“Are there any questions?” After Yuyang Nansi answered Yang Tian, ​​he asked again.

Yang Tian shook the head.

There is indeed no problem.

A long time has passed between the questions and answers, and the array next to it lights up again.

“Then I…bye! I am leaving.” didn’t expect At this time, Yuyang Nansi looked at Yang Tian and said goodbye to Yang Tian.

“Are you going?” Yang Tian was very surprised.

Yuyang Nansi nodded: “I have answered your question, you should let me go.”

“But…” Yang Tian was rather reluctant.

Yuyang Nansi said with a smile: “Don’t worry, we Yuyang women only follow one man in our life. Now, I have something to do. I know you don’t like me, stay with me Being by your side will make you embarrassed.”

“Why did you choose me?” Yang Tian asked.

Yuyang Nansi said: “Because I am optimistic about you, your bloodline is very special. In fact, I am…not at all…feelings to you.”

Yang Tian Said: “You can stay for a while. I still want to learn the language with you, the outside language.”

Yuyang Nansi said with a smile: “It’s very simple, I will leave it to you. Things, what you humans say, high-tech things.” After that, Yuyang Nansi opened his arm armor, took out something less than one centimeter in diameter and length, and placed it in Handed it to Yang Tian in the palm of his hand.

Yang Tian stretched out his hand and picked up from Yuyang Nansi’s palm.

After looking at this thing, Yang Tian couldn’t understand it.

Yuyang Nansi pointed to his ear and said, “Put it into your ear, and it can translate for you. In fact, when you reach the level of a dead star warrior, your memory ability is already very strong. It, you will soon learn… outside language.”

Yang Tian nodded, holding the’translator’ in his hand.

Yuyang Nansi picked up his helmet and quickly set foot on the Transmission Array.


After Yuyang Nansi stepped on the Transmission Array, he looked at Yang Tian, ​​said with a smile.


Yang Tian was taken aback, when Yuyang Nansi disappeared, he couldn’t help but extend the hand and wanted to keep her.

But for a while, Yang Tian couldn’t find a better reason.

At this time, Yang Tian’s heart is very contradictory.

This is also human nature. For men, being their first woman will always make them unforgettable.


After Yuyang Nansi got down from the formation in the tunnel, he smiled slightly, stroked his abdomen lightly, and then put on his helmet and moved towards Go to the bright place ahead.

I don’t know when, the mask on her helmet has been restored.

Sure enough, it is a good thing with high technology!

At this time, no one can tell that she is a woman.

The invisible wall at the exit of the tunnel did not affect Yuyang Nansi, so she went out directly.

When he walked to the white’mysterious gate’ inside, Yuyang Nansi turned around and looked at the tunnel entrance on her body. She knew that Yang Tian would definitely enter here soon At that time, Yang Tian will face the test of Death Star Domain.

“My man, in the future, he will definitely be a cosmic powerhouse!”

After saying this in the language on Earth, Yuyang Nansi turned around, Walked into the “background” of white.


Hao Wuxing, Lanchen Empire.

In a large room.

“Yes! You have initially activated the Bloodline Strength within the body, and you can use it. In your current realm, you are already a dead-star domain owner. Are you happy?”

A middle-aged man with long black clothed hair, standing in front of Qin Fei, asked with a smile.

At this time, Qin Fei is more beautiful and moving. Because of her powerful strength, her skin has become better and brighter, and her whole person has become more energetic.

“en!” Qin Fei strongly nodded, “Thank you! I want to know who you are.”

Long-haired middle-aged man said with a smile: “Not to say However, when the time comes, will I naturally tell you?”

Qin Fei was a little helpless and nodded.


At this moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside.

If it was before, Qin Fei would not have noticed, but now, she can judge that the footsteps are almost 30 meters away from the door.

“People are coming, I’ll leave first.”

The middle-aged man whispered to Qin Fei, and then disappeared. When he left, there was not even a trace of airflow.

Soon, a maid appeared outside the door.

“Her Highness the Princess, the Lord invites you to the main hall for discussion.”

The maid said outside the door.

“I see.” Qin Fei said indifferently.

Qin Fei pursed her lower lip, looked at the blue sky outside the window, turned around helplessly, and moved towards the door.

During this time, apart from practicing according to the mysterious middle-aged man’s request, Qin Fei spent the rest of the time thinking about Yang Tian, ​​even dreaming, every time Yang Tian.

She dreamed of the days when she was in middle school with Yang Tian, ​​and walking in the small woods…

Qin Fei now misses Yang Tian very much.

Whenever she is alone, she feels very lonely.

Before the ceremony on that day, the lord of the country, Lan Jing, was full of expectations for Qin Fei and was extremely enthusiastic about Qin Fei. Everyday all had to come to visit Qin Fei, but now, Qin Fei hasn’t seen it for a long time. A biological mother.


