are still in collusion with Sloan even if they realize that something is wrong, but Fox is a very small group like Cross.

At least subjectively, she is like Cross before, truly believes that she is doing justice for the heaven, and at the same time, most of the targets arranged by Sloan are criminals with proven crimes.

In this way, Sloan really kept Fox in the dark for many years. In fact, Cross had also been kept in the dark for many years before. You should know that his most outstanding ability is not to kill people face to face, but to kill people through planning. From this point, we can see that he is meticulous.

Cross also had doubts by chance, and then began to investigate, and then discovered Sloan's lies. At present, Fox is definitely a helper who can be won over.

Therefore, as Cross told her story, Sloan forged the code of the Destiny Loom and replaced the real assassination list with his own list.

Cross even took out some solid evidence, which immediately shook Fox. While she was in a state of confusion, Link, who was proficient in psychology, suddenly spoke at this time: "Fox, tell me first, whose son is Wesley?"

Fox was in a state of anxiety, and she unconsciously said: "He is the son of Cross."

As soon as she said this, she knew that the plan of the Mutual Aid Society to use Wesley to deal with Cross had failed. Wesley was the only most effective bargaining chip to deal with Cross. Once the father and son recognized each other now, the difficulty of the Mutual Aid Society to kill Cross would increase sharply in the future.

Next, Cross was responsible for convincing Wesley, and the father and son finally began to recognize each other, while Link took this opportunity to show Firefox the video of Sloan making the assassination list through high-tech monitoring.

Most of the people in the mutual aid association are Sloan's loyal lackeys. Cross had mentioned this before, but no one believed it, or those people chose not to believe it.

But Foxy always thought she was doing the right thing. If she was just helping Sloan do bad things, it would go against her original intention of joining the mutual aid association. This made her completely sure that Sloan had been deceiving her, and she fell into confusion and guilt.

At this time, Link said: "You don't have to feel guilty. You didn't kill the wrong person. Because he was afraid that you would notice something unusual, Sloan didn't dare to let you kill innocent people indiscriminately. He only let you kill those bad guys who were extremely evil, so you don't have to blame yourself."

Next, while Foxy was in an unstable period, if Link wanted to take action, he could quickly have academic exchanges with this unique and charming female killer in front of him with his means.

However, Link didn't do this, because this was the territory of the Cross after all, and Mindy was also outside, so it was more important to advance the completion of the task now.

So after successfully pulling Wesley and Foxy to his side, he had to start a group to brush the copy of the mutual aid association.

In order to get higher evaluation this time, Link also made careful preparations. When he introduced his plan to Firefox and Wesley, they were both surprised.

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