Super Doctor of the Universe

Chapter 127 Accident

Hearing that her mother asked her to borrow money from Link, Fan Shengmei's heart skipped a beat, and then she said angrily:

"Mom, they have nothing to do with me. They called for help because Guan Guan called someone. Moreover, the medical expenses I paid for my brother before were also borrowed from Guan Guan and all my friends and colleagues around me. , Don’t say I can’t borrow money now, even if I can borrow it, I won’t borrow it again. I’ll save enough money to pay off the debt first.”

Fan's mother said: "Then you need to borrow a little bit. Your brother said that he will call you when he finds a place to stay. Then you can find a way to send him some money. Have they arrived? It’s hard to live without money in a place where people know each other.”

Hearing this, Fan Shengmei couldn't help laughing angrily: "Mom, when I came to Shanghai to work alone, you didn't give me a penny. Why didn't anyone ask me if I could live without money? Go down?"

After saying that, she opened the drawer and took out an old diary, "This is the proof that I have given money to my brother over the years. I have remembered it all. If you want me to give him money, you can. From today on, first Transfer his house to my name, otherwise I won’t give you a cent.”

Hearing this, Father Fan, who had never spoken before, spoke up: "Xiao Mei, your money is all for us, not for your brother. Don't ask us what we do with the money. This house must be yours." It’s in my brother’s name, but it can’t be in your name, lest you marry someone else and the house will bear someone else’s surname.”

"Father Shengmei's words made Fan Shengmei feel completely cold. She locked the drawer and said expressionlessly: "Well, I have always been an outsider. "

Her parents' words made her suddenly feel completely giving up, and she didn't want to say another word, so she immediately came to the corridor alone.

At this time, Qiu Yingying also came back. She had just received a promise from Link that he could invest in her to open a dessert shop. She was now busy doing various preliminary investigations and preparations. She was exhausted after a busy day. At this time, she heard about the situation He said, "Sister Fan, it's difficult for two people to live here. How can four people live here?"

Guan Ju'er hesitated at this time, pulled Link's arm, and whispered: "Link, aren't you living with Xiao Xiao now? The house in 2204 is still empty. Why don't you let your uncle and aunt Stay for a few days.”

Fan Shengmei was close, and after hearing it, she quickly said: "No need to trouble Link, your home is so well decorated, I'm afraid my parents will mess it up in the past."

Qiu Yingying said: "It's just a few days, so there's nothing to worry about."

Link frowned slightly. He mostly lives in Qu Xiaoxiao's house now. He doesn't live in that house very much, but he doesn't want to lend it to others. However, now that Guan Ju'er has spoken, he still said: "My place is indeed empty. If you have it, I can lend it to you for two days."

As he said that, he handed the key to Fan Shengmei and said, "I have something in the refrigerator. My uncle and aunt probably haven't eaten yet. You can bring it to them. It's getting late, so you should go to bed early."

When she returned to Qu Xiaoxiao's house, she heard what Link said about this incident and couldn't help but said: "I attended the celebration banquet at the hotel yesterday, and I saw her hanging out with a group of people in a decent manner. This is also It’s retribution.”

Link said: "In the final analysis, she is soft-hearted and can't bear to refuse the unreasonable demands of her family, which is why she is in her current situation."

After hearing this, Qu Xiaoxiao laughed and said, "Why, my handsome boy is going to be sympathetic to her."

Link is also an experienced driver. At this time, he said: "This fragrant jade is right in front of me. Of course I have to take pity on it."

Fan Shengmei went to work as usual the next day. Because of her parents, she came back early to check on the situation. When she arrived at Link's house, as soon as she entered the door, she saw a painting on the coffee table. The frame had obvious signs of being dropped. , this is nothing, the key is that there are many traces of ink brush scribbles on the painting.

Fan Shengmei felt very bad when she saw this. She pointed at the painting and said to her mother, "Mom, why did this painting become like this?"

"You are talking about this painting." Mother Fan said: "This was painted by Lei Lei. You said that this painting is nothing but it was hung so high. Lei Lei wanted to reach it and almost fell down. You Look at Lei Lei’s painting on it, isn’t it pretty?”

Fan Shengmei stepped closer and felt a bolt from the blue, staggering and almost falling to the ground.

