Super Doctor of the Universe

Chapter 180 Arrival at the Palace

The mercenary was awake at this moment, but he looked at Link in horror. He was carried by Link all the way, without any restraints on his body, but he could not move. Until just now, he saw the figure that caught him, which made him think he had encountered a ghost.

Link didn't waste any words, and directly chanted the spell to cast the soul-bewitching spell on the mercenary.

The mercenary's will is much stronger than that of ordinary people. If he concentrates on resisting, it will cause a little trouble. However, he was already in a state of panic when facing a situation that could not be explained by common sense. The soul-bewitching spell quickly took effect and made the mercenary explain the basic situation.

These mercenaries were hired by a man named Vogel to come here. Together with several recruited scholars and crew members, there were a total of 100 people in the team. Because they were well prepared, they encountered a storm, but they were safe and sound.

The group has been here for almost a week. They have discovered the Yamatai King City, just opposite a canyon. The situation there is very complicated and some places are very dangerous. Vogel is organizing people to enter, but they also encountered a surprise attack by the islanders.

After getting the information he wanted, Link directly twisted the mercenary's neck, causing Laura to frown and ask, "Why did you kill him?"

Link looked into Laura's eyes and said, "Laura, the current situation does not allow us to be soft-hearted. If we let him go, we will soon be exposed, fall into a dangerous situation, and may even lose our lives. Adventure is never as romantic as you think, but full of cruelty."

Lara is not a simple saint, but this is her first time encountering such a thing, and it is inevitable that she can't accept it for a while. Link didn't say much, and it still depends on Laura to understand and experience this kind of thing.

At this time, both of them were wearing standard jungle combat uniforms, which Link had prepared in the storage space a long time ago. With the Lolock given by Link, the automatic rifle was too heavy, and it was not convenient to move in the jungle. Link said that he could take it out from the storage space at any time if needed, and Laura just took the grenade from the mercenary.

The two headed towards the ruins of Yamatai, crossed the jungle, climbed a ridge, and found a canyon in the distance, with various wooden buildings on both sides, but many of them had collapsed or broken, and the entire city stretched all the way to the top of the opposite mountain.

The two could also see a base about two hundred meters away, and there were still a large number of people moving around. A group of mercenaries drove the residents of the island to work with guns.

Laura saw a man suddenly fall down, and the wooden stake in his hand fell and hit his leg, making him cover his leg and wail.

However, the mercenary still insisted that he get up and continue working, which immediately caused a commotion.

"We are also human beings, but we have drifted here. You can't treat us like this."

"Yes, why should we work for you and be abused by you? I won't do it anymore."

At this time, a middle-aged man came over, pulled out the pistol from his waist without hesitation, shot the injured man on the ground, killed the man, and then pointed the gun at the person who started the trouble first, and pulled the trigger again without waiting for the other party to beg for mercy.

As Vogel killed two people neatly, the others were frightened and the thought of resistance disappeared instantly. Freedom or something, it is better to save your life first.

"Everyone work, if you don't complete the goal, there will be no food tonight." Vogel left directly after giving the order, and those people didn't dare to play any tricks anymore.

After witnessing this scene, Laura was relieved about Link's behavior just now, and had a deeper understanding of the cruelty of the real world. In other words, although Laura is decent, she is definitely not a pedantic saint.

Without impulse to save people, Laura said: "The other side has dozens of elite mercenaries, and we only have two people. It's better to hide behind for the time being and wait for an opportunity to act."

In fact, it is not difficult for Link to kill these people, but he didn't say it. He just observed the environment and said to Laura: "I have a way to enter Himiko's palace before them. Come with me."

Laura nodded without doubt and followed Link.

The mountain road was rugged, with various deep ravines. The two walked very slowly and finally came to the side of the canyon, where there was a steep cliff.

Looking at the ruins of the imperial city in the distance from the mountainside, Link said: "Let's rest here tonight. Tomorrow we will go up the mountain from the side cliff."

After saying this, Link found a few cans of food and an apple. After dinner, Link found a suitable place to set up a tent. When it was completely dark, Laura fell asleep quickly on the blanket. After Link set up a warning, he meditated next to him.

The next morning, the two continued to move down the mountain of the ruins of the imperial palace, and finally arrived at the cliff at noon.

The reason why Vogel and his team did not choose to go up the mountain here was because this was a steep cliff with a height of three or four hundred meters. It was extremely steep and difficult to climb. Accidents would happen if they were not careful. It was not suitable for their large-scale operations, so they chose to repair the broken road.

However, this was not difficult for Link at all. He just used a floating spell, and Link held Laura and slowly began to rise.

The speed of levitation is not fast, and with Laura, it is slower than the elevator. Laura is in Link's arms, feeling the two of them rising continuously, which is very novel.

When they reached the top of the cliff, Laura couldn't help but say: "This is really a magical experience. I think I will remember it for the rest of my life."

Here you can already see the ruins of the imperial city in front of you, with broken walls everywhere, but there are also many palaces hidden in the mountains and forests, which makes Laura couldn't help but say: "It's so big here."

Link nodded. Everything here is much bigger than the scenes in the movie, but closer to the game. Because the two people used levitation to get up, they didn't consume much physical strength, and they were ready to move on.

At this time, dense gunshots and explosions were heard in the distance, as well as constant shouts of killing.

Link said: "It should be the mercenaries fighting with the original residents of the island. Let's act quickly and go directly to the palace on the top of the mountain."

Looking at the situation, Link chose a road and the two headed towards the top of the mountain. There were broken walls everywhere along the way. After walking for about half an hour, the two finally arrived in front of the palace on the top of the mountain.

The palace is much more intact than the ruins at the foot of the mountain. Looking at the continuous buildings, Laura sighed, "I think Queen Himiko must have been very powerful during her reign, otherwise she would not have been able to build such a huge palace complex."

Link nodded and looked at the palace in front of him. The scene in front of him was different from the movies he had seen. As for the game, Link had only read the introduction and could not fully judge what was going on inside.

The two walked to the front door. The two huge wooden doors were closed. Link knocked and found that they were very heavy. He pushed hard but could not move them at all.

Link then used the door-opening spell, but it had no effect. It seemed that it was stuck because it had been too long. If it was forced to open, it would consume a lot of magic power.

Seeing this, Link said, "Laura, step back a little, I will blow him up."

Laura nodded and found a rock dozens of meters away to hide. Link took out a bag of plastic explosives, set up the explosive device, came to Laura, and then chose to detonate.

With a loud "bang!", a big hole was blown out of the solid wooden door, and Link and Laura were splashed with a lot of sawdust.

Looking at the hole, Link said, "Okay, let's go in."

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