Super Doctor of the Universe

Chapter 146 Fast and Furious 5

Although it is only knowledge for arcane apprentices, the whole book in Link's hand is still very thick. It records the basic knowledge related to arcane, and also comes with elementary meditation methods and thirty common zero-ring spells.

Of course, in Link's view, the most valuable thing in this book is the various basic knowledge that must be possessed to learn arcane magic. These knowledge can prevent Link, as a beginner, from taking too many detours.

As a beginner with zero foundation, Link was also very cautious. He did not start practicing until three months later, after he had thoroughly learned the relevant knowledge.

According to Link's understanding as a beginner, a magician should be equivalent to a movable signal transmission tower. The magician sends signals to the elements of the outside world in the form of spells, commanding these elements to serve themselves. The stronger the magic power, the stronger the signal penetration, the wider the coverage, and to a certain extent, a qualitative change.

Of course, this is Link's current understanding. I believe that in the future, with the expansion of relevant knowledge and the deepening of understanding of magic, there will definitely be different understandings. The most important thing for Link now is to introduce magic.

"Calm down and communicate the first ray of magic power!" Link sat quietly on the floor, exhaled heavily, forced his mind to forget the distracting thoughts, and entered the ethereal state as much as possible.

The ethereal state is marked as the first step of meditation in magic, and it is also the only factor in condensing magic power. According to the Eastern saying, it is something like intentional and unintentional.

Of course, entering the ethereal state does not necessarily mean success. Without the magic talent and the guidance of the second step, even if ordinary people fall into the ethereal state, they cannot awaken their own magic power.

Time passed slowly. After more than ten minutes, Link finally put aside the distracting thoughts and entered the ethereal state without thoughts and began the second step of condensing magic power.

The second step of condensing magic power is to measure the focus of one's own magic and visualize a rune representing the magic attribute.

If the talent is on nature, you will visualize flowers, trees, or a special plant. Elemental magicians visualize elements of heaven and earth such as fire, wind, thunder, and water.

Link didn't know what his attribute was. At this moment, he couldn't help but guess what kind of magic he was suitable for.

As soon as the idea came up, there was a roar in his mind. Because he couldn't maintain the ethereal state, Link was forced out of the state of meditation.

Being interrupted from meditation, Link felt dizzy and felt like vomiting. This feeling lasted for more than ten minutes before gradually fading away.

After returning to normal, Link couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. A look of pity flashed in his eyes. He spent some time to readjust his state. After more than an hour, he started the second meditation.

With the success of the last time, it was easier to enter the ethereal state. Link kept his mind and let himself be in a state of no thoughts and no ideas to welcome the enlightenment of magic.

Gradually, Link felt a chaotic buzzing sound in his mind. Under this interference, Link closed his eyes tightly and insisted on adapting himself to this discomfort.

As time went on, the buzzing in his mind became more and more intense, so intense that Link was almost unable to hold on. The next moment, just when Link was about to fail, a pattern appeared in his heart.

This is a black door, with an hourglass outlined by silver lines on it. A colorful world is suspended behind the black door, constantly appearing and disappearing, repeating this change over and over again.

At this time, Link's mind was enlightened, and he knew that his talent was in time and space.

As a reborn, Link's soul was contaminated with the power of time and space when traveling through time and space, so it also made Link's soul origin move closer to time and space. After completing the rebirth, this talent became Link's essential talent.

In a sense, this is an acquired innate time and space talent, and it is also an extremely powerful talent.

Of course, although the time and space talent is powerful, it still helps Link very limitedly in the initial stage.

Unless Link's research on magic has reached a certain level, reaching the level of a legendary wizard, and starting to contact magic related to time and space, it will not be able to bring about the enhancement of magic cultivation related to the elements like the elemental talent.

Even in the advanced magic world, magic related to time and space is extremely rare, and the related laws are extremely difficult to sense, so most people will only delve into it after reaching a certain level, and the difficulty is extremely high. The only advantage is that if you have the relevant talent at that time, it will greatly reduce the difficulty.

Having the talent of time and space is more like a late stage. Many magicians with the same talent may not be able to improve this talent after practicing for a lifetime.

However, even so, Link is still full of motivation. He compressed the daily exercise time of the body and gun skills, and put more energy on meditation and the analysis of spells.

With Link's current basic attributes, the improvement through normal exercise is already very small, and the relevant knowledge and skills have been learned almost, and now it is time to enter the extraordinary field to study.

In the next three months, Link meditated for four hours every day, and then analyzed magic. The first magic he learned was the most common magician's hand.

The Hand of the Mage is an auxiliary spell constructed with magical power. It is not a powerful spell. As a beginner, it took Link only half a month to analyze this spell.

However, whether a magic can be successfully performed depends not only on your understanding of the magic itself, but also on your own magic power.

Link is a beginner. Three months of meditation allowed him to gather enough magic power to perform the Hand of the Mage. Then, with several days of practice, Link successfully performed the Hand of the Mage.

When the new time and space mission appeared again, Link realized that half a year had passed unknowingly. After watching three time and space missions, Link decisively chose the one that best suited his current situation:

Soon the projection screen showed: "Fast and Furious 5" side mission world, replaced the identity of the plot character "Han", became the protagonist of the team, and led the team to obtain Reyes' wealth.

The Fast and Furious series was very famous in the previous life. The fifth part tells the story of two protagonists who discovered the cash network of the underworld tycoon Reyes and began to summon helpers.

There were nine of them in total. They designed to let Reyes gather all the cash in the police station, and then steal the money from the police station. A group of people had to fight against Reyes while evading Hobbs' pursuit, and then after a series of processes, they got the money.

The mission as a whole was not difficult, but this was the first time that Link had the opportunity to directly replace the identity of a well-known person when he entered the mission world, so he wanted to try this mission.

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