Super Doctor of the Universe

Chapter 156 You are free to choose

After giving the pill to Eddie, Fern's cell phone rang before he could explain. After a few brief conversations, Fern hung up the phone, stood up, patted Eddie on the shoulder, and prepared to leave.

Because of Fern's criminal record, Eddie initially thought it was some kind of laundry detergent and wanted to refuse, but Fern immediately said:

"Don't be so ungrateful, do you know how much this thing is worth? 800 US dollars! You're welcome!" After saying these words, Fern left here.

At this time, Link did not contact Eddie, but stopped Fern on the street and said to him: "Hi, is your name Fern?"

"Who are you?" Fern seemed very alert after being stopped, and he kept looking at Link.

Link said straight to the point: "My name is Link, I am very interested in the NZT-48 you just took out, and I want to talk to your superiors."

"Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about, I'm leaving!" Fern didn't know where the other party heard about the NZT-48, but for safety reasons, he didn't want to contact the other party.

Seeing this, Link immediately brought out the most popular law in the United States - Franklin's Law.

"One hundred thousand US dollars, I only ask to meet with the director of the laboratory. He should be very short of investment now."

"One hundred thousand US dollars, are you sure?" Hearing this number, Fern immediately showed a look of surprise. Although he had NZT-48, these drugs were from the laboratory. He was just a henchman responsible for running business. Moreover, this drug had strong side effects.

"Of course, I can give you a deposit now." Link said as he reached into his clothes. It seemed that he took out 10,000 US dollars directly from the storage space.

"These are deposits. You contact the director of the laboratory for me. After the matter is done, I will pay the rest of the money."

Fern was a little unbelievable. He took the money and looked at it carefully. After confirming that the money was real, he looked at Link again: "Aren't you afraid that I will take the money and not do the job?"

"Haha, I believe you won't make a stupid choice." Link had a smile on his face. It seemed that he didn't make any threats, but Fern couldn't help but sweat.

Being able to take out $10,000 at will, just like a piece of paper, obviously the other party is not someone he can afford to offend, so Fern decisively said: "Sir, how can I contact you?"

Link told Fern his mobile phone number, and after he wrote it down, the two said goodbye.

Facts have proved that under the influence of money, people's efficiency can be greatly improved. Link received a call before he returned home.

"Hello, Mr. Link. I'm Dr. Reid. I heard that you are very interested in NZT-48?"

"Yes, Doctor. I just heard about the existence of this drug and I am very optimistic about its prospects. Are you the researcher of NZT-48?"

After a short pause, the other party slowly said, "I am the head of the institute, and I developed NZT-48."

"That's great, Doctor!" Link said with a smile, "Can we meet and talk?"

"Of course no problem. I will go to New York in three days. If you have time, we can talk in detail then!"

The other party quickly agreed. After all, it can be seen from the plot that the current capital chain of the laboratory is extremely dangerous, otherwise it would not need to rely on the sale of NZT-48, which has amazing side effects.

After setting the time for the meeting, Link began to use the water mirror technique to monitor the protagonist Eddie's situation.

On the way home, the other party took NZT-48, which has amazing side effects. Then, just like in the movie, Eddie, who took the medicine, was full of energy.

It took him only half an hour to conquer the landlady who had always looked down on him and always spoke ill of him with words, and staged an indescribable live broadcast for Link. After that, he returned home, cleaned up the whole house, and wrote a long paragraph of the book he had always wanted to write.

After taking NZT-48, Eddie seemed to feel that a new life was waving to him, so when he found that the effect of the drug was over the next morning, Eddie couldn't wait to get more charming little pills.

So he went to Fern's address early in the morning, and Link also followed him. Downstairs, he saw Eddie like a servant, going to the dry cleaner downstairs to pick up clothes for Fern, and also bringing a breakfast.

Everything happened as the plot, when Eddie, who was out, brought back Fern's breakfast and suits, he found that Fern was dead.

"Fern, my God, how should I explain this to your sister!" Looking at Fern, who was sitting on the sofa with his head pierced by a bullet, Eddie fell to the ground with weak legs and feet.

For Eddie, Fern was not only the supplier of his NZT-48, but also the younger brother of his ex-wife. Seeing Fern being shot, Eddie felt stunned and trembling as he picked up his phone to call the police.

"Wait a minute." The sudden voice interrupted Eddie who was about to call the police. He instinctively regarded the owner of the voice as the murderer, and threw the phone to the ground very simply, raising his hand: "Don't kill me, I don't know anything, I didn't see anything!"

But then Eddie saw a young man walking in front of him from behind. The other party didn't seem to have any murder weapon on him, and said with a smile on his face:

"Your name is Eddie, right? Fern told me about you, his sister's ex-husband, I am Fern's big boss, you can call me Link!"

Seeing that Link looked like a successful person and not a killer without batting an eyelid, Eddie breathed a sigh of relief and then asked: "Hello, do you know who Fern was killed by?"

"He should have been entangled by some gang members. You should know what he did before."

Fern had been in the laundry detergent business before, but of course he was just a young man. Thinking of this, Eddie felt relieved, but he then asked: "Will you avenge Fern?"

Link shrugged his shoulders and said: "This is the trouble he caused himself. Why should I avenge him? I am a serious businessman and I don't want to mess with those guys who will only bring trouble."

With that said, Link's eyes wandered around the room, and he quickly came to the oven in the kitchen. He took out a large bag of nzt-48 and a stack of US dollars, including the 10,000 that Link gave him yesterday. Dollar.

After thinking about it, just in case, Link opened the bag, took out a few pills and put them away, then threw all the remaining nzt-48 and US dollars to Eddie.

Seeing nzt-48 in hand and so much cash, Eddie's breathing suddenly became rapid.

After all, when it comes down to it, Eddie and Fern don't have much of a friendship at all. Fern is just his ex-wife's younger brother, and they haven't seen each other for seven or eight years.

Looking at Eddie's expression, Link said slowly: "It seems you like the feeling of being a genius."

"I like it, it made me find my own life, I really love it to death!" Eddie said subconsciously, then looked at Link and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

"Of course, this is something that can turn ordinary people into geniuses." Link said with a smile: "I am what I am today because of my genius mind. Of course, unlike you, I was born with a superhuman IQ. , you can do the same thing without taking nzt-48.”

At first listening to what Link said, Eddie thought that the other party was also a user of nzt-48. But when he heard what happened later, he was a little speechless. Thinking of the feeling of taking nzt-48, he couldn't help but said: "It turns out that the genius The world is really different from ordinary people.”

"Of course, but I developed nzt-48 to let more people feel the feeling of becoming a genius, but there is one thing I need to tell you in advance.

This drug did not fully pass clinical trials, but it turned out to be sold privately by Vern. The trouble he caused had something to do with this. I came to see him after getting the news, but I didn't expect that he was already dead. . "

When Eddie heard what Link said, he couldn't help but hesitate: "If that's the case, why do you still give these to me?"

"I'm just giving you a choice." Link said: "Every nzt-48 will bring you a new life.

You should know that it has not fully passed clinical trials, so it may have strong side effects. If you choose to use it, then I need you to leave a blood sample every day. I will get it from you at that time. If you choose not to Using it, you can also flush it down the drain.

As for the money you have, most of it was obtained by Vern from selling nzt-48 privately, but it has no meaning to me, even if it is a small sponsorship from me.

You can choose what to do now. You can also choose to call the police after I leave. However, if you still want to keep nzt-48's secret, it is best not to mention my existence. "

After saying this, Link left without staying any longer.

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