Super Doctor of the Universe

Chapter 182: Magic of Immortality

The two observed the situation in the hall, and Laura said: "Is this not the government hall of Queen Himiko?"

"It is very likely that this kind of palace was used as the main hall for meetings in ancient times. The architectural style here is somewhat similar to the palaces of the ancient Han Dynasty."

Speaking of this, Link suddenly hugged Laura and rolled to the side. The next moment, more than a dozen arrows shot from the darkness in front.

The two hid behind a huge wooden pillar. Laura took a look at the arrows and asked nervously: "What is that?"

"It should be the undead warriors using bows and arrows." Link said immediately.

"Do they have archers?" Laura asked in disbelief.

"There are undead warriors with knives, and naturally there are undead warriors with bows and arrows."

In fact, Link was also surprised that the weapons of these non-martial artists and archers were not rusted due to the erosion of time, but it might be because of Himiko's power.

Thinking of this, Link glanced in the direction of the arrow shooting, but because it was too dark, he could not see anything, and the light magic could not be too far away from him, so it could not shine over there.

Laura also found that she could not see the situation over there, so she asked: "What should we do now?"

"That's easy!" Link said, taking out the lighting stick, twisting it to light it, and then throwing it towards the dark place over there.

As the dark place was illuminated, Link and Laura saw a row of warriors holding bows and arrows standing in the center of the hall, each wearing a mask and wearing a warrior armor, and the bows and arrows in their hands had already been aimed at Link.

At this time, Link smiled and said to Laura: "In fact, in addition to being a magician, I am also a master of gunmanship. I have a magical arc shooting technique. Let you see it."

With that, Link held the pistol and pulled the trigger directly.

"Bang bang bang..."

Then, under Laura's surprised eyes, the heads of those undead warriors were all blown up one by one, and several of them were in blind spots for shooting.

"How did you do it? Did you use magic?" Laura couldn't help asking.

"This is not magic, but arc shooting." Link said with a smile: "A shooting technique that can make bullets bend."

Laura felt that she seemed to be a little numb at this time. Link in front of her seemed to be the synonym of magic.

After dealing with these undead warriors, the two came to the middle of the hall and continued to move forward. This hall was really very vast, and at the end of the hall, the two saw a golden figure.

After looking carefully, it was confirmed that there was a high platform in the middle of the back of the hall. On the platform was a long wooden table, and behind the long table was a skeleton wearing golden armor.

The armor was golden with complicated gold inlaid patterns on it. There was a golden circle on the helmet, and there were golden spikes around it representing the sun's rays.

The two approached slowly with guns raised, but found that the golden armored warrior did not move. Link used magic to detect it, and then said: "This is not the undead warrior."

As he said, the two came to the high platform and saw a long wooden table with pens, inkstones, some bamboo slips, and a sandalwood box.

Because of the long time, most of these things have rotted, only the sandalwood box is intact. Link cast a spell to open the box and found a gold seal inside.

Picked it up and looked at the text on it, only the words "King of Han Wei Nu" were engraved on it.

Looking at this gold seal, Laura couldn't help asking: "What is this?"

This should be the gold seal given by the Chinese emperor to Queen Himiko. This is recorded in history. I didn't expect it to have been here all the time. "

"Is it precious?" Laura asked.

"This gold seal was given by the Chinese emperor to Queen Himiko to recognize her ruling status. It should be said to be a very precious antique. "

Link put the golden seal back into the sandalwood box and put it into the storage space, then said: "From the armor this person wears and the position he sits, he should be Himiko's younger brother Susano.

He is a very capable person. Himiko lives in the deep palace and is obsessed with cultivation all year round. It can be said that he is the real ruler of Yamatai. Himiko reigned for 70 years, and Susano also ruled Japan for 70 years. "

After listening to Link, Laura thought about it and asked: "Himiko has the ability to create immortal warriors, so why doesn't she give her brother immortality?"

Link shook his head: "Those immortal warriors are not actually immortal. Although their skeletons can still move, they have long become puppets without emotions or even thoughts. How could Himiko turn her brother into a puppet? "

Laura nodded and asked: "This means that even Himiko can't make people immortal, right?"

"That's right. "Link said: "According to the realm of magicians, if you want to be unrestricted by lifespan, you must at least comprehend the laws and reach the level of demigod. Other cultivation systems should be similar.

In fact, Himiko herself has not been able to reach such a realm. She just adopted an alternative method of soul reincarnation to achieve the purpose of longevity. This method has great disadvantages. Now Himiko's current situation is not a result of her own actions. "

After listening to this, Laura couldn't help but say: "Does this mean that practicing magic can also lead to immortality? "

"That's the theory, but so far, I haven't seen a magician who can reach the level of a demigod. In addition, I know of a magic of longevity that can keep people young for at least a thousand years, but it has extremely high requirements for the caster, and it also has many disadvantages."

Link was talking about the magic that Merlin cast on Basza, and it was this magic that allowed Basza to live for more than a thousand years and finally find Merlin's reincarnation.

However, after being cast with this magic, it is actually equivalent to having the road ahead cut off. No matter how you practice, you will not be able to continue to break through the current magic realm, and you can only live for two or three thousand years at most. If it is not a last resort, no magician will be willing to accept this magic.

Link thought this magic was useless, but it was also very attractive to Laura. So after listening to Link's words, she couldn't help asking: "Do you know this spell?"

Link shook his head and said: "This magic requires the caster to be at least a great magician, and my current level is far from that."

Laura was also a little disappointed, but she quickly adjusted her mentality. After all, she was not like those people in the Holy Trinity who had become crazy for immortality.

After finishing the topic of immortality, Link looked at Susano's skeleton and golden armor again. He had an idea and chose to contact the system and handed it in together with the golden seal just now. As a result, these things disappeared immediately, and the system also showed that ordinary treasures were collected.

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