[Sixth Chapter Three]

When the giant tortoise turned his head, Yang Tian quickly got out of the way and jumped off the giant turtle’s back.


The giant tortoise spouted a white water column with a mouth.

Seeing that Yang Tian had left his back, the giant turtle turned his head again, looked towards the sky, moved towards the direction of Xiaoqinglong and moved forward.

Yang Tian inserted the knife into the scabbard suspended around his waist, using the power of the dragon ball to turn his hands into dragon claw.

While the giant tortoise did not notice him, Yang Tian jumped onto the turtle’s back again, raised his claws, and quickly grabbed the red turtle shell.

“puff puff puff…” a continuous voice sounded.

Yang Tian’s double claws and red’s tortoise shell made a continuous rubbing sound. The red tortoise shell was caught by Yang Tian’s double claws and shattered, like sand and stone, by Yang Tian’s double claws After cutting it open, a pit with a diameter of more than ten centimeters and a depth of about 500 metres soon appeared.

This red tortoise shell is very dry, like a stone, there should be no pain nerves. The reason why the giant tortoise will respond is probably because the shell is vibrating and it feels very itchy For the sake of it!

More than ten seconds later, seeing the giant tortoise turned his head, Yang Tian could only give up and jump off the turtle’s back again.

And the giant tortoise also spouts a water column towards Yang Tian.

Compared with Yang Tian, ​​the reaction speed of the giant tortoise is really too slow, it can be said to be delayed. No wonder people always like to use the word’turtle speed’ when describing others’ slow work.

Seeing that Yang Tian had left his back, the giant tortoise stupidly moved again towards the direction where Xiaoqinglong was.

Yang Tian jumped onto turtle’s back again.

So and so, half an hour later, Yang Tian had dug a hole one meter in diameter and one meter deep in the tortoise shell of red. At this time, Yang Tian did not I was not afraid that the giant tortoise would spew a jet of water on himself, because the jet of water simply couldn’t reach him. He saw the giant tortoise stop, stretched his neck and turned his head, and immediately hid in this pit.

The giant tortoise leaves the lake, not without limit. When it reaches a distance of about five kilometers, no matter how the little blue dragon howls and threatens him, it ignores it, and then turns around. , Climb to the direction of the lake.

The little green dragon is much smarter than the giant tortoise. When the giant tortoise climbs halfway back, it landed on the ground, slapped the ground with its dragon tail, threatening the giant tortoise, and the giant tortoise turned Turned around and chased Xiao Qinglong again.

Although this giant tortoise is a High Rank alien, its intelligence is too low and it is acting entirely by instinct. Yang Tian also understood that the reason why this giant tortoise kept chasing the little blue dragon was because it felt that the little blue dragon had occupied its territory and it had to drive the little blue dragon away.

With the little blue dragon attracting the giant tortoise, Yang Tian no longer worries, and starts to’dig the hole’.

More than ten minutes later.

When the giant tortoise climbed back again, Yang Tian finally dug out the red tortoise shell of the giant tortoise. What appeared in his eyes was actually a’nameplate’ that was much larger than the size of a fingernail. It says that XX was released in a certain place in 2015.

Seeing this stainless steel nameplate, Yang Tian couldn’t help but laughed, and then knew why such a weak point appeared on the back of this giant tortoise. It turned out that before this giant tortoise mutated, it It was released by a human being. The person who released it opened a hole in its shell and inlaid a brand.

I don’t know what happened later, this stainless steel nameplate was actually buried in the turtle shell, which affected the material structure of the turtle shell…

Know the whole turtle The shell, except for this part, the black tortoise shells in other parts are very hard, Yang Tian tried with double claws, but was unable to break the black tortoise shell.

Yang Tian took off the stainless steel nameplate, underneath is a layer of fishy red film, and on it you can see the big blood vessels of the giant tortoise.

“Small dragon, lead it farther. Unicorn, take my backpack over.” Yang Tian crawled out of the turtle shell, loudly said to two clever monsters.

The little green dragon flew lower, baring fangs and brandishing claws, waving the dragon’s whiskers, making a deep cry, and the unicorn immediately flew to the lake and took Yang Tian’s backpack over. .

Yang Tian took the backpack from the unicorn’s mouth and took out two timed high-explosive detonators from the inside.

After killing the giant earthworm, Wang Kun’s entire group was attracted to kill Wang Kun, and he found it in their backpack.

At this time, this kind of high-explosive detonator is just right.

Yang Tian detonated the high-explosive detonator regularly after two minutes, and after throwing it in the turtle shell, he immediately carried his backpack, jumped off the turtle’s back, and avoided it far.

“Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight…ten, nine, eight, seven…”


Yang Tian After jumping off the turtle’s back, he timed in his heart. When he counted to seven in the heart, there was a loud noise.

Yang Tian counted faster, with an error of seven seconds.

The high-explosive detonator exploded, and a cloud of blood rose into the sky from the middle of the turtle’s back.

From this group of blood and water, Yang Tian can see that there are countless pieces of meat mixed with it.

The formidable power of this high-explosive detonator is huge, and it is loaded with the largest explosive today. The shell hole dug by Yang Tian is only about three meters in diameter. In an instant, it exploded. Certainly the power of’s cannot be vented from the shell hole of only about three meters in diameter, so it will vent to the giant tortoise’s body within the body.

General tortoises don’t call, because it has no vocal cords. This is also true for this giant tortoise. When two high-explosive detonators exploded, they caused huge damage to its body. He just craned his neck, and opened his mouth a huge jet of water.

At this time, the water sprayed by the giant tortoise is no longer white, but blood-red.


Suddenly, the giant tortoise’s four legs became soft, and the huge shell lost its support. It smashed on the ground with a roar. The ground shuddered.

Yang Tian wiped a few blood beads splashed on the face, moved towards the head of the giant turtle and walked over.

The giant tortoise opened his eyes wide, looking at Yang Tian who was coming, struggling to move, finally lowered his head weakly and closed his eyes.

This big guy is finally over!

Another problem has arisen, that is, the head of this giant tortoise is really tenacious. The skin is covered with black scales. It is estimated that it will take a lot of money to break this giant head. It takes a long time.

The little Qinglong landed on the ground, restored his petite body shape before, lying on the side, looking at Yang Tian curiously.

Yang Tian is not afraid of trouble, removes the power of the dragon ball full of hands, restores human hands, pulls out the knife, and begins to pry off the scales on the giant **** one by one…

From noon to night, and then to the morning of the 2nd day, Yang Tian used the lamp to fight at night, and finally broke the head of the giant tortoise. Regardless of the stench, he sneaked into the brain of the giant tortoise directly from the excavated bone hole After a few minutes, he finally found a very hard object and grabbed the head of the giant tortoise.

Yang Tian regardless of the brains on the body, wiped off the wet liquid on the beast nucleus by hand.

In the morning sunshine, the beast core in Yang Tian’s hands reflects the multicolored light.

This is actually a Level 9 beast core!

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