In the great hall, Lan Jing, the lord of the Lanchen Empire, dressed in a large and gorgeous gown, sitting on a high seat.

In the seat under the stage, there was a handsome tall silver-haired youngster.

This person is dashing eyebrows, with full of heroic spirit on him, so that the Her Highness the Princesses on the opposite side frequently cast affectionate gazes.

But the youngster ignored it.

The maid who went to Qin Fei’s report came back soon and whispered a few words in Lan Jing’s ear.

Aquamarine is nodded.

“Four Prince, please wait, the big Princess will be here soon.” The maid turned around, gave a salute to the young man, and then exited the great hall.

A few minutes later, Qin Fei appeared from the side door of the great hall.

After seeing Qin Fei, the young man laughed and stood up immediately. His eyes were full of joy when he looked at Qin Fei.

Seeing the appearance of the’Four Prince’, the faces of the Princesses of the Lanchen Empire on the opposite side quickly became cold as ice and frost, and the eyes of Qin Fei were full resentment.

“Big Her Highness the Princess!”

The young’Four Princes’ bowed to Qin Fei and said.

The two should be equal, but this’four Prince’ salutes Qin Fei. Everyone can see the love.

Qin Fei bends down to this’four Prince’, which is regarded as a gift.

Qin Fei wears a blue dress. Although she has no makeup and no gorgeous jewellery, her pure breath will make people feel bright.

“Qian’er, this is the fourth Prince of the’Zichen Empire’, Zi Shu.” Lan Jing was introduced by Qin Fei.

After returning to the Lanchen Empire, Qin Fei’s name was Lan Qian, and Lan Jing also called her Qianer.

Qin Fei is nodded to Zi Shu.

“Xier, you are not young anymore. Mother has promised four Princes and betroth you to him. What do you think?” Lan Jing looked at Qin Fei and asked.

Although it was a questioning, Kyan Jing’s tone was full of unobjectionable ideas.

“Mother, I am already married, and my man is named Yang Tian.” Qin Fei said to the biological mother before him again.

Qin Fei has already said about this.

When Qin Fei said this, Lan Jing frowned. I feel that this daughter who has been away from home for many years is too disobedient.

In this situation, Qin Fei’s words made Kyanite lose face.

Zi Shu below is a bit embarrassed and laughed.

Ayan Jing sighed and said, “Where do you have a man? Your body has never been touched by a man.”

Qin Fei doesn’t know what the biological mother is like Seeing it, some sorry people lowered their heads.

Those bounty hunters came too’on time’, if they come one day later, she will be Yang Tian’s woman. In this regard, Qin Fei is very sorry. Becoming Yang Tian’s woman is just like Yang Tian wants to marry her…

“This is all set! Go down first!” Lan Jing glanced at Qin Fei, with no doubt Said in a tone.

Qin Fei did not bow, turned around and left the great hall.

From beginning to end, Qin Fei didn’t look at Zi Shu more.

After Qin Fei left, Lan Jing said to Zi Shu in an apologetic tone: “Qian’er is still very young and ignorant. When I arrive at Zichen Country, naturally I understand everything.”

“Yes!” Zi Shu nodded with a smile said.


“Send someone to find out, which planet is the exile where Eldest Prince once was.”

Out of the great hall, return After arriving in the guest room, the Four Prince Zishu said to a young guard wearing purple armor.


The young guard replied complied and immediately turned around and went out.

“Yang Tian……” Zi Shu said Yang Tian’s name, and his eyes were full of hatred.

Sometimes, two people who have not met each other will have hatred, of course it is the reason.

On the ceremony that day, the fourth Prince fell in love with Qin Fei, and he shouted a pity in his heart, but later, he didn’t expect that this big Princess would give up the throne of the Lanchen Empire , And made him very happy.

For love rivals, men are ruthless.


“uncle, mother forced me to marry, but I like Yang Tian. Moreover, the two of us are already married, only the last step.”

After Qin Fei returned to his residence, the long-haired middle-aged man soon appeared in front of Qin Fei, Qin Fei said in distress.

Qin Fei has always called this long-haired middle-aged man uncle during this period.

The long-haired middle-aged man has no objection to this title.

“No one can force you, don’t worry, when the time comes…hehe!” The long-haired middle-aged man said this and laughed.

“What can you do?”

Qin Fei looked at the confident look of the long-haired middle-aged man and asked curiously.

Qin Fei knows that she is still at the level of the Star Domain master now. If she wants to leave here, it is impossible, even the planet-star domain master is impossible.

An empire exists because there are a large number of experts. In the Lanchen Empire, there are many experts at the main level of the Star Domain.

These things were told by the uncle in front of her.

“hehe! When the time comes, you know it, you have to believe in uncle, I am the star master!” The middle-aged man smiled and said proudly.

Star owners, there are dead stars, planet stars, constant stars…

Qin Fei knows that this’uncle’ is definitely not a dead star, So what kind of star is he?

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