[Thank you Li Junyang, and other readers and friends for your tips! 】

In the Atlantic Ocean, in a trench more than 3,000 meters deep, the return capsule of the Brave returned from Fire Star sank here.

Almost a hundred years have passed. The return cabin has long been covered by sea baths, and you can’t see what it is. Some large mutant marine creatures are cruising in the vicinity.

Not far from the return cabin, an array disk with a diameter of five meters or so with a peculiar rune carved on it emits a faint blue light, which is spinning continuously and slowly.

This is exactly what Qin Lao called the mysterious gate, and the summon of Level 9 martial artist also comes from it.

After nearly a hundred years, this array is still very clean, there is not even a trace of sand on the array. At this time, a huge red octopus was lying not far away from the array, shaking its thick tentacles from time to time, sucking the passing mutant fishes that were larger than cows, and rolled them into their mouths.

Suddenly, the blue light of the array suddenly brightened a bit, and the rotation speed suddenly increased several times.

A few seconds later, a person wearing black armor and carrying a bone spur appeared in the formation. Since his entire head was covered in a helmet, and he was still wearing a mask, he couldn’t see his appearance. In the dim light, one of his bright red hair is extremely conspicuous, like blood.

As soon as the red-haired black-armored person appeared, he walked out of the formation. When walking under the water pressure of more than 3,000 meters, it seemed like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard. The sea seemed to have no effect on him. The slightest resistance.

The giant red octopus spotted the red-haired black-armored person and moved towards him with a thick tentacles.

However, this tentacles did not touch the red-haired black-armored person. The black-armored person moved. He bent his leg slightly and straightened it instantly. With the force of his legs ejecting, moved towards The giant octopus rushed away.

The speed of the black-armored person is very fast, the body turned into a white line in the water, and it passed through the body of the giant octopus in an instant, without the slightest stay, moved towards the surface of the water.

When the black-armored person disappeared, the giant octopus suddenly became motionless, and the body began to disintegrate quickly, becoming chunks of flesh, scattered in all directions.

At the same time when the giant octopus disintegrated, a piece of sea water was dyed red. Marine carnivorous creatures that smelled blood came over from all directions, rushing to eat these pieces of meat.

Suddenly, a multicolored beast core fell to the bottom of the ocean and was swallowed by a small fish…

The black-armored person rushed out of the sea and hovered In the air above several meters from the sea.

The black-armored person hung the bone-spur-shaped weapon in his hand on his waist and raised his left hand. The index finger of the right hand pressed on the arm armor of the left hand, the arm armor was separated and projected from the inside There was a deep blue light.

In this light, the entire Earth’s 3D graphics soon appeared.

The black-armored person looked at this 3D picture, body moved, flew towards the direction of the sea surface moved towards Hero City, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yang Tian frowned when he saw the handsome man with the face of a Westerner who appeared suddenly, this man gave him a very dangerous feeling.

The only person who can put pressure on Yang Tian now is the Level 9 martial artist!

After jumping frantically from the back of the giant bat, he inserted the giant sword in his hand on the ground and looked at Yang Tian with a smile on his face.


Perhaps feeling the breath of the frenzy, the unicorn slapped its nose and nervously scratched the ground with its forefoot.

Little Qinglong was completely unaffected by the frenzy, hiding in the canopy in the distance, looking at the frenzy excitedly.

The visitor is not good, Yang Tian pulls out the knife inserted in the side and stands up.

As Yang Tian’s strength is rapidly increasing, the enemies he faces are getting stronger and stronger. Previously, brothers Du Xiongwu and Du Xiongwen were the eighth-level martial artists, but now there is actually a Level 9 martial artist looking for* ***Come.

“You are Yang Tian! My name is Frantic, and someone asks me to kill you.” Fantastically looked at Yang Tian, ​​the smile on her face remained unchanged, lightly saying.


Yang Tian has never heard of this name.

However, as long as Yang Tian knows that he is a Level 9 martial artist, it is enough to control who the opponent is. If he finds trouble for himself, he will defeat or kill the opponent.

“Who told you to kill me?”

Yang Tian took a look at the frenzy, and asked calmly.


At this moment, the giant bat hovering in the sky suddenly called, and moved towards Yang Tian launched an attacking sound wave.

Yang Tian was pierced by this sound and his ears were slightly painful.

Fortunately, as soon as the frenzy appeared, he began to use his mind to use a large amount of dragon ball power, and the surface of the skin under the clothes had grown scales.

Although the sound waves of the giant bats are powerful, they cannot cause heavy damage to Yang Tian. The offensive sound wave it emitted was a bit stronger than the sound wave that attacked Du Xiongwu at the beginning.

Seeing that my beast pet’s special attack methods could not hurt Yang Tian, ​​he was frantically nodded, and then said: “A woman named Zhu Xiaoqing.”

When I heard the word’Zhu Xiaoqing’ In three words, on Yang Tian’s face, a surprised expression appeared not at all, which was already in his expectation.

Yang Tian said with a smile: “Can you please move a Level 9 martial artist, I hope Xiaoqing paid a lot of money?”

Frenzy nodded, “Her My husband, Du Xiongwu, died, and she herself became my maid. I like that kind of mature woman. She automatically sent her ****, and I couldn’t refuse, but as a martial artist, she agreed. It’s always done, so I’m here to kill you.”

After Yang Tian knew about Zhu Xiaoqing’s fate, he felt happy not at all. Because Zhu Xiaoqing is like an ant to him, letting her go before is like letting go of an ant…

Yang Tian has long had this kind of powerhouse mentality.

“You come to kill me, are you not afraid that I will kill you? You know, I am also a Level 9 martial artist now.” The frantic voice fell, Yang Tian lightly saying.

Frenzy pointed to the sky, said with a smile: “You became a Level 9 martial artist, indeed out of my expectations, but you are only a person, and I have an eighth level beast pet, with its help, how can you be my opponent?”

“pu ~”

After speaking frantically, the body flashed before the voice, and he came in a blink of an eye Arrived in front of Yang Tian. When he acted, there was a slight sonic boom.

The frantic speed is very fast, and it will seize the opportunity.

Because of frantic belief, Yang Tian will definitely be flustered when he hears a beast pet helping him out.

But what Frenzy doesn’t know is that Yang Tian also has a beast pet, and it is a beast pet that is not in the rank of alien beasts——Little Qinglong.

Yang Tian’s combat experience is already very rich, always guarding against frenzy, when frantic action, he also moved.


A frantic place, across the illusory shadow of Yang Tian’s body, slashed to the ground, and made a loud noise.

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