Super Doctor of the Universe

Chapter 139 Sarah Connor

Link blew up the laboratory completely. Starting from the top, every floor was completely blown up. Along with the fire that could not be extinguished, there was nothing left in the entire building.

Such a serious attack attracted huge attention. After all, this is a company that cooperates with the government. Being bombed here represents a huge loss. What's more, such a large scene was instantly classified as an airborne attack.

However, it was difficult for them to find clues in a short period of time. Link has now followed the prompts given by the mission and arrived at the location where the T800 landed on the resistance side.

The mission prompt given by the system only shows the location of the T800's arrival, not the location of the T1000's arrival, so Link needs to contact the T800 first to see if the other party recognizes him, so as to decide the next course of action.

It was already nighttime. There were street lights on the street that Link came to, but it was still mostly dark. It seemed very quiet overall, with only an occasional police patrol car driving by.

Link walked along the dark street and stopped in front of a house. He glanced casually and soon saw a naked and strong body walking from a distance. His actions were very mechanical, which could also be said to be rigid. T800.

The T800 looked around expressionlessly as it walked, occasionally stopping at motorcycles and cars parked on the roadside to collect and analyze data.

Link didn't deliberately dodge or take the initiative to say hello. He just looked at the other person on the roadside for a moment, and then saw the T800's eyes sweeping over him, and finally stopped in front of the shining sign of a bar.

Seeing this, Link couldn't help but frown, because he knew that this T800 probably didn't recognize him, or that there was no information about him as a companion in his database. Otherwise, if the other party scanned him, he would definitely come over to say hello.

Soon there was a cry of pain and a burst of noise in the bar. When T800 came out, he had changed into a stylish leather jacket and leather pants, showing his coldness and perseverance to the extreme.

He glanced around, got on the motorcycle outside the bar, inserted the key and turned it around, and the engine soon made a low roar.

At this time, the door of the bar suddenly opened. The bar owner pointed a lever-type shotgun at the sky and fired one shot. Then he skillfully completed the chamber pressing and pointed the gun at the T800 Terminator.

"I can't let you just steal someone else's motorcycle, kid, get off the car before I blast you!"

T800 turned around and glanced at him, still expressionless, stepped on the motorcycle stand, parked the car before getting out of the car, and walked up to him calmly.

The bar owner warned: "Hey. Don't push yourself too far, kid!"

T800 stared at him without saying a word, then suddenly took action and snatched the gun from his hand with a snap.

The bar owner was immediately frightened. He saw the T800 constantly approaching him, and he couldn't help but keep retreating until his back was against the door.

At this time, T800 took off the sunglasses on his chest and put them on, got on the motorcycle again and left.

After watching the whole process, Link aimed at a car on the side of the road. After a little tinkering, he opened the door and drove away, but in a different direction than the T800.

Piscadero State Hospital, California.

It is now two o'clock in the morning. The iron gate of the hospital is locked tightly. Only the guard room is still lit. There is an older security guard inside who is drowsy. Link stopped at the door, reached the door and looked towards the guard room.

"Hey!" The guard suddenly woke up, looked at Link, and then glanced at the current time. He stood up and said to Link: "Visiting hours are from 10 am to 4 pm from Monday to Friday. It is late at night now. Come back tomorrow."

With a smile on his face, Link took out a wallet, took out a few US dollar bills, and said, "Can't we make an exception?"

The doorman looked at the dollar bills that Link took out, still shook his head, and said: "I'll reiterate, it's late at night. If you have nothing urgent, I won't let you in. I don't want to lose it." Get the job."

"Okay, can I ask for some information? Her name is Sarah Connor, and she is in your hospital." While talking, Link shook the dollar bills in his hand.

At this moment, the guard finally showed an agitated expression, and while opening the door to the duty room, he said: "She is a celebrity..."

After the other party opened the door, Link suddenly stepped forward and struck the guard, slamming him against the wall of the guard's room, covering his mouth and knocking him against him with his knees.


The guard immediately bent over in pain after receiving this blow, and then felt a pain on the back of his head, and his whole body collapsed.

Link put him on the chair, then pressed a button on the table to open the door, drove into the parking lot, found the nurse on duty, and obtained Sarah from her using the gun he had just obtained from the doorman. ·The location of Connor and the security room knocked the nurse on duty unconscious.

It was already early in the morning, and there was basically no one on duty in the hospital. It was empty and quiet. Link walked all the way to the security room and saw a black security guard in security uniform lying on a chair and falling asleep. A small snore.

The monitor in front of him showed the hospital's surveillance video. All the corridors were quiet, without any abnormalities.

Link approached him and touched the back of his head. Then the other person fainted. He took out the key from him and was about to leave when he heard footsteps in the corridor next to him. He was very conspicuous in the empty hospital.

Link's face froze. He looked at the surveillance camera and saw a man in a security uniform coming out of the toilet in the corridor. He immediately dodged and hid by the wall behind the door.

After a while, the door was opened and the security guard came in. Seeing the security guard on the chair, he said strangely: "I didn't expect you to not snore when you sleep?"

At this time, Link, who was standing behind him, knocked him down with a knife and left the security room.

He easily opened the two iron doors with the key he had just obtained, found the last room where Sarah Connor was, took out the key to open the door, and closed the door casually.

There was nothing in the whole room except a bed. Sarah was tied to the bed with several straps. There was a window above her head. The light of the street lamp was divided into grids by the window bars and hit the pillow.

"Sarah Connor."

Sarah on the bed was a light sleeper. She was a little surprised when she opened her eyes and saw Link, because the other party was not the psychiatrist who made her sick or the security guard who molested her in the hospital, but a strange face.

However, Sarah opened her eyes and did not respond to Link's words.

"Sarah Connor, your son John Connor, the future leader of the human resistance army, is in danger. The Terminator has come again."

Sarah blinked, but still did not respond, because the dedicated psychiatrist had used similar methods to test her many times, and every time she was fooled, the treatment and control would be increased again.

Link did not know the inside story, but guessed that the other party probably did not believe him, so he could only shrug his shoulders. With a flip of his hand, he had a dagger in his hand, cut off the straps that trapped Sarah Connor, and then said: "Get up quickly and leave here with me, the Terminator has come again."

Sarah was stunned for a moment, then jumped up suddenly, and her first reaction was not to ask, but an elbow.

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