Seeing her look, Mother Fan quickly asked: "Xiaomei, what's wrong?"

Fan Sheng was happy for a while before saying in a hoarse voice: "Mom, do you know how much this painting costs?" "

"How much is this painting that you can't even understand worth?" Mother Fan didn't take it to heart at all: "The picture of Eight Horses hanging in our house only costs a few dozen yuan. I heard it's a famous painting."

Fan Sheng immediately shouted: "This painting is worth 600,000 US dollars, more than 4 million yuan."

Fan's mother immediately became anxious after hearing this, and said quickly: "What! Four million, Xiaomei, please don't be deceived. It's just a broken painting that you can't even understand. How can it be worth so much money?"

"How is it possible? When Link moved recently, his girlfriend brought it from home as a gift to him. It also comes with an appraisal certificate and a transaction certificate. How could it be fake!"

"What are you doing so loudly? Don't scare the children." Father Fan heard the noise at this time and came out of the bedroom to yell.

Fan's mother said quickly: "Old Fan, Lei Lei got into trouble. Xiao Mei said this painting is worth more than four million."

"More than four million?" Father Fan's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly looked at Fan Shengmei. After she nodded, she felt a "buzzing" sound in her head, then her vision went dark, and she fell to the ground with a plop.

"Dad..." Fan Shengmei exclaimed and stepped forward. She saw that his teeth were clenched and his expression was very wrong. She immediately felt that something was wrong and was about to go downstairs while carrying her father.

Just as we reached the stairs, we met Andy who had just gotten off work. The group was busy and sent Fan's father to the emergency room.

Only then did Andy ask: "Why is this happening? Uncle was fine yesterday, so why did something happen today?"

Fan Shengmei held her face and cried for a while, telling the reason intermittently.

Andy was stunned when he heard this, thought for a while and then said: "Xiaofan, you have to call Link first about this matter. This painting is Xiaoqu's gift to Link. If you say something nice, Link will let you go at most." You pay, but if Xiaoqu finds out first, and according to her temperament, if no one tries to persuade her, it might not just be a matter of losing money. "

"But even if you lose money, you can't afford to buy our family." Fan Shengmei said this, but she still knew that only Link could persuade Qu Xiaoxiao.

Fan Shengmei knows that Qu Xiaoxiao has many tricks to punish people. The relationship between the two has never been good. The girl who spread rumors about Andy before did not end well, not to mention that what was damaged this time was the one she gave to Link. Gift.

But before Fan Shengmei could dial Link's number, her phone rang. When she saw the caller ID, she immediately panicked and almost threw the phone away.

When Andy saw this, he asked: "What's wrong?"

"It's a call from Qu Xiaoxiao." Fan Shengmei's face turned pale. Andy saw it and said, "You'd better answer it first. Xiaoqu may not know the situation now. Even if she does, you can stabilize her first and I'll give it to you." Link makes a call."

As Andy spoke, he took out the phone and told Link what happened. After receiving the call, Link didn't expect that such a thing had happened, and that Fan's father's stroke was actually involved in this incident.

Link originally wanted to wait for Fan's father to suffer a stroke and take advantage of the plot to use some means to change Fan Shengmei's fate. But now that something like this happened, he didn't have time to think about it, so he said to Andy first:

"You wait for me at the hospital first. I'll be there right away. If you see Xiaoxiao, tell her not to act rashly. Ask her to wait until I arrive before talking about anything."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the entrance of the emergency room."

When Link arrived at the emergency door, he saw Andy at a glance, and immediately went over and asked, "Is Xiaoxiao here?"

"Not yet," Andy replied.

Link nodded and continued: "Don't worry about the compensation. Let's go check on my uncle first."

While Andy was waiting for Link, Fan Shengmei and her daughter talked with the attending doctor. The other party told Fan Shengmei that she wanted to save Fan's father and had to perform surgery as soon as possible.

The cost of the operation was almost 100,000 yuan, and if Fan's father had to undergo physical therapy in the hospital, the cost would be even less.

Not to mention 100,000 yuan, even the 8,000 yuan for Fan's father's hospital stay was paid by Andy in advance. But if there is no operation, Fan's father doesn't know how long he can survive.

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