[6th Chapter 4]

Ice Snow City is over. The closest to Ice Snow City is in Wapo City north of Ice Snow City. Everyone who got the news felt dangerous. , Packed up things one after another, ready to run away.

Among these people, most are the families of martial artists and martial artists, because they are the first group to get news.

Wabo City is not ruled by a single person like Ice Snow City, but like Heavenly Hero City, controlled by the Martial Dao Association.

Martial Dao Association President Bernard is an eighth-level martial artist. After watching the video uploaded from the satellite, he prepared to escape from Wabo City. Before Ice Snow City completely fell, he had already let his family pack up their things and arranged a special plane.

The most powerful martial artists in the city do this, even more how the other martial artists in the city. Bernard’s men followed suit one after another, without the courage to stay.

The Zichen Empire warriors came to Earth and it took less than ten hours to count. The common people only knew that there were aliens on Earth. Most people didn’t know that these aliens came. Here, it is to kill them to the last one and’clean up’ the entire Earth.

While a large number of martial artists and the families of martial artists are tidying up their things, the ordinary people’s life is as usual, and they live very leisurely. What they worry about is not alien attack, but Worried about the alien beast outside the city.

At this time, many people are watching TV at home.

Most of today’s TV shows are the TVs, movies and some science and education programs that have been preserved before the YS virus outbreak.

The signal of TV is transmitted via satellite. Although monsters are rampant around the world, human technology has not regressed, but has made some progress.

Almost at the same moment, the TV screen in Wabo City suddenly jumped and switched programs, and a video appeared.

The TV shows the video taken by Wang Haolong with his martial artist assistant, as well as the situation before Wang Haolong’s death. In addition to the images, there are also sounds.

The scenes of this scene surprised the people who saw it. They didn’t expect that aliens who came to Earth would treat humans so cruelly, even babies and pregnant women. Let it go.

This is obviously not a TV show, nor an action movie, but a real thing, because in this era, no TV and film company can shoot such a real scene.

After the video is over, a paragraph of text is displayed soon.

“The class leader, and my fellow junior class, goodbye, there is only this thing I can do. You send these videos out for the martial artists to see and question them, this It is the home they should guard. When the common people are killed, where are they?”

This passage was said by Wang Haolong before he died.

At the end of this passage, Wang Haolong’s name and an introduction to Wang Haolong are also displayed.

Although I have seen it in the video just now, when I saw this passage again, most of the people were excited. They were moved but also very angry.

They were moved by Wang Haolong’s behavior, and at the same time, they were angry at the actions of martial artists!

Because they were still kept in the dark until they saw this video. Some people said that aliens are very friendly. This kind of bullshit is still believed.

After the text is displayed, next is the video of Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong fighting on the Antarctic ice sheet. This video was filmed via satellite, but it is very clear.

At the bottom of this video, there is another explanation: Yang Tian and his beast pet have been in the south for several hours. They are facing the most powerful house in the Zichen Empire. For the safety of human beings, they could have left Earth, but stayed. Our martial artists have been watching, watching like a lively show. They may still be thinking about how they can escape after Yang Tian’s defeat. Where to go? Or considering the surrender of the Zichen Empire, whether it is possible to survive…

This passage ridiculed the martial artists as trenched with blood. Decades have passed. The spirit of the first generation of martial artists has long been lost…

After the Yang Tian battle video was over, they switched to the original program screen.

This is a special program that uses satellites to broadcast to the world at the same time, and introduces different languages ​​for different regions.

The instigator is more than a thousand teenagers in the juvenile class.

In the Hero City.

“ha ha ha…”

In the TV satellite signal control room, a blond boy laughed.

In this control room, the previous staff were knocked out. In the one-person control room, the boy seemed very proud.


Suddenly, the door of the control room was knocked open, and a blonde middle-aged man broke in.

“Kate, what a good thing you did!” The middle-aged man furiously said after seeing the boy who was only 15-16 years old.

“Daddy, don’t be angry, I think I did the right thing.” Kate looked at the angry father, but said proudly.

“You…Get out of here!” Kate’s father didn’t know what to do, so he could only say furiously.

“Daddy, don’t be angry, I will go now.” Kate said with a smile. After he finished speaking, he quickly ran out of the control room, leaving the troubled father behind.

“This child, I really shouldn’t have made him a martial artist…” Kate’s father shook the head helplessly, said.

This teenager named Kate is also a member of the Junior Class.

After leaving the control room, Kate immediately sent a message to the members of the class.

In fact, he doesn’t need to send messages, everyone knows. People in the whole world now know about the slaughter of humans by the Zichen tribe.

Kate did this, of course, because of a point of inviting credit, and also very proud, which is also normal.

This kind of thing can only be done by passionate teenagers.

Compared with them, those older martial artists seem to be depressed.

The juvenile class is full of members regardless of region or national border. Among them, Li Junyang has contributed the most. He united these juvenile martial artists with Yang Tian as their idol.

After Kate returned home, she immediately packed up her weapons and equipment.

At the same time, Mark, Nora, and Wu Steward in Hero City, Qin Fei’s parents Qin Yunlong and Xue Yu are all ready to go. They will not go directly to the South Pole. It is to several cities near Ice Snow City.

They know that with their strength, they won’t be able to help Yang Tian even if they go to the Antarctic. Instead, they will add chaos to Yang Tian. It’s better to try their best to unite some people and resist together. The attack of the Zichen Empire fighters.


cold wind whistling!

“weng weng weng……”

The knife in Yang Tian’s hand shook again.

He has a foreboding that the next battle will be determined.

“Yang Tian…you are very strong…I decided…in advance…to enter…the realm of the star master of death…you are my sacrifice.”

At this time, Zichen Jiwei raised the knife, pointed at Yang Tian, ​​and spoke intermittently in a less proficient language.

Promoted to star owner?

Yang Tian was stunned.

The current realm of Zichen Jiwei is the Star King of Death, and the Star Lord is Level 1 higher than the Star King. If Zichen Jiwu rises to the realm of the star master, he will definitely lose!

So, only the same’forbidden technique’ he used when he defeated Du Tianxiong was used again.

Perhaps, this is the chance to kill Zichen Jiwei who is about to become the star master.

But in the next situation, Yang Tian didn’t expect it at all, and he realized that the power gap between the Star King and the Star Lord is really too big…

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